Species that contain: Tripterygion and atriceps [ 1 ] records atriceps, Tripterygium Jenkins [O. P.] 1903:505, Fig. 46 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 22 (1902); ref. 2341] Honolulu, Oahu Island, Hawaiian Islands. Holotype: USNM 50719. Paratypes: CAS-SU 23305 (9). Non-types: USNM 51165 (3), 126693 (3). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:99 [ref. 12291], Springer & Orrell 1996:24-25 [ref. 22274]. Original genus should have been Tripterygion. •Valid as Enneapterygius atriceps (Jenkins 1903) -- (Fricke 1997:161, 566 [ref. 23339], Williams & Fricke 2001:3534 [ref. 26288], Mundy 2005:460 [ref. 28379], Fricke 2009:38 [ref. 30394], Patzner et al. 2009:444 [ref. 30396], Randall 2007:373 [ref. 30952], Meguro & Motomura 2010:6 [ref. 31252], Motomura et al. 2015:10 [ref. 33825], Fricke & Erdmann 2017:28 [ref. 35129]). Current status: Valid as Enneapterygius atriceps (Jenkins 1903). Tripterygiidae: Tripterygiinae. Distribution: Central Pacific: Hawaiian Ridge and Hawaiian Islands. Habitat: marine.