Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Raja and asterias [ 6 ] records

asterias, Raja Delaroche [F. E.] 1809:322 [37], Pl. 20 (fig. 1) [Annales du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 13; ref. 17380] Barcelona, Spain, western Mediterranean Sea. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-1610. Type catalog: Bertin 1939:83 [ref. 20739], Séret & McEachran 1987:13 [ref. 9312]. On p. 37 and Pl. 1 of separate. •Valid as Raja asterias Delaroche 1809 -- (Stehmann 1973:58 [ref. 7168], Stehmann & Bürkel in Whitehead et al. 1984:184 [ref. 13675], Capapé 1987:22 [ref. 39326], Stehmann 1990:37 [ref. 19316], Stehmann 1995:113 [ref. 22055], Compagno 1999:492 [ref. 25589], Bilecenoğlu et al. 2002:22 [ref. 26753], Golani 2005:13 [ref. 37112], Fricke et al. 2007:18 [ref. 29533], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:13 [ref. 36649], Weigmann 2016:117 [ref. 34211], Last & Séret 2016:477 [ref. 34640], Last et al. 2016:22 [ref. 34941], Last et al. 2016:318 [ref. 35000], Almeida & Biscoito 2019:149 [ref. 37302], Carneiro et al. 2019:45 [ref. 37250], Kovačić et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37519], Serena et al. 2020:502 [ref. 37963], Arroyo Martínez 2021:74 [ref. 38962], Giovos et al. 2021:6 [ref. 38895], Golani 2021:11 [ref. 38303], Kovačić et al. 2021:15 [ref. 39014], Bañón & Mano 2022:15 [ref. 40121], Barone et al. 2022:50 [ref. 39527], Balàka et al. 2023:6 [ref. 40410], Shakman et al. 2023:464 [ref. 40810], Artüz & Fricke 2024:537 [ref. 41509]). Current status: Valid as Raja asterias Delaroche 1809. Rajidae. Distribution: Mediterranean Sea; Sea of Marmara; eastern Atlantic: Spain and Portugal south to northern Morocco. Habitat: marine.

jojenia, Raja Cocco [A.] 1834:85 [1], Pl. [Atti della Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania v. 11; ref. 18011] Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. No types known. On p. 1 of separate. Spelled jojenia in text, joenia on plate, with common name Razza Gioenia in text; first reviser not researched. •Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809 -- (Stehmann 1973:59 [ref. 7168]). Current status: Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809. Rajidae. Habitat: marine.

minor, Raja asterias var. Doderlein [P.] 1884:184 [Manuale Ittiologico del Mediterraneo ossia sinossi metodica delle varie specie di pesci riscontrate sin qui nel Mediterraneo ossia senossi metodica delle di Sicilia. 5 parts.; ref. 17416] Palermo, Sicily; Mediterranean Sea; Adriatic Sea; Atlantic. Rajidae. Habitat: marine.

punctata, Raia Risso [A.] 1810:12 [Ichthyologie de Nice; ref. 3755] Nice, France, northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Séret & McEachran 1987:32 [ref. 9312]. •Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809 -- (Stehmann 1973:58 [ref. 7168], Bilecenoğlu et al. 2002:22 [ref. 26753], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:13 [ref. 36649]). Current status: Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809. Rajidae. Habitat: marine.

schultzii, Raja Müller [J.] & Henle [F. G. J.] 1841:138, 198, [Pl. 47 (left)] [Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen; ref. 3069] Mediterranean Sea. Lectotype: ZMB 4596. Paralectotypes: MNHN 0000-1604 (2), 00000-1605 (1), 0000-1606 (1), 0000-1608 (3), 0000-1612 (2), 0000-1801 (1), 1986-0522 (2); ZMB 4593-95 (1, 1, 1), 4635 (1). Type catalog: Séret & McEachran 1987:16-17 [ref. 9312], Paepke & Schmidt 1988:174 [ref. 21041]. Lectotype was designated by Eschmeyer 1998:1524 [ref. 23416] to agree with use of "holotype" in current literature. •Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809 -- (Stehmann 1973:59 [ref. 7168]). Current status: Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809. Rajidae. Habitat: marine.

stellata, Raia Garman [S.] 1913:321 [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 36; ref. 1545] Genoa, Italy, northwestern Mediterranean Sea. Holotype (unique): MCZ. Not intended as new, but validates a pre-Linnaean name. •Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809 -- (Stehmann 1973:59 [ref. 7168]). Current status: Synonym of Raja asterias Delaroche 1809. Rajidae. Habitat: marine.

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