Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability

CAS Ichthyology Collection Database

CAS-ICH 54382 Notropis nazas   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Leuciscidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 2/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Al., Needham Et.  Field Number SW 12-VII-52 Date Collected 12 Jul 1952 : 1400-1500
Continent/Ocean North America Country Mexico State Durango State County
Water Body RIO ARENALES Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width 100 ft. Salinity F Gear seine
Locality 33 miles from Otinapa; vegetation, water silty; current mostly slow to rapid
Latitude-Longitude 24.029592°, -105.469910°; uncertainty: 6889 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type mud, silt, gravel
Georef. RemarksMarker placed almost where Arroyo Arenales (please correct) joins Arroyo Rio El Jaral, to create "Rio El Jaral". Otinapa is about 30 miles/48 km. ENE of here. West end of polygon reaches the stated 33 miles/52 km.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks see field notes for additional data