Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Strongylura and anastomella [ 4 ] records

anastomella, Belone Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:446 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 18; ref. 1011] China. Holotype (unique): MNHN B-1130. Type catalog: Collette et al. 1997:6 [ref. 22813]. •Valid as Belone anastomella Valenciennes 1846 -- (Mees 1962:13 [ref. 13277]). •Valid as Ablennes anastomella (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Cheng & Zhou 1997:221 [ref. 26385], Wang et al. 2001:190 [ref. 26566]). •Valid as Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Parin 1967:38 [ref. 10272], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:78 [ref. 6441], Sokolovskaya et al. 1998:8 [ref. 24670], Nakabo 2000:562 [ref. 25086], Kolpakov & Barabanshchikov 2001:423 [ref. 25413], Nakabo 2002:562 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:219, 545 [ref. 26218], Collette 2003:6 [ref. 27306], Parin et al. 2014:197 [ref. 33547], Dyldin & Orlov 2017:55 [ref. 35138], Kim et al. 2020:81 [ref. 39118], Dyldin et al. 2021:44 [ref. 38804], Luo et al. 2024:8 [ref. 41630]). Current status: Valid as Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846). Belonidae. Distribution: Northwestern Pacific: South China sea (southern China), Yellow Sea, Sea of Japan (Korea, Japan, Russia), Pacific coast of Japan from Hokkaido to Kyushu and eastern Russia. Habitat: brackish, marine.

esocina, Belone Basilewsky [S.] 1855:260 [Nouveaux mémoires de la Société impériale des naturalistes de Moscou v. 10; ref. 200] "Mari Provinciam Shandun'ensem alluente," China. No types at ZIN. •Synonym of Belone anastomella Valenciennes 1846 -- (Mees 1962:13 [ref. 13277]). •Synonym of Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Parin 1967:38 [ref. 10272], Collette 2003:6 [ref. 27306], Dyldin & Orlov 2017:55 [ref. 35138]). Current status: Synonym of Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846). Belonidae. Habitat: marine.

gracilis, Belone Temminck [C. J.] & Schlegel [H.] 1846:246, Pl. 110 (fig. 1) [Fauna Japonica Parts 10-14; ref. 4374] Japan. Lectotype: RMNH D1878 (stuffed). Paralectotypes: (1 of following) RMNH D1881 (1, stuffed), ?2806 (1). Lectotype selected by Boeseman 1947:180 [ref. 12876]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Belone gracilis Lowe 1838. •Synonym of Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Parin 1967:38 [ref. 10272], Collette 2003:6 [ref. 27306]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846). Belonidae. Habitat: marine.

issajewi, Tylosurus Gratzianov [V. I.] 1907:243 [Trudy Otdela Ichtiologii Imperatorskago Russkago Obshchestva Akklimatizacii Zivotnych' i Rastenii. v. 4; ref. 1871] Vladivostok, Russia. Syntypes: ?ZIN 8662 (1). •Synonym of Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Parin 1967:38 [ref. 10272], Collette 2003:6 [ref. 27306], Parin et al. 2014:197 [ref. 33547], Dyldin & Orlov 2017:55 [ref. 35138]). Current status: Synonym of Strongylura anastomella (Valenciennes 1846). Belonidae. Habitat: marine.

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