Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Urolophus and asterias [ 3 ] records

asterias, Urolophus Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1883:579 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 5 (no. 327) (for 25 Apr. 1883); ref. 10615] Mazatlán, Sinaloa, western Mexico. Syntypes: USNM 28204 (1), 29524 (1, lost), 29542 (1), 29580 (1), 29318 (1, lost). •Synonym of Urolophus munda (Gill 1863) -- (Castro-Aguirre & Espinosa Pérez 1996:50 [ref. 22793]). •Synonym of Urotrygon munda Gill 1863 -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:68 [ref. 24550], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:126 [ref. 34398], Fricke et al. 2024:100 [ref. 41622]). •Valid as Urotrygon asterias (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Hiyama in Kumada 1937:22 [ref. 39147], Castro-Aguirre 1965:228 [ref. 41098], Miyake & McEachran 1986:300 [ref. 6153], Nishida 1990:92 [ref. 19783], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:69 [ref. 24555], Last & Yearsley 2016:7 [ref. 34940] with question, Ehemann et al. 2024:12 [ref. 41306]). Current status: Valid as Urotrygon asterias (Jordan & Gilbert 1883). Urotrygonidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Pacific coast of southern Baja California Sur (Mexico) south to Costa Rica, including Gulf of California (Mexico). IUCN (2024): Not Assessed. Habitat: marine.

chilensis, Urolophus Günther [A.] 1872:653, Pl. 53 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1871 (pt 3) (art. 1) (for 21 Nov. 1871); ref. 1997] Chile. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1871.9.13.119. Type catalog: Ehemann et al. 2021:[2] [ref. 38127]. •Synonym of Urotrygon asterias (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Miyake & McEachran 1986:297 [ref. 6153]). •Valid as Urotrygon chilensis (Günther 1872) -- (Castro-Aguirre 1965:231 [ref. 41098], Miyake & McEachran 1988:374 [ref. 12878], Pequeño 1989:17 [ref. 14125], Bussing & López S. 1994:34 [ref. 23101], McEachran in Fischer et al. 1995:790 [ref. 22829], Castro-Aguirre & Espinosa Pérez 1996:52 [ref. 22793], De La Cruz Agüero et al. 1997:43 [ref. 24545], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:66, 70 [ref. 24555], López S. & Bussing 1998:276 [ref. 24917], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:70 [ref. 24550], Compagno 1999:494 [ref. 25589], Nelson et al. 2004:57 [ref. 27807], Love et al. 2005:14 [ref. 37547], Page et al. 2013:56 [ref. 32708], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:124 [ref. 34398], Last & Yearsley 2016:7 [ref. 34940], Weigmann 2016:162 [ref. 34211] see remarks, Last & McEachran 2016:665 [ref. 35013], Ehemann et al. 2018:27 [ref. 36194], Romero-Berny et al. 2018:88 [ref. 35859], Calle-Morán et al. 2020:247 [ref. 37881], Ehemann et al. 2021:[3] [ref. 38127], González-Acosta et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38361], Love et al. 2021:28 [ref. 39279], Page et al. 2023:47 [ref. 40505], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:78 [ref. 40816], Vela-Espinosa et al. 2023:5 [ref. 40981], Ehemann et al. 2024:12 [ref. 41305], Fricke et al. 2024:99 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Urotrygon chilensis (Günther 1872). Urotrygonidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: northern Ecuador south to Taltal (northern Chile); ?Colombia. Replaced from Mexico to Costa Rica by Urotrygon asterias (Jordan & Gilbert 1883). Habitat: marine.

goodei, Urolophus Jordan [D. S.] & Bollman [C. H.] 1890:151 [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 12 (no. 770); ref. 2433] Off Pacific coast of Colombia, 8°06'30"N, 78°51'W, Albatross station 2795, depth 33 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 41150. Paratypes: CAS-SU 411 (1). Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:11 [ref. 12291]. •Valid as Urotrygon goodei Jordan & Bollman 1890 -- (Castro-Aguirre 1965:227 [ref. 41098]). •Valid as Urolophus goodei Jordan & Bollman 1890 -- (Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:70 [ref. 24555]). •Synonym of Urotrygon asterias (Jordan & Gilbert 1883) -- (Miyake & McEachran 1986:297 [ref. 6153]). •Synonym of Urotrygon chilensis (Günther 1872) -- (Castro-Aguirre & Espinosa Pérez 1996:52 [ref. 22793], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:70 [ref. 24550], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:124 [ref. 34398], Fricke et al. 2024:99 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Synonym of Urotrygon chilensis (Günther 1872). Urotrygonidae. Habitat: marine.

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