Species that contain: Semilabeo and notabilis [ 2 ] records mirus, Amplolabrius Lin [S.-Y.] 1933:82, Figs. 2-3 [Lingnan Science Journal, Canton v. 12 (no. 1); ref. 2782] Shiu-Kwan, northern Kwangtung, China. Holotype: BLG 2946. •Synonym of Semilabeo notabilis Peters 1881 -- (Wu et al. 1977:369 [ref. 4807], Mai 1978:62 [ref. 13511], Zheng et al. 1989:210 [ref. 21202], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:184 [ref. 23876], Zhang et al. in Yue 2000:224 [ref. 25272], Zhang et al. 2016:115 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Synonym of Semilabeo notabilis Peters 1881. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Habitat: freshwater.
notabilis, Semilabeo Peters [W. (C. H.)] 1881:1032, Unnumbered plate fig. 3 [Monatsberichte der Königlichen Preussischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin 1880; ref. 3456] Hong Kong, China. Holotype (unique): ZMB 11324. •Valid as Semilabeo notabilis Peters 1881 -- (Wu et al. 1977:369 [ref. 4807], Mai 1978:62 [ref. 13511], Chu & Cui in Chu & Chen 1989:239 [ref. 13584], Zheng et al. 1989:210 [ref. 21202], Chen et al. in Pan et al. 1991:184 [ref. 23876], Ding 1994:353 [ref. 21531], Zhu 1995:68 [ref. 25213], Zhang et al. in Yue 2000:223 [ref. 25272], Kottelat 2001:41 [ref. 25482], Kottelat 2013:162 [ref. 32989], Zhang et al. 2016:115 [ref. 34477]). Current status: Valid as Semilabeo notabilis Peters 1881. Cyprinidae: Labeoninae. Distribution: Asia. Habitat: freshwater.