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CAS-ICH 40863 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Paloma, P. A.  Field Number Z40863 Date Collected  
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality California
Latitude-Longitude   Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1961-X:18 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40864 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Copsey, J. E.  Field Number JEC 20-IX-50 Date Collected 20 Sep 1950 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Bodega Bay.
Latitude-Longitude 38.276295°, -123.008976°; uncertainty: 6425 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1952-VIII:28 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40866 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Simpson, D. A.  Field Number DAS 9-XII-48 Date Collected 9 Dec 1948 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear
Locality San Francisco, P.G.&E. Sta. A.
Latitude-Longitude 37.739201°, -122.359059°; uncertainty: 4217 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksLocated two former PG&E plants in the San Francisco Bay (Portero Power Plant/Hunter's Point)- error polygon highlights the waters around these plants.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40869 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, Ken  Field Number KI 20-X-52 Date Collected 20 Oct 1952 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear
Locality San Francisco, Hunters Pt.
Latitude-Longitude 37.723991°, -122.323466°; uncertainty: 2151 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksMarker and uncertainty circle of 2151m have been created to encompass area where specimens were collected.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks Stomach.
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40870 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, Ken  Field Number KI 26-II-53 Date Collected 26 Feb 1953 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear
Locality San Francisco, Hunters Pt.
Latitude-Longitude 37.723991°, -122.323466°; uncertainty: 2151 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksMarker and uncertainty circle of 2151m have been created to encompass area where specimens were collected.
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks Stomach.
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40871 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel   Field Number Z40871 Date Collected  
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp net catch
Locality San Francisco, Hunters Pt.
Latitude-Longitude 37.723991°, -122.323466°; uncertainty: 2151 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksMarker and uncertainty circle of 2151m have been created to encompass area where specimens were collected.
Acc. Number 1960-IX:13 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40872 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 2/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Coyote Point Shark Derby  Field Number CPSD 25-II-67 Date Collected 25 Feb 1967 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear
Locality San Francisco Bay
Latitude-Longitude   Bottom Type
Acc. Number Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21413 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, K. F.; Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number KFI 14-IX-51 Date Collected 14 Sep 1951 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21444 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 2/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, K. F.; Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number KFI 17-X-51 Date Collected 17 Oct 1951 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21651 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, K. F.; Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number KFI 10-VIII-52 Date Collected 10 Aug 1952 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21767 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, K. F.; Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number KFI 30-I-53 Date Collected 30 Jan 1953 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21898 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Hopkirk, J. D. / 1960 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 2/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel E.S. Herald, Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number ESH 26-XI-54 Date Collected 26 Nov 1954 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21968 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Hopkirk, J. D. / 1960 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 17/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, K. F.; Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number KFI 28-IV-53 Date Collected 28 Apr 1953 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks 1 removed as gift to M. Lagios.
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 21971 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 16/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Innes, K. F.; Hunters Point Shrimp Co.  Field Number KFI 26-II-53 Date Collected 26 Feb 1953 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear Chinese shrimp nets
Locality Off Alameda.
Latitude-Longitude 37.763109°, -122.241933°; uncertainty: 10168 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksDrew a 10,000m uncertainty radius around Alameda since no other specific information on collection location was given.
Acc. Number 1959-XII:30 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40865 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Simpson, D. A.  Field Number DAS 3-XII-48 Date Collected 3 Dec 1948 
Continent/Ocean North America Country United States State California County Alameda County
Water Body San Francisco Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity B Gear
Locality Off Alameda mud-flats.
Latitude-Longitude 37.752170°, -122.245784°; uncertainty: 452 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1948-XII:4 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks Obtained from Hunters Point Shrimp Co.

CAS-ICH 26126 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Comgagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 1/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Quast, J. C.  Field Number Q53-4 Date Collected 24 May 1953 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County Marin Co.
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Point Reyes Beach.
Latitude-Longitude 38.081979°, -122.976340°; uncertainty: 9776 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1953-VI:7 Specimen Remarks C5.
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 26676 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Follett, W. I. / 1959 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 0/1/0 Prep Type - Preservative skeletal Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Konatich, F.; Konatich, T.  Field Number K&K 30-VII-59 Date Collected 30 Jul 1959 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County Marin Co.
Water Body Tomales Bay Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Opposite Young Landing.
Latitude-Longitude 38.163495°, -122.906711°; uncertainty: 11562 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Georef. RemarksUnable to locate a Young Landing in Tomales Bay, so error polygon highlights the entire bay.
Acc. Number 1959-VII:30 Specimen Remarks Vertebrae only, 31.5" T.L.
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40867 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 0/1/0 Prep Type - Preservative skeletal Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Ripley, W. E.; Fry, D. H.; Herald, E. S.  Field Number ESH 15-X-50 Date Collected 15 Oct 1950 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County Marin Co.
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Between Pt. Bonita and Pt. Reyes.
Latitude-Longitude 37.906044°, -122.758145°; uncertainty: 23357 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1950-X:16 Specimen Remarks Spines, jaws and skin.
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 40868 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Compagno, L. J. V. / 24 Dec 1977 Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 5/0/0 Prep Type - Preservative alc-75% EtOH Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Ripley, W. E.; Fry, D. H.; Herald, E. S.  Field Number ESH 15-X-50 Date Collected 15 Oct 1950 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County Marin Co.
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Between Pt. Bonita and Pt. Reyes.
Latitude-Longitude 37.906044°, -122.758145°; uncertainty: 23357 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1950-X:16 Specimen Remarks
Collecting Event Remarks

CAS-ICH 65118 Squalus acanthias   [Catalog of Fishes]       ID by/date  Squalidae
Counts (Alc/Skel/CS) 0/1/0 Prep Type - Preservative skeletal Other/Previous Number Size      
Collector; Vessel Ripley, W. E.; Fry, D. H.; Herald, E. S.; "N.B. SCOFIELD" Field Number Z65118 Date Collected 15 Oct 1950 
Continent/Ocean Pacific Ocean / NE Pacific Country United States State California County Marin Co.
Water Body Drainage Island Group Island
Depth Width Salinity Gear
Locality Between Pt. Bonita and Pt. Reyes
Latitude-Longitude 37.906044°, -122.758145°; uncertainty: 23357 m (Source: FishNet Collaborative Georeferencing Project) Bottom Type
Acc. Number 1950-X:16 Specimen Remarks Jaws only. Male, 777mm T.L.
Collecting Event Remarks
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