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Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

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Genera in the family or subfamily Gobiidae: [ 326 ] records

Aboma Jordan [D. S.] & Starks [E. C.] in Jordan 1895:497 Fem. Aboma etheostoma Jordan & Starks 1895. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Two additional species questionably referred to genus. •Synonym of Acanthogobius Gill 1859 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:363 [ref. 7348], Vasil'eva 2003:S41 [ref. 28444]). •Valid as Aboma Jordan & Starks 1895 -- (Vasil'eva 1998:125 [ref. 23591], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Van Tassell 2011:150 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:258 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Aboma Jordan & Starks 1895. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Abranches Smith [J. L. B.] 1947:813 Masc. Abranches pinto Smith 1947. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Gender is ambiguous. •Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1978:10 [ref. 6603], Kottelat 2013:409 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:172 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Acentrogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:321 Masc. Gobius chlorostigma Bleeker 1849. Type by original designation (also monotypic). In the absence of a phylogenetic study, we still use Acentrogobius sensu lato. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:352 [ref. 7348]). •Valid as Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:313 [ref. 7028], Goren 1979:18 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:249 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:777 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:358 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Ataur Rahman 1989:308 [ref. 24860], Wu in Pan et al. 1991:476 [ref. 23876], Kottelat 1989:18 [ref. 13605], Shibukawa & Taki 1996:79 [ref. 22115], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Vasil'eva 1998:126 [ref. 23591], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587, 3588 [ref. 26293], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Larson & Wright 2003:130 [ref. 27481], Vasil'eva 2003:S42 [ref. 28444], Ataur Rahman 2003:334 [ref. 31338], Hoese & Larson 2006:1616 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2008:751 [ref. 30660], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:237 [ref. 31740], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:375 [ref. 32441], Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Allen 2015:1 [ref. 33699], Parin et al. 2015:476 [ref. 33547], Allen et al. 2015:33 [ref. 33804], Hoese 2015:1575 [ref. 34304], Jawad et al. 2016:1 [ref. 34964], Allen 2017:103 [ref. 35601], Fricke et al. 2018:322 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:77 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Afurcagobius Gill [H. S.] 1993:178 Masc. Gobius suppositus Sauvage 1880. Type by original designation. •Valid as Afurcagobius Gill 1993 -- (Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3589 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1617 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2008:751 [ref. 30660], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:237 [ref. 31740], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:375 [ref. 32441], Kuiter 2018:87 [ref. 36369], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Afurcagobius Gill 1993. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Agunia Fowler [H. W.] 1946:207 Fem. Agunia quindecimfasciata Fowler 1946. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905 -- (Hoese 1975:474 [ref. 5294], Parenti 2021:189 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aioliops Rennis [D. S.] & Hoese [D. F.] 1987:70 Masc. Aioliops tetrophthalmus Rennis & Hoese 1987. Type by original designation. •Valid as Aioliops Rennis & Hoese 1987 -- (Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Hoese 2006:1706 [ref. 28998], Hoese & Motomura 2009:49 [ref. 30598], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Fricke et al. 2019:293 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:397 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Aioliops Rennis & Hoese 1987. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Akko Birdsong [R. S.] & Robins [C. R.] 1995:676 Masc. Akko dionaea Birdsong & Robins 1995. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Akko Birdsong & Robins 1995 -- (Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Van Tassell & Baldwin 2004:1 [ref. 27546], Acero P. et al. 2005:133 [ref. 28151], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:166 [ref. 31732], Van Tassell et al. 2012:88 [ref. 31948], Parenti 2021:259 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Akko Birdsong & Robins 1995. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Alepideleotris Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:413 Fem. Alepideleotris tigris Herre 1935. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eleotrica Ginsburg 1933 -- (Birdsong & Robins 1995:682 [ref. 21667] as Alepidoeleotris, Parenti 2021:268 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Eleotrica Ginsburg 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Alepidogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:310 Masc. Gobiosoma fasciatum Playfair 1867. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Allogobius Waite [E. R.] 1904:176 Masc. Allogobius viridis Waite 1904. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type designated on p. 139. •Synonym of Eviota Jenkins 1903 -- (Lachner & Karnella 1980:12 [ref. 6916], Parenti 2021:136 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Eviota Jenkins 1903. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aloricatogobius Munro [I. S. R.] 1964:179 Masc. Glossogobius asaro Whitley 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). In the absence of a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the Glossogobius-group, we still use Glossogobius sensu lato. •Valid as Aloricatogobius Munro 1964 -- (Endruweit 2024:78 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859 -- (Kottelat 2013:407 [ref. 32989], Hoese et al. 2015:18 [ref. 33684], Parenti 2021:159 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Amblycentrus Goren [M.] 1979:22 Masc. Biat magnusi Klausewitz 1968. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Cryptocentroides Popta 1922 -- (Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Parenti 2021:88 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Amblyeleotris Bleeker [P.] 1874:373 Fem. Eleotris periophthalmus Bleeker 1853. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Yanagisawa 1976 [ref. 7088], Polunin & Lubbock 1977:92 [ref. 3540], Yanagisawa 1978:298 [ref. 7028], Hoese & Steene 1978:381 [ref. 8713], Akihito & Meguro 1983:347 [ref. 5301], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:255 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:777 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Aonuma & Yoshino 1996 [ref. 22264], Chen et al. 1998:111 [ref. 23405], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585, 3587 [ref. 26293], Randall 2004:61 [ref. 27612], Hoese & Larson 2006:1618 [ref. 29097], Chen et al. 2006:2555 [ref. 29024], Senou & Aonuma 2007:101 [ref. 29109], Jaafar & Randall 2009:23 [ref. 30530], Randall & Jaafar 2009:50 [ref. 30130], Jaafar & Randall 2009:23 [ref. 30530], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Prokofiev 2016:368 [ref. 34506], Fricke et al. 2018:323 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:146 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:269 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Amblygobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:322 Masc. Gobius sphynx Valenciennes 1837. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Goren 1979:24 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:25 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:778 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:359 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1621 [ref. 29097], Ogihara et al. 2009:41 [ref. 30932], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Allen & Erdmann 2016:10 [ref. 35073], Fricke et al. 2018:324 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:147 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:272 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:87 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Amblygobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Amoya Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1927:225 Fem. Gobius brevirostris Günther 1861. Type by original designation (also monotypic). In the absence of a phylogenetic study, we still use Acentrogobius sensu lato. •Valid as Amoya Herre 1927 -- (Hoese 1986:778 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Hoese & Larson 2006:1622 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:91 [ref. 38603]). •Synonym of Creisson Jordan & Seale 1907 -- (Endruweit 2024:76 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:397 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Anatirostrum Iljin [B. S.] 1930:19, 31, 48 Neut. Benthophilus profundorum Berg 1927. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Anatirostrum Iljin 1930 -- (Vasil'eva 1998:126 [ref. 23591], Ahnelt et al. 2000:141 [ref. 24721], Ahnelt 2003:213 [ref. 26912], Miller in Miller 2004:271 [ref. 27853], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497] in Benthophilinae, Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:896 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:78 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36089], Parenti 2021:68 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Anatirostrum Iljin 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ancistrogobius Shibukawa [K.], Yoshino [T.] & Allen [G. R.] 2010:69 Masc. Ancistrogobius dipus Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen 2010. Type by original designation. •Valid as Ancistrogobius Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen 2010 -- (Golani & Fricke 2018:147 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:274 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:92 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Ancistrogobius Shibukawa, Yoshino & Allen 2010. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Andameleotris (subgenus of Amblyeleotris) Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1939:346 Fem. Amblyeleotris (Andameleotris) raoi Herre 1939. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912 -- (Rennis & Hoese 1985:172 [ref. 5859], Kottelat 2013:435 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:401 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Antilligobius Van Tassell [J. L.] & Tornabene [L.] in Van Tassell, Tornabene & Colin 2012:63 Masc. Antilligobius nikkiae Van Tassell & Colin 2012. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Antilligobius Van Tassell & Tornabene 2012 -- (Parenti 2021:259 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Antilligobius Van Tassell & Tornabene 2012. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aphia Risso [A.] 1827:287 Fem. Aphia meridionalis Risso 1827 (= Atherina minuta Risso 1810). Type by monotypy. Aphya Agassiz 1846:28 [ref. 64] is an unjustified emendation. Originally thought to be an atherinid. •Valid as Aphia Risso 1827 -- (Miller 1973:489 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1023 [ref. 13677], Maugé 1986:360 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:202 [ref. 7303], Vasil'eva 2003:S42 [ref. 28444], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:62 [ref. 36649], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Parin et al. 2015:476 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:93 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Aphia Risso 1827. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aphyogobius Whitley [G. P.] 1931:334 Masc. Gobius albus Parnell 1831 - 1837. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Latrunculus Günther 1861, preoccupied by Latrunculus Gray 1847 in Mollusca. •Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827 -- (Miller 1973:489 [ref. 6888], Parenti 2021:93 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Apollonia (subgenus of Gobius) Iljin [B. S.] 1927:133 Fem. Gobius melanostomus Pallas 1814. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927, but a valid subgenus Apollonia as described -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:227 [ref. 28183]). •Valid as Apollonia Iljin 1927 -- (Stepien & Tumeo 2006:67 [ref. 31437]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:502 [ref. 6888], Vasil'eva 2003:S48 [ref. 28444], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497], Parin et al. 2014:492 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Arcygobius Larson [H. K.] & Wright [J.] 2003:129 Masc. Gobius baliurus Valenciennes 1837. Type by original designation. Based on the unavailable name Isthmogobius Koumans 1931 [ex Bleeker]. •Valid as Arcygobius Larson & Wright 2003 -- (Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:399 [ref. 32989], Motomura et al. 2017:197 [ref. 35490], Golani & Fricke 2018:147 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:274 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:93 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Arcygobius Larson & Wright 2003. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Arenigobius Whitley [G. P.] 1930:122 Masc. Gobius bifrenatus Kner 1865. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Gobionellus Girard 1858 -- (Maugé 1986 [ref. 6218]), but see Ctenogobius. •Valid as Arenigobius Whitley 1930 -- (Scott 1976:191 [ref. 7055], Gomon et al. 1994:783 [ref. 22532], Hoese & Larson 2006:1623 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2008:752 [ref. 30660], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:239 [ref. 31740], Hoese 2015:1576 [ref. 34304], Kuiter 2018:86 [ref. 36369], Parenti 2021:94 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Arenigobius Whitley 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aruma (subgenus of Gobiosoma) Ginsburg [I.] 1933:16 Fem. Gobiosoma occidentale Ginsburg 1933. Type by original designation. Misspelled Amma in Zoological Record for 1933. Treated as feminine, Art. 30.2.4. •Valid as Aruma Ginsburg 1933 -- (Hoese 1976 [ref. 20691], Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:150 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:259 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Aruma Ginsburg 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aspidophilus Koumans [F. P.] 1931:147 Masc. A "museum name" included in synonymy of Benthophilus Eichwald 1931; no description; apparently never made available. •Not available -- (Parenti 2021:445 [ref. 38603]). •In the synoymy of Benthophilus Eichwald 1831. Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Benthophilus Eichwald 1831. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Asra Iljin [B. S.] 1941:385, 388 Fem. Asra turcomanus Iljin 1941. Type by monotypy. Author as Ilyin [= Iljin]. •Valid as Asra Iljin 1941 -- (Vasil'eva 1998:127 [ref. 23591]). •Synonym of Benthophiloides Beling & Iljin 1927 -- (Miller in Miller 2004:151 [ref. 27853]). Current status: Synonym of Benthophiloides Beling & Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Asterropteryx Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1830:138 Fem. Asterropterix semipunctatus Rüppell 1830. Type by monotypy. Rüppell's original spelling was Asterropterix in text; spelled Asterropteryx on plate; under article 24.2.4, Rüppell himself serves as the first reviser using Asterropteryx in Rüppell 1838:140-141 [ref. 3844] (as observed by R. Pyle, 4/2005, pers. comm.). •Valid as Asterropteryx Rüppell 1830 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:340 [ref. 7348], Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:241 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:779 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Allen & Munday 1995:99 [ref. 21938], Larson & Hoese 2001:28 [ref. 25837], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa & Suzuki 2002:274 [ref. 26337], Larson & Wright 2003:127 [ref. 27481], Greenfield & Randall 2004:506 [ref. 28175] as Asterropterix, Hoese & Larson 2006:1625 [ref. 29097], Shibukawa & Suzuki 2007:109 [ref. 29069], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Allen & Erdmann 2016:145 [ref. 34859], Fricke et al. 2018:324 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:148 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:274 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:95 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Asterropteryx Rüppell 1830. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Astovelus Endruweit [M.] 2024:75 Masc. Gobius circumspectus MacLeay 1883. Type by original designation (also monotypic). In the absence of a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the Glossogobius-group, we still use Glossogobius sensu lato. •Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859. Current status: Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Atuona Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1935:428 Fem. Atuona tricuspidata Herre 1935. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905 -- (Hoese 1975:474 [ref. 5294], Parenti 2021:189 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aulopareia Smith [H. M.] 1945:534 Fem. Aulopareia janetae Smith 1945. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Aulopareia Smith 1945 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3589 [ref. 26293], Larson & Wright 2003:127 [ref. 27481], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Zare et al. 2012:1193 [ref. 33651], Kottelat 2013:399 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:96 [ref. 38603], Larson & Jaafar 2022:494 [ref. 39363]). Current status: Valid as Aulopareia Smith 1945. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Aurigobius (subgenus of Ctenogobius) Whitley [G. P.] 1959:317 Masc. Ctenogobius (Aurigobius) auriga Whitley 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Favonigobius Whitley 1930 -- (Parenti 2021:154 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Favonigobius Whitley 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Austrogobius de Buen [F.] 1950:122 Masc. Gobiosoma parri Ginsburg 1933. Type by monotypy. Also in de Buen 1951:64 [ref. 693]. •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858, but a valid subgenus Austrogobius -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:430 [ref. 24550], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969]). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Austrolethops Whitley [G. P.] 1935:243 Masc. Austrolethops wardi Whitley 1935. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Austrolethops Whitley 1935 -- (Hoese 1986:779 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Yoshigou et al. 2004:2 [ref. 28028], Hoese & Larson 2006:1625 [ref. 29097], Kneer et al. 2008:1095 [ref. 29530], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:97 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Austrolethops Whitley 1935. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Babka (subgenus of Gobius) Iljin [B. S.] 1927:132 Fem. Gobius gymnotrachelus Kessler 1857. Type by monotypy. Treated as feminine, Art. 30.2.4. Neogobius is widely used (Art. and its usage should be preserved when treated as valid. Berg 1949 is regarded by Miller & Vasil'eva 2003:163 [ref. 27344] as the first reviser, selecting Neogobius over other new names described by Iljin 1927. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Babka as described -- (Vasil'eva 1999:160 [ref. 24865]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:501 [ref. 6888], Miller & Vasil'eva 2003:163 [ref. 27344], Vasil'eva 2003:S48 [ref. 28444]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927, but a valid subgenus Babka -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:227 [ref. 28183]). •Synonym of Ponticola Iljin 1927 -- (Parin et al. 2014:497 [ref. 33547]). •Valid as Babka Iljin 1927 -- (Neilson & Stepien 2009:97 [ref. 30497], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Freyhof 2011:282 [ref. 31742], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:896 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:78 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36089], Parenti 2021:68 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Babka Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Barbatogobius Koumans [F. P.] 1941:241 Masc. Barbatogobius asanai Koumans 1941. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1978:10 [ref. 6603], Kottelat 2013:409 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:172 [ref. 38603]) Current status: Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Barbulifer Eigenmann [C. H.] & Eigenmann [R. S.] 1888:70 Masc. Barbulifer papillosus Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Jordan & Evermann 1896:461 [ref. 2442], not Gobiosoma ceuthaecum as given by Jordan 1920:440 [ref. 4905]. •Valid as Barbulifer Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888 -- (Hoese & Larson 1985 [ref. 6787], Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:422 [ref. 24550], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1785 [ref. 27111], Joyeux et al. 2009:58 [ref. 30108], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:157 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:260 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Barbulifer Eigenmann & Eigenmann 1888. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Barbuligobius Lachner [E. A.] & McKinney [J. F.] 1974:871 Masc. Barbuligobius boehlkei Lachner & McKinney 1974. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Barbuligobius Lachner & McKinney 1974 -- (Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:264 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3583 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1626 [ref. 29097], Ho & Shao 2011:55 [ref. 31432], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:238 [ref. 31740], Fricke et al. 2018:326 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:98 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Barbuligobius Lachner & McKinney 1974. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Bathygobius Bleeker [P.] 1878:54 Masc. Gobius nebulopunctatus Valenciennes 1837. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Jordan 1919:393 [ref. 4904], not G. petrophilus Bleeker 1863 [but needs further investigation, see also Miller & Smith 1989:279, 280 [ref. 25535]]. See Shinohara et al. 2000:182 [ref. 25987]. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:352 [ref. 7348]). •Valid as Bathygobius Bleeker 1878 -- (Miller 1973:515 [ref. 6888], Goren 1979:26 [ref. 1852], Akihito & Meguro 1980:217 [ref. 6920], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:272 [ref. 6441], Maugé 1986:360 [ref. 6218], Hoese 1986:780 [ref. 5670], Goren 1988 [ref. 6612], Birdsong et al. 1988:184, 186 [ref. 7303], Miller & Smith 1989:279 [ref. 25535], Garzón-Ferreira & Acero P. 1992:24 [ref. 39338], Harrison & Miller in Lévêque et al. 1992:812 [ref. 21590], Gomon et al. 1994:785 [ref. 22532], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Chu 1999:70 [ref. 24097], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:423 [ref. 24550], Miller & Stefanni 2001:142 [ref. 26034], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Thacker & Cole 2002:840 [ref. 26548], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1784 [ref. 27111], Hoese & Larson 2006:1626 [ref. 29097], Harrison et al. 2007:527 [ref. 30083], Hoese & Larson 2008:754 [ref. 30660], Coad 2010:267 [ref. 36620], Tornabene et al. 2010:142 [ref. 30990], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:140 [ref. 31732], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:184 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:214 [ref. 31738] in Gobiidae, Larson 2011:237 [ref. 31740], Kottelat 2013:400 [ref. 32989], Rodríguez-Rey et al. 2017:1 [ref. 35433], Fricke et al. 2018:326 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:148 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:274 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:98 [ref. 38603], Allen et al. 2024:46 [ref. 41659]). Current status: Valid as Bathygobius Bleeker 1878. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Batman Whitley [G. P.] 1956:36 Masc. Batman insignitus Whitley 1956. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Allen 1977:205 [ref. 2179], Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Batracheleotris Fowler [H. W.] 1938:129 Fem. Eleotris sclateri Steindachner 1879. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Only one definitely included species. •Objective synonym of Metagobius Whitley 1930. •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:111 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Benthophiloides Beling [D. E.] & Iljin [B. S.] 1927:309, 324 Masc. Benthophiloides brauneri Beling & Iljin 1927. Type by monotypy. Also appeared in Iljin 1927:129, 131 [ref. 5613], earliest not established. •Valid as Benthophiloides Beling & Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:490 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1024 [ref. 13677], Vasil'eva 1998:127 [ref. 23591], Vasil'eva 2003:S42 [ref. 28444], Miller in Miller 2004:151 [ref. 27853], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:553 [ref. 29996], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Freyhof 2011:282 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2015:477 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:896 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:79 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:59 [ref. 36089], Parenti 2021:68 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Benthophiloides Beling & Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Benthophilus (subgenus of Gobius) Eichwald [C. E. von] 1831:77 Masc. Gobius macrocephalus Pallas 1787. Type by monotypy. Appeared as subgenus of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Also appeared as new in Eichward 1838:102 [ref. 34622], and in Eichwald 1838:139 [ref. 18063] as Bentophilus. •Valid as Benthophilus Eichwald 1831 -- (Miller 1973:490 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1025 [ref. 13677], Gomon et al. 1994:257 [ref. 22532], Vasil'eva 1998:127 [ref. 23591], Ahnelt 2003:213 [ref. 26912], Vasil'eva 2003:S42 [ref. 28444], Pinchuk & Miller in Miller 2004:164 [ref. 27853], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:215 [ref. 28183], Boldyrev & Bogutskaya 2004:129 [ref. 28099], Boldyrev & Bogutskaya 2007:31 [ref. 29150], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:555 [ref. 29996], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497] in Benthophilinae, Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Freyhof 2011:282 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2015:477 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:897 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:79 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:60 [ref. 36089], Kovačić et al. 2021:45 [ref. 38346], Parenti 2021:69 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Benthophilus Eichwald 1831. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Biat Seale [A.] 1910:532 Fem. Biat luzonica Seale 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Hoese & Steene 1978:381 [ref. 8713], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Bikinigobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1953:186 Masc. Bikinigobius welanderi Herre 1953. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Istigobius Whitley 1932 -- (Murdy & Hoese 1985:5 [ref. 5237], Kottelat 2013:411 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:187 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Istigobius Whitley 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Birdsongichthys Tornabene [L.], Manning [R.], Robertson [D. R.], Van Tassell [J. L.] & Baldwin [C. C.] 2022:6 Masc. Birdsongichthys rectus Tornabene, Manning, Robertson, Van Tassell & Baldwin 2022. Type by original designation (and monotypic). •Valid as Birdsongichthys Tornabene, Manning, Robertson, Van Tassell & Baldwin 2022. Current status: Valid as Birdsongichthys Tornabene, Manning, Robertson, Van Tassell & Baldwin 2022. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Boleogobius Brüning [C.] 1930:274 Masc. Boleogobius nigeriensis Brüning 1930. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Nematogobius Boulenger 1910 -- (Parenti 2021:201 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Nematogobius Boulenger 1910. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Bollmannia Jordan [D. S.] in Jordan & Bollman 1890:164 Fem. Bollmannia chlamydes Jordan 1890. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Bollmannia Jordan 1890 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:191 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:447 [ref. 24550], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Van Tassell 2011:166 [ref. 31732], Van Tassel et al. 2012:72 [ref. 31948], Robertson et al. 2017:98 [ref. 35676], Parenti 2021:261 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Bollmannia Jordan 1890. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Boreogobius Gill [T. N.] 1863:269 Masc. Gobius stuvitzii Düben 1845. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827 -- (Miller 1973:489 [ref. 6888], Parenti 2021:93 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Brachyeleotris Bleeker [P.] 1874:306 Fem. Eleotris cyanostigma Bleeker 1855. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Also appeared in Bleeker 1874:374 [ref. 436]; earliest not determined. •Synonym of Asterropteryx Rüppell 1830 -- (Parenti 2021:95 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Asterropteryx Rüppell 1830. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Brachyochirus Nardo [G. D.] 1844:1 Masc. Gobius aphya of Risso (= Gobius aphya Linnaeus 1758). Appeared without species. Spelled Brachyochyrus by Nardo 1844:76. Spelled Brachyochirus by Nardo 1844:6, 7 [ref. 26345]. Addition of species not researched. •Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827 -- (Miller 1973:489 [ref. 6888], Vasil'eva 2003:S42 [ref. 28444], Parin et al. 2015:476 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:93 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Bryaninops Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:216 Masc. Bryaninops ridens Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Bryaninops Smith 1959 -- (Larson 1985:59 [ref. 5186], Larson 1986:947 [ref. 6328], Larson 1987 [ref. 9091], Okiyama & Tsukamoto 1989 [ref. 13564], Larson 1990:3 [ref. 16607], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Hoese & Larson 2006:1629 [ref. 29097], Suzuki et al. 2012:1 [ref. 31776], Suzuki & Randall 2014:11 [ref. 33142], Fricke et al. 2018:327 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:148 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:274 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:105 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Bryaninops Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cabillus Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:207 Masc. Cabillus lacertops Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cabillus Smith 1959 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:274 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Randall et al. 2007:40 [ref. 29021], Hoese & Larson 2006:1631 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2010:376 [ref. 31045], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:181 [ref. 32908], Golani & Fricke 2018:149 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:107 [ref. 38603], Ba 2023:1 [ref. 40742]). Current status: Valid as Cabillus Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cabotia de Buen [F.] 1930:17 Fem. Cabotia schmidti de Buen 1930. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Objectively invalid; apparently preoccupied by Cabotia Ragonot 1888 in Lepidoptera, replaced by Cabotichthys Whitley 1940. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Miller 1973:483 [ref. 6888], Maugé 1986:372 [ref. 6218], Parenti 2021:174 [ref. 38603]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cabotichthys Whitley [G. P.] 1940:242 Masc. Cabotia schmidti de Buen 1930. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Cabotia de Buen 1930, apparently preoccupied by Cabotia Ragonot 1888 in Lepidoptera [not researched]. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Miller 1973:483 [ref. 6888], Maugé 1986:372 [ref. 6218], Parenti 2021:175 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Caffrogobius (subgenus of Gobius) Smitt [F. A.] 1900:551 Masc. Gobius nudiceps Valenciennes 1837. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Caffrogobius Smitt 1900 -- (Hoese 1986:782 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:362 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:184, 186 [ref. 7303], Goren 1996:2 [ref. 24415], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:214 [ref. 31738] in Gobiidae, Parenti 2021:109 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Caffrogobius Smitt 1900. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Calleleotris Gill [T. N.] 1863:270 Fem. Gobius strigatus Broussonet 1782. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856 -- (Hoese & Larson 1994:4 [ref. 12483]), Parenti 2021:248 [ref. 38603]. Current status: Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Callogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:318 Masc. Eleotris hasseltii Bleeker 1851. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1974:878 [ref. 2547], Goren 1979 [ref. 8716], Goren 1980 [ref. 8716], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:264 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:784 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:18 [ref. 13605], Goren et al. 1991 [ref. 19765], Gomon et al. 1994:786 [ref. 22532], Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Chen et al. 2006:228 [ref. 28778], Hoese & Larson 2006:1632 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2008:755 [ref. 30660], Motomura et al. 2010:207 [ref. 31256], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:237 [ref. 31740], Delventhal & Mooi 2013:163 [ref. 32677], Delventhal & Mooi 2014:143 [ref. 33337], Kottelat 2013:403 [ref. 32989]. Delventhal et al. 2016:225 [ref. 34863], Fricke et al. 2018:327 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:149 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:275 [ref. 36673], Allen et al. 2020:86 [ref. 37689], Akihito & Ikeda 2021:1 [ref. 38331], Fujiwara et al. 2021:253 [ref. 38707], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603], Delventhal & Mooi 2023:449 [ref. 40434], Li & Chen 2024:159 [ref. 41740]). Current status: Valid as Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Carrigobius Van Tassell [J. L.], Tornabene [L.] & Gilmore [R. G.] in Tornabene, Van Tassell, Gilmore, Robertson, Young & Baldwin 2016:7 Masc. Psilotris amblyrhynchus Smith & Baldwin 1999. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Species spelled amblyrhyncus on p. 7. •Valid as Carrigobius Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016 -- (Parenti 2021:262 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Carrigobius Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Caspiosoma Iljin [B. S.] 1927:129, 131 Neut. Gobiosoma caspium Kessler 1877. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Caspiosoma Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:491 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1027 [ref. 13677], Vasil'eva 1998:131 [ref. 23591], Vasil'eva 2003:S43 [ref. 28444], Miller in Miller 2004:138 [ref. 27853], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:219 [ref. 28183], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:553 [ref. 29996], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Freyhof 2011:283 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2015:479 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Caspiosoma Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Centrogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:321 Masc. Gobius notacanthus Bleeker 1858. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Oplopomus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Parenti 2021:204 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Oplopomus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cephalogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:320 Masc. Gobius sublitus Cantor 1849. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Nomen oblitum if congeneric with Psammogobius Smith 1935. •In the synonymy of Psammogobius Smith 1935 -- (Parenti 2021:219 [ref. 38603]). •Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859 -- (Kottelat 2013:407 [ref. 32989], Endruweit 2024:78 [ref. 41040]). Current status: Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cerdale Jordan [D. S.] & Gilbert [C. H.] 1882:332 Fem. Cerdale ionthas Jordan & Gilbert 1882. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Cerdale Jordan & Gilbert 1882 -- (Dawson 1974:414 [ref. 7122], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2000:951 [ref. 25100], Thacker 2003:1798 [ref. 27112], Gill & Mooi 2010:51 [ref. 30792], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:146 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:381 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cerdale Jordan & Gilbert 1882. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Cerogobius Kovačić [M.], Bogorodsky [S. V.], Troyer [E. M.] & Tornabene [L.] 2019:173 Masc. Cerogobius petrophilus Kovačić, Bogorodsky, Troyer & Tornabene 2019. Type by monotypy. No specific type designation, but available due to the combined description of new genus and species following ICZN Art. 13.4. •Valid as Cerogobius Kovačić, Bogorodsky, Troyer & Tornabene 2019 -- (Parenti 2021:116 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cerogobius Kovačić, Bogorodsky, Troyer & Tornabene 2019. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Chasar (subgenus of Gobius) Vasil'eva [E. D.] 1996:453 Fem. Gobius bathybius Kessler 1877. Type by monotypy. Appeared in Vasil'eva 1996:452 as a valid subgenus of Gobius dating to Iljin 1930, but we are unable to find this name in Iljin 1930 [ref. 2297]. The name is mentioned in Berg 1949:1094 [ref. 20662]. The name is mentioned in Iljin 1956:188 [ref. 18324] as a subgenus of Gobius, but we find no species mentioned with the name. The taxon evidently dates to Vasil'eva 1996. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Chasar as described -- (Vasil'eva 1999:160 [ref. 24865]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927, but a valid subgenus Chasar -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:228 [ref. 28183]). •Valid as Chasar Vasil'eva 1996 -- (Miller in Miller 2004:94 [ref. 27853]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Parin et al. 2014:492 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Chlamydes Jenkins [O. P.] 1903:503 Fem. Chlamydes laticeps Jenkins 1903. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1980:218 [ref. 6920], Maugé 1986:360 [ref. 6218], Miller & Smith 1989:280 [ref. 25535], Kottelat 2013:401 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:98 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Chriolepidops Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:158 Masc. Chriolepidops nebulofasciatus Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Chriolepis Gilbert [C. H.] 1892:557 Fem. Chriolepis minutillus Gilbert 1892. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Varicus is possibly a synonym of Chirolepis -- (Hastings & Bortone 1981:435 [ref. 5246]). •Valid as Chriolepis Gilbert 1892 -- (Böhlke & Robins 1968 [ref. 609], Hastings & Bortone 1981 [ref. 5426], Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Bussing 1997:1547 [ref. 23500], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:157 [ref. 31732], Hastings & Findley 2013:596 [ref. 33005], Hastings & Findley 2015:589 [ref. 33639], Tornabene et al. 2016:9 [ref. 34435], Parenti 2021:263 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Chriolepis Gilbert 1892. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Chromogobius de Buen [F.] 1930:135, 138 Masc. Gobius quadrivittatus Steindachner 1863. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Cromogobius is a misspelling. •Valid as Chromogobius de Buen 1930 -- (Miller 1971:305 [ref. 7694], Miller 1973:492 [ref. 6888], Golani & Ben-Tuvia 1986:290 [ref. 6757], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1028 [ref. 13677], Miller 1993:1418 [ref. 20892], Vasil'eva 1998:133 [ref. 23591], Van Tassell 2001:1073 [ref. 25824], Vasil'eva 2003:S43 [ref. 28444], Engin & Dalgiç 2008:197 [ref. 29601], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:62 [ref. 36649], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Kovačić et al. 2012:438 [ref. 32861], Parin et al. 2015:480 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:116 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Chromogobius de Buen 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cingulogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1927:201 Masc. Pleurogobius boulengeri Seale 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Pleurogobius Seale 1910 apparently a lapsus, Seale's species referred by Herre to new genus. Pleurogobius as used by Herre 1927:201, 202 [ref. 2104] is name in synonymy and not available. •Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Larson 2010:375 [ref. 31045], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Clarkichthys (subgenus of Gunnellichthys) Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:128 Masc. Cerdale bilineatus Clark 1936. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Clarkichthys Smith 1958 -- (Dawson 1974:439 [ref. 7122], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2000:951 [ref. 25100], Gill & Mooi 2010:51 [ref. 30792], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:146 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:382 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Clarkichthys Smith 1958. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Colonianus de Buen [F.] 1926:80 Masc. As a "grupo" for 2 species of Gobius. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Corcyrogobius Miller [P. J.] 1972:395 Masc. Gobius liechtensteini Kolombatović 1891. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Appeared first in Miller 1971:264 as name only. •Valid as Corcyrogobius MIller 1972 -- (Miller 1973:493 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1030 [ref. 13677], Scsepka & Ahnelt 1999:78 [ref. 23868], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:62 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:215 [ref. 31738] in Gobiidae, Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2012:438 [ref. 32861], Kovačić et al. 2020:121 [ref. 37715], Parenti 2021:117 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Corcyrogobius Miller 1972. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Coronogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1945:80 Masc. Coronogobius striatus Herre 1945. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Porogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Maugé 1986:381 [ref. 6218]). •Synonym of Trimma Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Parenti 2021:230 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Trimma Jordan & Seale 1906. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Coryogalops Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:144 Masc. Coryogalops anomolus Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Coryogalops Smith 1958 -- (Goren 1979 [ref. 6952], Goren 1991 [ref. 19343], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:215 [ref. 31738], Kovačić et al. 2014:513 [ref. 33562], Kovačić et al. 2016:343 [ref. 34349], Fricke et al. 2018:328 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:150 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:118 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Coryogalops Smith 1958. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Coryphopterus Gill [T. N.] 1863:262 Masc. Coryphopterus glaucofraenum Gill 1863. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Coryphogobius by Gill 1863:263 (footnote). •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:352 [ref. 7348]). •Valid as Coryphopterus Gill 1863 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Randall 1995:795 [ref. 22357], Randall 2001:206 [ref. 25665], Thacker & Cole 2002:837 [ref. 26548], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1784 [ref. 27111], Victor 2007:51 [ref. 29325], Victor 2008:1 [ref. 29590], Baldwin et al. 2009:114 [ref. 30559], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:140 [ref. 31732], Baldwin & Robertson 2015:123 [ref. 33884], Parenti 2021:119 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Coryphopterus Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cottogobius Koumans [F. P.] 1941:253 Masc. Cottogobius bilobatus Koumans 1941. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Pleurosicya Weber 1913 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:33 [ref. 2725], Larson 1990:7 [ref. 16607], Parenti 2021:211 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Pleurosicya Weber 1913. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Creisson Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] 1907:43 Masc. Creisson validus Jordan & Seale 1907. Type by original designation (also monotypic). In the absence of a phylogenetic study, we still use Acentrogobius sensu lato. •Valid as Creisson Jordan & Seale 1907 -- (Kottelat 1989:18 [ref. 13605], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Endruweit 2024:76 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:77 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cremornea Whitley [G. P.] 1962:9 Fem. Cremornea francoisi Whitley 1962. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Winterbottom & Burridge 1993:506 [ref. 20895], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cristatogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1927:170 Masc. Cristatogobius lophius Herre 1927. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cristatogobius Herre 1927 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:256 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Akihito & Meguro 2000:250 [ref. 24803], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Akihito et al. 2003:117 [ref. 26916], Hoese & Larson 2006:1636 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:122 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cristatogobius Herre 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Croilia Smith [J. L. B.] 1955:106 Fem. Croilia mossambica Smith 1955. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Croila in Zoological Record for 1955. •Valid as Croilia Smith 1955 -- (Hoese 1986:785 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:366 [ref. 6218] but as Croila, Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Fricke et al. 2018:328 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:122 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Croilia Smith 1955. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Crossogobius Koumans [F. P.] 1931:111 Masc. Gobius depressus Ramsay & Ogilby 1886. Type by monotypy. Proposed as a "museum name" but treated as a genus, with a species and description, "...after which I made the genus description. I do not know who has described the genus." Regarded as an available genus name and description. •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:403 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cryptocentroides Popta [C. M. L.] 1922:32 Masc. Cryptocentroides dentatus Popta 1922. Type by subsequent designation. Type species established by Koumans 1931:97 [ref. 5623] •Valid as Cryptocentroides Popta 1922 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:257 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1636 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989], Golani & Fricke 2018:150 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:122 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cryptocentroides Popta 1922. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cryptocentrops Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:152 Masc. Cryptocentrops exilis Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Polunin & Lubbock 1977:91 [ref. 3540]). •Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:298 [ref. 7028], Hoese & Steene 1978:381 [ref. 8713], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cryptocentrus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Ehrenberg) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:111 Masc. Gobius cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. First appeared as name in synonymy of Gobius, but made available from Valenciennes 1837 by subsequent use, e.g. Bleeker 1874:322 [ref. 437], 1876:142 [ref. 449]. Type established by Bleeker. •Valid as Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:362 [ref. 7348], Polunin & Lubbock 1977:76 [ref. 3540], Yanagisawa 1978:271 [ref. 7028], Goren 1979:28 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:257 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:786 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:18 [ref. 13605], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Hoese & Larson 2006:1636 [ref. 29097], Hoese et al. 2011:163 [ref. 31450], Allen & Randall 2011:554 [ref. 31615], Shibukawa et al. 2012:54 [ref. 32036], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Allen 2015:67 [ref. 33923], Pinault et al. 2015:237 [ref. 34021], Fricke et al. 2018:328 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:150 [ref. 36273], Greenfield & Allen 2018:28 [ref. 35950], Fricke et al. 2019:276 [ref. 36673], Hoese 2019:23 [ref. 36472], Goren & Stern 2021:1 [ref. 38671], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603], Chen & Yang 2024:174 [ref. 41741]). Current status: Valid as Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Cryptopsilotris Van Tassell [J. L.], Tornabene [L.] & Gilmore [R. G.] in Tornabene, Van Tassell, Gilmore, Robertson, Young & Baldwin 2016:14 Masc. Psilotris batrachodes Böhlke 1963. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Cryptopsilotris Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016 -- (Parenti 2021:264 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cryptopsilotris Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ctenogobiops Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:191 Masc. Ctenogobiops crocineus Smith 1959. Type by original designation; also monotypic as second species was tentatively referred to genus. •Valid as Ctenogobiops Smith 1959 -- (Polunin & Lubbock 1977:70 [ref. 3540], Lubbock & Polunin 1977:505 [ref. 7264], Yanagisawa 1978:293 [ref. 7028], Goren 1979:32 [ref. 1852], Yoshino & Senou 1983:2 [ref. 5395], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:261 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Chen et al. 1999:60 [ref. 24094], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Randall et al. 2003:507 [ref. 27448], Hoese & Larson 2006:1639 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2011:60 [ref. 31957], Golani & Fricke 2018:151 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:279 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:130 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Ctenogobiops Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Dactyleleotris Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:161 Fem. Dactyleleotris tentaculatus Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Diaphoroculius Fowler [H. W.] 1938:134 Masc. Diaphoroculius rangiroae Fowler 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:88 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Didogobius Miller [P. J.] 1966:161 Masc. Didogobius bentuvii Miller 1966. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Didogobius Miller 1966 -- (Miller 1973:495 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1033 [ref. 13677], Miller 1993 [ref. 20892], Ahnelt & Patzner 1995:102 [ref. 21629], Schliewen & Kavačić 2008:249 [ref. 29882], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:63 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:185 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:216 [ref. 31738], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2012:439 [ref. 32861], Van Tassell & Kramer 2014:453 [ref. 33301], Schliewen et al. 2018:381 [ref. 35982], Parenti 2021:131 [ref. 38603], Schliewen et al. 2023:122 [ref. 40598]). Current status: Valid as Didogobius Miller 1966. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Dilepidion (subgenus of Gobiosoma) Ginsburg [I.] 1933:17 Neut. Gobiosoma ginsburgi Hildebrand & Schroeder 1928. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Diogenides Koumans [F. P.] 1931:73 Not available, no description. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Discordipinna Hoese [D. F.] & Fourmanoir [P.] 1978:19 Fem. Discordipinna griessingeri Hoese & Fourmanoir 1978. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Discordipinna Hoese & Fourmanoir 1978 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:202 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1640 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Chen et al. 2012:274 [ref. 32040], Golani & Fricke 2018:151 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:132 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Discordipinna Hoese & Fourmanoir 1978. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Doliichthys Sauvage [H.-E.] 1874:336 Masc. Doliichthys stellatus Sauvage 1874. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Benthophilus Eichwald 1831 -- (Miller 1973:490 [ref. 6888], Pinchuk & Miller in Miller 2004:164 [ref. 27853], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497], Parin et al. 2015:477 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:69 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Benthophilus Eichwald 1831. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Doryptena Snyder [J. O.] 1908:102 Fem. Doryptena okinawae Snyder 1908. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:403 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Dotsugobius Shibukawa [K.], Suzuki [T.] & Senou [H.] 2014:144 Masc. Lophogobius bleekeri Popta 1921. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Dotsugobius Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou 2014 -- (Parenti 2021:132 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Dotsugobius Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou 2014. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Drombus Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] 1905:797 Masc. Drombus palackyi Jordan & Seale 1905. Type by monotypy. Treated as masculine, Art. 30.2.4. •Valid as Drombus Jordan & Seale 1905 -- (Goren 1979:36 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:250 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:786 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:367 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1640 [ref. 29097], Shibukawa 2010:111 [ref. 30810], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Fricke et al. 2018:329 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:133 [ref. 38603], Chen & Li 2024:224 [ref. 41749]). Current status: Valid as Drombus Jordan & Seale 1905. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ebomegobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1946:124 Masc. Ebomegobius goodi Herre 1946. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ebomegobius Herre 1946 -- (Maugé 1986:388 [ref. 6218], Miller 1988:267 [ref. 26483], Harrison et al. 2007:501 [ref. 30083], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:216 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:134 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Ebomegobius Herre 1946. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Echinogobius Iwata [A.], Hosoya [S.] & Niimura [Y.] 1998:113 Masc. Echinogobius hayashii Iwata, Hosoya & Niimura 1998. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Echinogobius Iwata, Hosoya & Niimura 1998 -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3583 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1642 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:134 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Echinogobius Iwata, Hosoya & Niimura 1998. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Egglestonichthys Miller [P. J.] & Wongrat [P.] 1979:240 Masc. Egglestonichthys patriciae Miller & Wongrat 1979. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Egglestonichthys Miller & Wongrat 1979 -- (Winterbottom & Burridge 1992:1935 [ref. 20878], Larson & Hoese 1997:45 [ref. 22675], Larson & Murdy 2001:3586, 3588 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1642 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2013:147 [ref. 32790], Motomura et al. 2017:198 [ref. 35490], Fujiwara et al. 2020:91 [ref. 38026], Allen et al. 2020:41 [ref. 38027], Parenti 2021:135 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Egglestonichthys Miller & Wongrat 1979. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ego Randall [J. E.] 1994:335 Masc. Ego zebra Randall 1994. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ego Randall 1994 -- (Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:136 [ref. 38603]). •Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Larson 2022:131 [ref. 39971]). Current status: Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eichwaldia (subgenus of Gobius) Smitt [F. A.] 1900:545 Fem. Gobius caspius Eichwald 1831. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Eichwaldia Billings 1858 in fossil brachiopods, replaced by and objective synonym of Eichwaldiella Whitley 1930. •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927, but a valid subgenus Eichwaldia as described -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:228 [ref. 28183]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:501 [ref. 6888], Miller & Vasil'eva 2003:163 [ref. 27344], Parin et al. 2014:492 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eichwaldiella Whitley [G. P.] 1930:123 Fem. Gobius caspius Eichwald 1831. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Eichwaldia Smitt 1899, preoccupied by Eichwaldia Billings 1858 in fossil brachiopods. •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927, but a valid subgenus Eichwaldiella -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:228 [ref. 28183]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:502 [ref. 6888], Miller & Vasil'eva 2003:163 [ref. 27344], Vasil'eva 2003:S48 [ref. 28444], Parin et al. 2014:492 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eilatia Klausewitz [W.] 1974:206 Fem. Eilatia latruncularia Klausewitz 1974. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Elatia by Goren & Dor 1994:64 [ref. 25356]. •Valid as Eilatia Klausewitz 1974 -- (Goren 1979:37 [ref. 1852]). •Synonym of Tomiyamichthys Smith 1956 -- (Hoese et al. 2016:583 [ref. 34210], Parenti 2021:227 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Tomiyamichthys Smith 1956. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Elacatinus Jordan [D. S.] 1904:542 Masc. Elacatinus oceanops Jordan 1904. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858, but a valid subgenus Elacatinus -- (Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969]). •Valid as Elacatinus Jordan 1904 -- (Hoese & Reader 2001:158 [ref. 26035], Colin 2002:1 [ref. 26436], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1787 [ref. 27111], Guimarães et al. 2004:2 [ref. 27977], Taylor & Akins 2007:45 [ref. 29023], Randall & Colin 2009:31 [ref. 30307], Victor 2010:2 [ref. 30797], Colin 2010:36 [ref. 30879], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:159 [ref. 31732], Lobel & Lobel 2011:49 [ref. 31774], Sandoval-Huerta et al. 2019:269 [ref. 37390], Parenti 2021:264 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Elacatinus Jordan 1904. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eleotrica Ginsburg [I.] 1933:10 Fem. Eleotrica cableae Ginsburg 1933. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Eleotrica Ginsburg 1933 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:160 [ref. 31732], Tornabene et al. 2016:15 [ref. 34435], Parenti 2021:268 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Eleotrica Ginsburg 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eleotriculus (subgenus of Chriolepis) Ginsburg [I.] 1938:111 Masc. Chriolepis zebra Ginsburg 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Chriolepis Gilbert 1892 -- (Parenti 2021:263 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Chriolepis Gilbert 1892. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eleotriodes Bleeker [P.] 1857:372 Masc. Eleotris sexguttata Valenciennes 1837. Type by monotypy. Appeared as above as name with existing species and therefore available. Also appeared in Bleeker 1857:465 [ref. 6220] with several included species. Also appeared in Bleeker 1858:212 [ref. 362] as a new genus based on Bleeker's style, but in conjunction with E. helsdingenii which Bleeker subsequently regarded as type. •Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856 -- (Hoese & Larson 1994:4 [ref. 12483], Parenti 2021:248 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ellerya Castelnau [F. L.] 1873:95 Fem. Ellerya unicolor Castelnau 1873. Type by monotypy. Ellyria Castelnau 1875:21 [ref. 768] is an incorrect subsequent spelling. •Synonym of Gobiodon Bleeker 1856 -- (Maugé 1986:369 [ref. 6218], Parenti 2021:167 [ref. 38603], Hildebrandt et al. 2024:492 [ref. 41770]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiodon Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Encaeura Jordan [D. S.] & Hubbs [C. L.] 1925:303 Fem. Encaeura evides Jordan & Hubbs 1925. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Randall & Suzuki 2008:90 [ref. 29664], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Enypnias (subgenus of Garmannia) Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1898:2231, 2233 Masc. Gobius seminudus Günther 1861. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Enypnias Jordan & Evermann 1898 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:160 [ref. 31732]). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Evermannichthys Metzelaar [J.] 1919:139 Masc. Evermannichthys spongicola Metzelaar 1919. Type by monotypy. Also appeared as new in Metzelaar 1922:141 [ref. 5741]. •Valid as Evermannichthys Metzelaar 1919 -- (Gilbert & Burgess 1986 [ref. 5949], Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2001:2 [ref. 25217], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1783 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:160 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:268 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Evermannichthys Metzelaar 1919. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eviota Jenkins [O. P.] 1903:501 Fem. Eviota epiphanes Jenkins 1903. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Eviota Jenkins 1903 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:342 [ref. 7348], Lachner & Karnella 1978 [ref. 8814], Lachner & Karnella 1980 [ref. 6916], Jewett & Lachner 1983 [ref. 5368], Yoshino & Shimada in Masuda et al. 1984:243 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:787 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Sunobe 1988 [ref. 12744], Gomon et al. 1994:789 [ref. 22532], Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa & Suzuki 2005:65 [ref. 28425], Matsuura & Senou 2006:347 [ref. 28813], Hoese & Larson 2006:1642 [ref. 29097], Randall 2008:287 [ref. 29721], Greenfield & Randall 2008:497 [ref. 29936], Hoese & Larson 2008:757 [ref. 30660], Greenfield 2009:683 [ref. 30635], Greenfield & Randall 2010:269 [ref. 30765], Greenfield & Suzuki 2010:57 [ref. 31021], Greenfield & Randall 2010:61 [ref. 31036], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Greenfield & Randall 2011:54 [ref. 31475], Greenfield & Jewett 2011:53 [ref. 31687], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:237 [ref. 31740], Greenfield & Suzuki 2012:55 [ref. 31797], Hoese & Stewart 2012:61 [ref. 32113], Greenfield & Jewett 2012:67 [ref. 32245], Greenfield & Suzuki 2013:168 [ref. 32582], Allen et al. 2013:79 [ref. 32683], Tornabene et al. 2013:1 [ref. 32884], Greenfield & Erdmann 2013:593 [ref. 32993], Greenfield et al. 2014:1 [ref. 33111], Greenfield & Winterbottom 2014:295 [ref. 33133], Greenfield et al. 2014:11 [ref. 33175], Greenfield et al. 2014:481 [ref. 33193] Greenfield & Tornabene 2014:133 [ref. 33294], Suzuki & Greenfield 2014:32 [ref. 33412], Greenfield & Erdmann 2014:23 [ref. 33413], Greenfield & Jewett 2014:56 [ref. 33326], Greenfield & Erdmann 2014:27 [ref. 33581], Hoese 2015:1577 [ref. 34304], Greenfield & Randall 2016:25 [ref. 34356], Tornabene et al. 2016:1811 [ref. 34439], Greenfield & Jewett 2016:71 [ref. 34495], Tornabene & Greenfield 2016:1 [ref. 34518], Greenfield & Winterbottom 2016:28 [ref. 34537], Greenfield & Jewett 2016:589 [ref. 34594], Greenfield & Winterbottom 2016:53 [ref. 34754], Greenfield & Suzuki 2016:2 [ref. 34895], Greenfield & Winterbottom 2016:35 [ref. 35011], Greenfield & Erdmann 2017:1 [ref. 35363], Greenfield et al. 2017:86 [ref. 35646], Greenfield 2017:32 [ref. 35705], Greenfield & Randall 2017:66 [ref. 35852], Fricke et al. 2018:329 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:152 [ref. 36273], Greenfield et al. 2018:18 [ref. 36188], Greenfield et al. 2019:57 [ref. 36616], Fricke et al. 2019:280 [ref. 36673], Greenfield & Gordon 2019:9 [ref. 36725], Fujiwara et al. 2019:1 [ref. 37032], Winterbottom & Greenfield 2020:30 [ref. 37589], Greenfield & Erdmann 2020:95 [ref. 37691], Greenfield & Erdmann 2020:1 [ref. 37758], Greenfield & Erdmann 2020:31 [ref. 38056], Greenfield 2021:2 [ref. 38148], Greenfield & Erdmann 2021:27 [ref. 38434], Parenti 2021:136 [ref. 38603], Tornabene et al. 2021:149 [ref. 38592], Greenfield et al. 2022:36 [ref. 39807], Erdmann et al. 2023:37 [ref. 40267], Greenfield et al. 2023:48 [ref. 40540], Greenfield et al. 2024:14 [ref. 41081], Shen et al. 2024:32 [ref. 41737], Greenfield et al. 2025:1 [ref. 41896]). Current status: Valid as Eviota Jenkins 1903. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Eviotops Smith [J. L. B.] 1957:825 Masc. Eviotops infulatus Smith 1957. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eviota Jenkins 1903 -- (Lachner & Karnella 1980:12 [ref. 6916], Parenti 2021:136 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Eviota Jenkins 1903. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Exyrias Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] 1906:405 Masc. Gobius puntangoides Bleeker 1854. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Exyrias Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:250 [ref. 6441], Murdy 1985:2 [ref. 19200], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293], Larson & Wright 2003:128 [ref. 27481], Allen & Randall 2005:231 [ref. 28537], Hoese & Larson 2006:1648 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:406 [ref. 32989], Fricke et al. 2018:330 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:153 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:283 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:153 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Exyrias Jordan & Seale 1906. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Fagea de Buen [F.] 1940:9 Fem. Cabotia schmidti de Buen 1930. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement for Cabotia de Buen 1930, preoccupied by Cabotia Ragonot 1888 in Lepidoptera but apparently replaced earlier in same year by Cabotichthys Whitley 1940. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Miller 1973:483 [ref. 6888], Maugé 1986:372 [ref. 6218], Parenti 2021:175 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Favonigobius Whitley [G. P.] 1930:122 Masc. Gobius lateralis Macleay 1881. Type by original designation. •Valid as Favonigobius Whitley 1930 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:250 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:788 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:367 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill & Miller 1990:513 [ref. 16711], Gill 1993:177 [ref. 21981], Gomon et al. 1994:790 [ref. 22532], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3589 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1649 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2008:758 [ref. 30660], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:237 [ref. 31740], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:375 [ref. 32441], Hammer et al. 2015:374 [ref. 34092], Hoese 2015:1578 [ref. 34304], Sadeghi et al. 2017:641 [ref. 35641], Fricke et al. 2018:330 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:153 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:154 [ref. 38603], Momose 2024:20 [ref. 41434]). Current status: Valid as Favonigobius Whitley 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Feia Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:205 Fem. Feia nympha Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Feia Smith 1959 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1979:11 [ref. 7018], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Gill & Mooi 1999:366 [ref. 24251], Winterbottom 2003:97 [ref. 27243], Winterbottom 2005:45 [ref. 28345], Hoese & Larson 2006:1650 [ref. 29097], Bogorodsky et al. 2010:118 [ref. 30896], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2016:349 [ref. 34349], Golani & Fricke 2018:153 [ref. 36273], Allen et al. 2020:11 [ref. 37329], Parenti 2021:156 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Feia Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Fereleotris (subgenus of Amblyeleotris) Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:152 Fem. Amblyeleotris (Fereleotris) delicatulus Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Genus wrongly treated as masculine by author, species should be delicatula. •Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Hoese & Steene 1978:381 [ref. 8713], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Flabelligobius Smith [J. L. B.] 1956:553 Masc. Flabelligobius fourmanoiri Smith 1956. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Flabelligobius Smith 1956 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:259 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Chen & Fang 2003:333 [ref. 27539], Motomura et al. 2010:211 [ref. 31256]). •Synonym of Tomiyamichthys Smith 1956 -- (Randall & Chen 2007:651 [ref. 29392], Bogorodsky et al. 2011:216 [ref. 31666], Hoese et al. 2016:583 [ref. 34210], Parenti 2021:227 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Tomiyamichthys Smith 1956. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Fluvicola Iljin [B. S.] 1930:56 Masc. Gobius martensii Günther 1861. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type given as G. martensi Günther 1861 = G. fluviatilis Cuvier & Valenciennes 1828. •Synonym of Padogobius Iljin 1933 -- (Miller 2004:33 [ref. 27853], Parenti 2021:205 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Padogobius Iljin 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Fusigobius Whitley [G. P.] 1930:122 Masc. Gobius neophytus Günther 1877. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Coryphopterus Gill 1863 -- (Randall 1995:795 [ref. 22357], Randall 2001:206 [ref. 25665]). •Valid as Fusigobius Whitley 1930 -- (Goren 1979:38 [ref. 1852], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:251 [ref. 6441], Hoese & Reader 1985:1 [ref. 8155], Hoese 1986:789 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:192 [ref. 7303], Hoese & Obika 1988 [ref. 12745], Chen & Shao 1997:87 [ref. 23347], Larson & Murdy 2001:3589 [ref. 26293], Thacker & Cole 2002:839 [ref. 26548], Hoese & Larson 2006:1651 [ref. 29097], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Fricke et al. 2018:330 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:153 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:284 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:156 [ref. 38603], Bogorodsky et al. 2023:101 [ref. 40056], Chen et al. 2024:17 [ref. 41736]). Current status: Valid as Fusigobius Whitley 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Galera Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1927:103 Fem. Galera producta Herre 1927. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Galera Gray 1842 in Mammalia, replaced by Herrea Whitley 1930. •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:403 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gammogobius Bath [H.] 1971:201 Masc. Gammogobius steinitzi Bath 1971. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Gammogobius Bath 1971 -- (Miller 1973:495 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1034 [ref. 13677], Scsepka & Ahnelt 1999:72 [ref. 23868], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:63 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:186 [ref. 31737], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parin et al. 2015:480 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:158 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gammogobius Bath 1971. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Garmannia Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] in Jordan 1895:495 Fem. Gobius paradoxus Günther 1861. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Garmannia Jordan & Evermann 1895 -- (authors). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858, but a valid subgenus Garmania -- (Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:430 [ref. 24550], Rüber et al. 2003:1597 [ref. 26969]). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:269 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gergobius (subgenus of Calleleotris) Whitley [G. P.] 1930:22 Masc. Eleotris taeniura Macleay 1881. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856 -- (Hoese & Larson 1994:5 [ref. 12483], Parenti 2021:248 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gerhardinus Meek [S. E.] & Hildebrand [S. F.] 1928:889 Masc. Gerhardinus nudus Meek & Hildebrand 1928. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ginsburgellus Böhlke [J. E.] & Robins [C. R.] 1968:140 Masc. Gobiosoma novemlineatum Fowler 1950. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ginsburgellus Böhlke & Robins 1968 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1787 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:160 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:269 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Ginsburgellus Böhlke & Robins 1968. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gladiogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1933:23 Masc. Gladiogobius ensifer Herre 1933. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Gladigobius in Zoological Record for 1933. •Valid as Gladiogobius Herre 1933 -- (Goren 1979:40 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:242 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa & Allen 2007:194 [ref. 30644], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Golani & Fricke 2018:154 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:284 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:159 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gladiogobius Herre 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Glossogobius Gill [T. N.] 1859:46 Masc. Gobius platycephalus Richardson 1846. Type by monotypy. Date may be 1860 or 1861. In the absence of a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the Glossogobius-group, we still use Glossogobius sensu lato. •Valid as Glossogobius Gill 1859 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:373 [ref. 7348], Goren 1979:41 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:274 [ref. 6441], Kottelat 1985:274 [ref. 11441], Hoese 1986:789 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:186 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Ataur Rahman 1989:307 [ref. 24860], Hoese & Allen 1990 [ref. 19360], Wu in Pan et al. 1991:460 [ref. 23876], Allen 1991:176 [ref. 21090], Gill 1993:176 [ref. 21981], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Vasil'eva 1998:134 [ref. 23591], Larson & Murdy 2001:3583, 3587 [ref. 26293], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Vasil'eva 2003:S44 [ref. 28444], Ataur Rahman 2003:333 [ref. 31338], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:220 [ref. 28183], Proudlove 2006:199 [ref. 28992], Hoese & Larson 2006:1652 [ref. 29097] dated 1861, Hoese & Allen 2009:1 [ref. 29998], Morgan 2011:18 [ref. 31262], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:216 [ref. 31738], Keith & Lord 2011:244 [ref. 31741], Marshall 2011:265 [ref. 31755], Hoese & Allen 2012:269 [ref. 31974], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:375 [ref. 32441], Kottelat 2013:407 [ref. 32989], Hoese et al. 2015:18 [ref. 33684], Parin et al. 2015:480 [ref. 33547], Hoese & Allen 2015:201 [ref. 33880], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:898 [ref. 34062], Dyldin & Orlov 2017:193 [ref. 35257], Esmaeili et al. 2017:82 [ref. 35254], Hoese et al. 2017:181 [ref. 35452], Motomura et al. 2017:198 [ref. 35490], Esmaeili et al. 2018:63 [ref. 36089], Fricke et al. 2018:331 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:154 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:285 [ref. 36673], Hammer et al. 2021:[5] 91 [ref. 39008], Parenti 2021:159 [ref. 38603], Endruweit 2024:78 [ref. 41040]). Current status: Valid as Glossogobius Gill 1859. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobicula (subgenus of Garmannia) Ginsburg [I.] 1944:379 Fem. Garmannia gemmata Ginsburg 1939. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Elacatinus Jordan 1904 -- (Hoese & Reader 2001:158 [ref. 26035]). •Synonym of Tigrigobius Fowler 1931 -- (Parenti 2021:280 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Tigrigobius Fowler 1931. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiculina (subgenus of Garmannia) Ginsburg [I.] 1944:380 Fem. Garmannia homochroma Ginsburg 1939. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobio Klein [J. T.] 1779:178 Masc. Not available, published in a work that does not conform to the principle of binominal nomenclature. Not Gobio Cuvier 1816. Original not checked. •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobio Walbaum [J. J.] (ex Klein) 1792:584 Masc. Not available, published in a part of work rejected for nomenclatural purposes in Opinion 21 (1938). Based on Klein 1749:26 [ref. 30141]. •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiodon Bleeker [P.] (ex Kuhl & van Hasselt) 1856:385, 407 Masc. Gobiodon heterospilos Bleeker 1856. Type by subsequent designation. Earliest type designation found is Jordan 1919:267 [ref. 2410]; type not Gobius histrio as listed by Maugé 1986, apparently not designated by Bleeker 1874:309 [ref. 437] where two types are listed. •Valid as Gobiodon Bleeker 1856 -- (Yoshino & Yamamoto in Masuda et al. 1984:265 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:791 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:369 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Harold & Winterbottom 1995:687 [ref. 21923], Harold & Winterbottom 1999:49 [ref. 23701], Munday et al. 1999:53 [ref. 24284], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Thacker & Cole 2002:840 [ref. 26548], Winterbottom & Harold 2005:582 [ref. 28358], Hoese & Larson 2006:1655 [ref. 29097], Harold et al. 2008:119 [ref. 29450], Bogorodsky et al. 2010:120 [ref. 30896], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Suzuki et al. 2012:59 [ref. 32027], Herler et al. 2013:301 [ref. 32889], Shibukawa et al. 2013:143 [ref. 32951], Fricke et al. 2018:333 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:154 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:285 [ref. 36673], Allen 2021:11 [ref. 38272], Parenti 2021:167 [ref. 38603], Sato & Motomura 2024:422 [ref. 41451], Hildebrandt et al. 2024:492 [ref. 41770]). Current status: Valid as Gobiodon Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiodonella Lindberg [G. U.] 1934:336, 440 Fem. Gobiodonella macrops Lindberg 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Lubricogobius Tanaka 1915 -- (Chen & Fang 1997:93 [ref. 23348], Randall & Senou 2001:4 [ref. 25241], Parenti 2021:193 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Lubricogobius Tanaka 1915. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiohelpis (subgenus of Garmannia) Ginsburg [I.] 1944:380 Masc. Garmannia spes Ginsburg 1939. Type by original designation. Treated as masculine, Art. 30.2.4. •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiolepis (subgenus of Garmannia) Ginsburg [I.] 1944:379 Fem. Garmannia hildebrandi Ginsburg 1939. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167]), Parenti 2021:270 [ref. 38603]. Current status: Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiopsis Steindachner [F.] 1861:291 Fem. Gobius macrostomus Heckel 1861. Type by monotypy. The gender of the genus is feminine, ICZN Art. 30.1.2, contra Endruweit 2024:83 [ref. 41040] (m = mihi = by myself). •Valid as Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1978 [ref. 6603], Lachner & McKinney 1979 [ref. 7018], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:267 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:791 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Wu in Pan et al. 1991:486 [ref. 23876], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3583 [ref. 26293], Ataur Rahman 2003:326 [ref. 31338], Hoese & Larson 2006:1658 [ref. 29097], Shibukawa 2010:97 [ref. 30809], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:238 [ref. 31740], Delventhal & Mooi 2014:571 [ref. 33168], Kottelat 2013:409 [ref. 32989], Hoese 2015:1580 [ref. 34304], Prokofiev 2016:618 [ref. 34849], Allen et al. 2018:47 [ref. 36214], Fricke et al. 2019:285 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:172 [ref. 38603], Endruweit 2024:83 [ref. 41040]). Current status: Valid as Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobiosoma Girard [C. F.] 1858:169 Neut. Gobiosoma molestum Girard 1858. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently designated first by Bleeker 1874:310 [ref. 437]. •Valid as Gobiosoma Girard 1858 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:186, 189 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:430 [ref. 24550], Hoese & Reader 2001:157 [ref. 26035], Rüber et al. 2003:1596 [ref. 26969] with subgenera, Murdy & Hoese 2003:1787 [ref. 27111], Kullander in Reis et al. 2003:661 [ref. 27061], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:161 [ref. 31732], 2008:145 [ref. 29532], Larson et al. 2013:190 [ref. 32988], Tornabene & Van Tassell 2014:6 [ref. 33167], Van Tassell et al. 2015:451 [ref. 33949], Parenti 2021:269 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gobiosoma Girard 1858. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobitrichinotus Fowler [H. W.] 1943:85 Masc. Gobitrichinotus radiocularis Fowler 1943. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Gobitrichonotus in Zoological Record for 1943. •Valid as Gobitrichinotus Fowler 1943 -- (Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:287 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:201 [ref. 7303], Larson 2001:3604 [ref. 26294], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Fricke et al. 2018:322 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:379 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gobitrichinotus Fowler 1943. Gobiidae: Kraemeriinae.

Gobius Linnaeus [C.] 1758:262 Masc. Gobius niger Linnaeus 1758. Type by subsequent designation. Type apparently first designated by Gill 1863:268 [ref. 1690]. Spelled Gobbius by Cetti 1777:107 [ref. 18872]. On Official List (Opinion 77, Direction 56). •Valid as Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Miller 1973:483 [ref. 6888], Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:350 [ref. 7348], Goren 1979:43 [ref. 1852], Maugé 1986:372 [ref. 6218], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1035 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Allen 1991:187 [ref. 21090], Vasil'eva 1996:448 [ref. 24650], Vasil'eva 1998:134 [ref. 23591], Brito & Miller 2001:262 [ref. 25096], Vasil'eva 2003:S44 [ref. 28444], Villegas-Ríos & Bañón 2010:311 [ref. 30992], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:63 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:186 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:217 [ref. 31738], Kovačić et al. 2012:439 [ref. 32861], Parin et al. 2015:481 [ref. 33547], Iglésias et al. 2015:1 [ref. 34138], Kovačić & Šanda 2016:3 [ref. 34173], Golani & Fricke 2018:155 [ref. 36273], Iglésias et al. 2021:1 [ref. 38136], Parenti 2021:174 [ref. 38603], Renoult et al. 2022:31 [ref. 39288]). Current status: Valid as Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gobulus Ginsburg [I.] 1933:12 Masc. Gobiosoma crescentalis Gilbert 1892. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Gobulus Ginsburg 1933 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Hoese & Reader 2001:170 [ref. 26036], Rüber et al. 2003:1598 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Van Tassell 2011:161 [ref. 31732], Tornabene et al. 2016:15 [ref. 34435], Parenti 2021:273 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gobulus Ginsburg 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gorogobius Miller [P. J.] 1978:28 Masc. Gobius nigricinctus Delais 1951. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Gorogobius Miller 1978 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:186 [ref. 7303]. Kavačić & Schliewen 2008:30 [ref. 29445], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:186 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:217 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:181 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gorogobius Miller 1978. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gracileotris Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1953:189 Fem. Gracileotris bockensis Herre 1953. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Randall & Suzuki 2008:90 [ref. 29664], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989]), Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]. Current status: Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Grallenia Shibukawa [K.] & Iwata [A.] 2007:124 Fem. Grallenia arenicola Shibukawa & Iwata 2007. Type by original designation. •Valid as Grallenia Shibukawa & Iwata 2007 -- (Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Allen & Erdmann 2017:20 [ref. 35533], Allen & Hammer 2018:87 [ref. 36325], Parenti 2021:182 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Grallenia Shibukawa & Iwata 2007. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gunnamatta Whitley [G. P.] 1928:225 Fem. Gunnamatta insolita Whitley 1928. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gunnellichthys Bleeker [P.] 1858:3, 9 Masc. Gunnellichthys pleurotaenia Bleeker 1858. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Gunnellichthys Bleeker 1858 -- (Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:288 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2000:951 [ref. 25100], Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Hoese 2006:1703 [ref. 28988], Gill & Mooi 2010:51 [ref. 30792], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Ho et al. 2013:74 [ref. 33261], Fricke et al. 2018:345 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:164 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:293 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:382 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gunnellichthys Bleeker 1858. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Gymneleotris Bleeker [P.] 1874:304 Fem. Eleotris seminudus Günther 1864. Type by original designation. •Valid as Gymneleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:162 [ref. 31732], Tornabene et al. 2016:16 [ref. 34435], Parenti 2021:273 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gymneleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Gymnesigobius Kovačić [M.], Ordines [F.], Ramirez-Amaro [S.] & Schliewen [U. K.] 2019:515 Masc. Gymnesigobius medits Kovačić, Ordines, Ramirez-Amaro & Schliewen 2019. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Gymnesigobius Kovačić, Ordines, Ramirez-Amaro & Schliewen 2019 -- (Parenti 2021:183 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Gymnesigobius Kovačić, Ordines, Ramirez-Amaro & Schliewen 2019. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Hazeus Jordan [D. S.] & Snyder [J. O.] 1901:51 Masc. Hazeus otakii Jordan & Snyder 1901. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Gnatholepis Bleeker 1874 -- (Maugé 1986:369 [ref. 6218]). •Valid as Hazeus Jordan & Snyder 1901 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:253 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3583 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1659 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Engin et al. 2018:316 [ref. 36014], Golani & Fricke 2018:156 [ref. 36273], Allen & Erdmann 2021:37 [ref. 38393], Parenti 2021:183 [ref. 38603], Allen et al. 2024:1 [ref. 41004]). Current status: Valid as Hazeus Jordan & Snyder 1901. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Herrea Whitley [G. P.] 1930:123 Fem. Galera producta Herre 1927. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Galera Herre 1927, preoccupied by Galera Gray 1842 in mammals. •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:111 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Herrea Smith [H. M.] 1931:40 Fem. Herrea formosa Smith 1931. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Herrea Gray 1842 in Mammalia and by Herrea Whitley 1930 in fishes, replaced by Herreolus Smith 1931. •Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912 -- (Rennis & Hoese 1985:172 [ref. 5859], Kottelat 2013:435 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:401 [ref. 38603]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Herreichthys Koumans [F. P.] 1931:163 Masc. Herrea formosa Smith 1931. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement for Herrea Smith 1931, earlier replaced by Herreolus Smith 1931. •Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912 -- (Rennis & Hoese 1985:172 [ref. 5859], Kottelat 2013:435 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:401 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Herreogobius Koumans [F. P.] 1940:139 Masc. Ctenogobius malekulae Herre 1935. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Herreogobius Koumans 1940 -- (Endruweit 2024:83 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1978:10 [ref. 6603], Kottelat 2013:409 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:172 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Herreolus Smith [H. M.] 1931:190 Masc. Herrea formosa Smith 1931. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Herrea Smith 1931, preoccupied by Herrea Whitley 1930 in fishes. •Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912 -- (Rennis & Hoese 1985:172 [ref. 5859], Kottelat 2013:435 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:401 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Parioglossus Regan 1912. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Hetereleotris Bleeker [P.] 1874:306 Fem. Gobius diadematus Rüppell 1830. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981 [ref. 5508], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:241 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986 [ref. 5996], Hoese 1986:791 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:184, 186 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3581 [ref. 26293], Randall 2005:19 [ref. 28161], Hoese & Larson 2005:1 [ref. 28571], Hoese & Larson 2006:1659 [ref. 29097], Shibukawa 2010:89 [ref. 30808], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:218 [ref. 31738], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 1214:475 [ref. 33169], Kovačić et al. 2014:119 [ref. 33446], Fricke et al. 2018:333 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:156 [ref. 36273], Kovačić et al. 2019:501 [ref. 36728], Kovačić et al. 2021:283 [ref. 38406], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Heterogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:320 Masc. Gobius chiloensis Guichenot 1848. Type by original designation. •Genus inquirenda -- (Parenti 2021:444 [ref. 38603]). •Regarded as valid based on placement of the type species. Current status: Valid as Heterogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Heteroplopomus Tomiyama [I.] 1936:39, 58 Fem. Rhinogobius barbatus Tomiyama 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Heteroplopomus Tomiyama 1936 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:267 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:186 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Heteroplopomus Tomiyama 1936. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Hexacanthus Nordmann [A. von] 1838:332 Masc. Gobius macrocephalus Pallas 1787. Type by monotypy. •Objective synonym of Benthophilus Eichwald 1831 -- (Miller 1973:490 [ref. 6888], Pinchuk & Miller in Miller 2004:164 [ref. 27853], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497], Parenti 2021:69 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Benthophilus Eichwald 1831. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Illana Smith [H. M.] & Seale [A.] 1906:79 Fem. Illana cacabet Smith & Seale 1906. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Second species questionably referred to genus. In the absence of a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the Glossogobius-group, we still use Glossogobius sensu lato. •Valid as Illana Smith & Seale 1906 -- (Wu in Pan et al. 1991:467 [ref. 23876], Endruweit 2024:78 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859 -- (Kottelat 2013:407 [ref. 32989], Hoese et al. 2015:18 [ref. 33684], Parenti 2021:159 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Innoculus Whitley [G. P.] 1952:25 Masc. Gobius nigroocellatus Günther 1873. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Based on a misidentified type species; Murdy & Hoese (1985:9 [ref. 5237]) refer Whitley's specimens of nigroocellatus Günther to Istigobius ornatus (Rüppell). Kottelat (2013) fixes the type as nigroocellatatus Günther 1873 •Synonym of Istigobius Whitley 1932 -- (Murdy & Hoese 1985:5 [ref. 5237], Kottelat 2013:411 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:187 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Istigobius Whitley 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Intonsagobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1943:91 Masc. Intonsagobius kuderi Herre 1943. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Parenti 2021:111 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ioglossus Bean [T. H.] in Jordan & Gilbert 1882:297 Masc. Ioglossus calliurus Jordan & Gilbert 1882. Type by monotypy. Appeared first as name only in Goode & Bean 1882:236 [ref. 20598], then as above. Also appeared in Goode & Bean 1882 (about 18 Sept.):419 [ref. 1840], Bean in Jordan & Gilbert is 15 Aug. 1882; authorship of the species is regarded as Jordan & Gilbert, since they based their species description on their own specimens. •Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Birdsong et al. 1988:198 [ref. 7303], Randall & Suzuki 2008:90 [ref. 29664], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Iotogobius Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:195 Masc. Iotogobius malindiensis Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Polunin & Lubbock 1977:91 [ref. 3540], Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Isthmogobius Koumans [F. P.] (ex Bleeker) 1931:86 Masc. Gobius baliurus Valenciennes 1837. Type by original designation. Appeared in synonymy of Gnatholepis Bleeker as "?Isthmogobius Bleeker (Museum name) (Gobius baliurus C. & V.)." Regarded as a name in synonymy; apparently never made available; type as given by authors. But treated as available by Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293]. Treated as unavailable by Larson & Wright 2003:128-129 [ref. 27481] and renamed Arcygobius. •Treated as valid as Isthmogobius -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293]). •Not available -- (Parenti 2021:447 [ref. 38603]). •In the synonymy of Arcygobius Larson & Wright 2003 -- (Larson & Wright 2003:129 [ref. 27481], Kottelat 2013:399 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Arcygobius Larson & Wright 2003. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Istigobius (subgenus of Gobius) Whitley [G. P.] 1932:301 Masc. Gobius (Istigobius) stephensoni Whitley 1932. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Istigobius Whitley 1932 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:252 [ref. 6441], Murdy & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5237], Hoese 1986:793 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:374 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Miller & Smith 1989:280 [ref. 25535], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585, 3589 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1660 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:411 [ref. 32989], Fricke et al. 2018:334 [ref. 35805], Hoese & Erdmann 2018:70 [ref. 35978], Golani & Fricke 2018:157 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:285 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:187 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Istigobius Whitley 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Itbaya Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1927:288 Fem. Itbaya nuda Herre 1927. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905 -- (Hoese 1975:474 [ref. 5294], Parenti 2021:189 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Kelloggella Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] in Jordan & Evermann 1905:488 Fem. Enypnias oligolepis Jenkins 1903. Type by monotypy. First as above (29 July 1905), then in Jordan & Seale 1906:409 [ref. 2497], with "type" K. cardinalis Jordan & Seale. Intended type was cardinalis (in parentheses after genus in 29 July), but that species not then available. •Valid as Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905 -- (Hoese 1975 [ref. 5294], Sawada 1977 [ref. 6984], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:268 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Tornabene et al. 2017:1 [ref. 35703], Parenti 2021:189 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Kelloggella Jordan & Seale 1905. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Koumansetta Whitley [G. P.] 1940:425 Fem. Koumansetta rainfordi Whitley 1940. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Koumansetta Whitley 1940 -- (Randall 2005:541 [ref. 28239], Fricke et al. 2018:334 [ref. 35805], Kovačić et al. 2018:455 [ref. 36068], Golani & Fricke 2018:157 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:286 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:190 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Koumansetta Whitley 1940. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Koumansiasis Visweswara Rao [V.] 1967:17 Fem. Koumansiasis macrocephalus Visweswara Rao 1967. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878 -- (Miller & Smith 1989:280 [ref. 25535], Kottelat 2013:401 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:98 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Kraemeria Steindachner [F.] 1906:338 Fem. Kraemeria sandvicensis Steindachner 1906. Type by monotypy. Appeared later in Steindacher 1906:1409 [ref. 20596] with type as samoensis. •Valid as Kraemeria Steindachner 1906 -- (Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:287 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:811 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:375 [ref. 6218], Goren 1987 [ref. 6611], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Larson 2001:3604 [ref. 26294], Hoese 2006:1698 [ref. 28988], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Fricke et al. 2018:322 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:165 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:379 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Kraemeria Steindachner 1906. Gobiidae: Kraemeriinae.

Laccoeleotris Fowler [H. W.] 1935:403 Fem. Laccoeleotris lineopinnis Fowler 1935. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Randall & Suzuki 2008:90 [ref. 29664], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Larsonella Randall [J. E.] & Senou [H.] 2001:11 Fem. Lubricogobius pumilus Larson & Hoese 1980. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Larsonella Randall & Senou 2001 -- (Hoese & Larson 2006:1662 [ref. 29097], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:191 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Larsonella Randall & Senou 2001. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Latrunculus Günther [A.] 1861:80 Masc. Gobius albus Parnell 1831 - 1837. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Latrunculus Gray 1847 in Mollusca, replaced by Aphyogobius Whitley 1931. •Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827 -- (Miller 1973:489 [ref. 6888], Vasil'eva 2003:S42 [ref. 28444], Parin et al. 2015:476 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:93 [ref. 38603]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Aphia Risso 1827. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Leioeleotris Fowler [H. W.] 1934:494 Fem. Leioeleotris zonatus Fowler 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Leptocerdale Weymouth [F. W.] 1910:142 Fem. Leptocerdale longipinnis Weymouth 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Microdesmus Günther 1864 -- (Parenti 2021:383 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Microdesmus Günther 1864. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Lesueuri de Buen [F.] 1926:80 As a "grupo" for 2 species of Gobius. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lesueuria (subgenus of Gobius) Duncker [G.] 1928:124 Fem. Gobius suerii Risso 1810. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Iljin 1930:50 [ref. 2297]. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Lesueria Milne-Edwards 1841 in Coelenterata, replaced by Lesueurigobius Whitley 1950. •Synonym of Lesueurigobius Whitley 1950 -- (Miller 1973:499 [ref. 6888], Parenti 2021:191 [ref. 38603]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Lesueurigobius Whitley 1950. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lesueurigobius Whitley [G. P.] 1950:44 Masc. Gobius suerii Risso 1810. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Lesueuria Duncker 1928, preoccupied by Lesueuria Milne-Edwards 1841 in Coelenterata. •Valid as Lesueurigobius Whitley 1950 -- (Miller 1973:499 [ref. 6888], Miller 1984:380 [ref. 6338], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1051 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:186 [ref. 7303] as Lesuerigobius, Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], McKay & Miller 1997:1465 [ref. 24951], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:65 [ref. 36649], Thacker 2011:130 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Parenti 2021:191 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Lesueurigobius Whitley 1950. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lioteres Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:156 Masc. Lioteres (Lioteres) caminatus Smith 1958. Type by original designation. Described as a new genus and new subgenus. •Valid as Lioteres Smith 1958 -- (Hoese & Winterbottom 1979 [ref. 7022]). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lobulogobius Koumans [F. P.] in Blegvad & Løppenthin 1944:168 Masc. Lobulogobius omanensis Koumans 1944. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Lobulogobius Koumans 1944 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:38 [ref. 2725], Larson 1983 [ref. 8318], Larson 1986:947 [ref. 6328], Larson 1990:2 [ref. 16607], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Hoese & Larson 2006:1662 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:192 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Lobulogobius Koumans 1944. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lophogobius Gill [T. N.] 1862:240 Masc. Gobius cristagalli Valenciennes 1837. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Lophogobius Gill 1862 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:436 [ref. 24550], Larson 2001:42 [ref. 25522], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582, 3588 [ref. 26293], Thacker & Cole 2002:838 [ref. 26548], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1784 [ref. 27111], Hoese & Larson 2006:1662 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:141, 144 [ref. 31732], Kottelat 2013:412 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:193 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Lophogobius Gill 1862. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lotilia Klausewitz [W.] 1960:158 Fem. Lotilia graciliosa Klausewitz 1960. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Lotilia Klausewitz 1960 -- (Goren 1979:44 [ref. 1852], Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:262 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1663 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Shibukawa et al. 2012:54 [ref. 32036], Golani & Fricke 2018:157 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:286 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:193 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Lotilia Klausewitz 1960. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lubricogobius Tanaka [S.] 1915:567 Masc. Lubricogobius exiguus Tanaka 1915. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Lubricogobius Tanaka 1915 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:41 [ref. 2725], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:267 [ref. 6441], Chen & Fang 1997:93 [ref. 23348], Randall & Senou 2001:3 [ref. 25241], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1663 [ref. 29097], Prokofiev 2009:429 [ref. 30222], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Allen 2015:1 [ref. 34133], Allen & Erdmann 2016:24 [ref. 34937], Parenti 2021:193 [ref. 38603], Chen et al. 2024:183 [ref. 41742]). Current status: Valid as Lubricogobius Tanaka 1915. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Luposicya Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:217 Fem. Luposicya lupus Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Loposicya is a misspelling. •Valid as Luposicya Smith 1959 -- (Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:284 [ref. 6441], Larson 1986:947 [ref. 6328], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson 1990:3 [ref. 16607], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1663 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Golani & Fricke 2018:157 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:286 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:195 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Luposicya Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Lythrypnus (subgenus of Gobius) Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1896:458 Masc. Gobius dalli Gilbert 1890. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Lythrypnus Jordan & Evermann 1896 -- (Greenfield 1988 [ref. 6413], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1783 [ref. 27111], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:141 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:195 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Lythrypnus Jordan & Evermann 1896. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Macgregorella Seale [A.] 1910:533 Fem. Macgregorella moroana Seale 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1974:878 [ref. 2547], Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:403 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Macrodontogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1936:278 Masc. Macrodontogobius wilburi Herre 1936. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Macrodontogobius Herre 1936 -- (Murdy & Hoese 1984:227 [ref. 5377], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:253 [ref. 6441], Murdy 1985:3 [ref. 19200], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303] as Macrodontigobius, Larson & Hoese 2001:28 [ref. 25837], Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293], Larson & Wright 2003:127 [ref. 27481], Larson & Wright 2003:128 [ref. 27481], Allen & Randall 2005:231 [ref. 28537], Hoese & Larson 2006:1664 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Bogorodsky et al. 2011:217 [ref. 31666], Fricke et al. 2018:334 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:157 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:286 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:197 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Macrodontogobius Herre 1936. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Macrogobius de Buen [F.] 1930:135, 138 Masc. Gobius cobitis Pallas 1814. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Miller 1973:483 [ref. 6888], Maugé 1986:372 [ref. 6218], Vasil'eva 2003:S44 [ref. 28444], Parin et al. 2015:481 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:174 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mahidolia Smith [H. M.] 1932:255 Fem. Mahidolia normani Smith & Koumans 1932. Type by monotypy. The name Rictugobius is mentioned in passing (p. 258), not available. •Synonym of Waitea Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Maugé 1986:386 [ref. 6218]). •Valid as Mahidolia Smith 1932 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:309 [ref. 7028], Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:262 [ref. 6441] as Mahidoria, Hoese 1986:794 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1664 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Shibukawa et al. 2012:56 [ref. 32036], Kottelat 2013:412 [ref. 32989], Motomura et al. 2017:198 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:335 [ref. 35805], Allen & Erdmann 2019:79 [ref. 36640], Fricke et al. 2019:287 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:198 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Mahidolia Smith 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mangarinus Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1943:94 Masc. Mangarinus waterousi Herre 1943. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Mangarinus Herre 1943 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1977 [ref. 7043], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:262 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:412 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:198 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Mangarinus Herre 1943. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mapo (subgenus of Gobius) Smitt [F. A.] 1900:551 Masc. Gobius soporator Valenciennes 1837. Type by monotypy. Treated as masculine, Art. 30.2.4. •Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878 -- (Miller 1973:515 [ref. 6888], Akihito & Meguro 1980:218 [ref. 6920], Maugé 1986:360 [ref. 6218], Miller & Smith 1989:280 [ref. 25535], Kottelat 2013:401 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:98 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Marcelogobius Schliewen [U. K.] in Schliewen, Knorrn, Böhmer, Beuck, Sonnewald & Freiwald 2023:131 Masc. Didogobius splechtnai Ahnelt & Patzner 1995. Type by original designation. •Valid as Marcelogobius Schliewen 2023. Current status: Valid as Marcelogobius Schliewen 2023. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mars Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] 1906:408 Masc. Mars strigilliceps Jordan & Seale 1906. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Mars Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:278 [ref. 7028]). •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mauligobius Miller [P. J.] 1984:384 Masc. Gobius maderensis Valenciennes 1837. Type by original designation. Not available from Miller 1981:6, 8 [ref. 6219] (after 1930 without type designation, Art. 13.3). Can date to Miller 1984 as given above. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (see Fricke 1999:503 [ref. 24106]). •Valid as Mauligobius Miller 1984 -- (Maugé 1986:375 [ref. 6218], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1054 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Harrison & Miller in Lévêque et al. 1992:811 [ref. 21590], Harrison et al. 2007:525 [ref. 30083], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:218 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:199 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Mauligobius Miller 1984. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mesogobius (subgenus of Gobius) Bleeker [P.] 1874:317 Masc. Gobius batrachocephalus Pallas 1814. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Mesogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Miller 1973:501 [ref. 6888], Pinchuk 1977:595 [ref. 8999], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1054 [ref. 13677], Vasil'eva 1998:136 [ref. 23591], Larson 2001:47 [ref. 25522], Vasil'eva 2003:S48 [ref. 28444], Miller in Miller 2004:106 [ref. 27853], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:225 [ref. 28183],Nielsen & Stepien 2006:67 [ref. 31437], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:554 [ref. 29996], Neilson & Stepien 2009:97 [ref. 30497], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Freyhof 2011:284 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2014:491 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:898 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:83 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:64 [ref. 36089], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Mesogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Metagobius Whitley [G. P.] 1930:122 Masc. Eleotris sclateri Steindachner 1879. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:404 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:111 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Microdesmus Günther [A.] 1864:26 Masc. Microdesmus dipus Günther 1864. Type by monotypy. Also as Günther 1864 (Sept.):231 [ref. 1976]. This family is now an informal grouping within the Gobiidae (Gill & Mooi 2010 [ref. 30792]). •Valid as Microdesmus Günther 1964 -- (Dawson 1979 [ref. 6947], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:451 [ref. 24550], Thacker 2000:951 [ref. 25100], Amaya et al. 2002:33 [ref. 26089], Thacker 2003:1798 [ref. 27112], Harrison et al. 2007:545 [ref. 30083], Gill & Mooi 2010:51 [ref. 30792], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:146 [ref. 31732], Schliewen 2011:219 [ref. 31738] in Gobiidae, Gill et al. 2017:371 [ref. 35670], Parenti 2021:383 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Microdesmus Günther 1864. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Microgobius Poey [F.] 1876:168 [126-127] Masc. Microgobius signatus Poey 1876. Type by monotypy. On pp. 126-127 of separate. •Valid as Microgobius Poey 1876 -- (Birdsong 1981:268 [ref. 5425], Birdsong et al. 1988:191 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:448 [ref. 24550], Rüber et al. 2003:1598 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1787 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:166 [ref. 31732], Lobel & Lobel 2011:49 [ref. 31774], Van Tassell et al. 2012:88 [ref. 31948], Tornabene et al. 2012:41 [ref. 32138], Parenti 2021:273 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Microgobius Poey 1876. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Millerigobius Bath [H.] 1973:304 Masc. Gobius macrocephalus Kolombatović 1891. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Millerigobius Bath 1973 -- (Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1055 [ref. 13677], Bogorodsky et al. 2010:217 [ref. 31978], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:66 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2012:440 [ref. 32861], Parin et al. 2014:492 [ref. 33547], Kovačić et al. 2021:28 [ref. 38213], Parenti 2021:199 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Millerigobius Bath 1973. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mindorogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1945:11 Masc. Mindorogobius lopezi Herre 1945. Type by original designation (also monotypic). In the absence of a phylogenetic study, we still use Acentrogobius sensu lato. •Synonym of Creisson Jordan & Seale 1907 -- (Endruweit 2024:76 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:397 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:77 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Acentrogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Minictenogobiops Goren [M.] 1978:192 Masc. Minictenogobiops sinaii Goren 1978. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Minictenogobiops Goren 1978 -- (Goren 1979:45 [ref. 1852]). •Synonym of Silhouettea Smith 1959 -- (Miller & Fouda 1986:395 [ref. 12844], Miller 1988:242 [ref. 26483], Parenti 2021:221 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Silhouettea Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Minutus de Buen [F.] 1926:80 Masc. As a "grupo" for 4 species of Gobius. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Minysicya Larson [H. K.] 2002:64 Fem. Minysicya caudimaculata Larson 2002. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Minysicya Larson 2002 -- (Hoese & Larson 2006:1664 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:199 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Minysicya Larson 2002. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mizogobius Geetakumari [K.] & Vishwanath [W.] 2012:65 Masc. Mizogobius koladynae Geetakumari & Vishwanath 2012. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Mizogobius Geetakumari & Vishwanath 2012 -- (Parenti 2021:200 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Mizogobius Geetakumari & Vishwanath 2012. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Monishia Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:206 Fem. Bathygobius william Smith 1948. Type by original designation. •Valid as Monishia Smith 1959 -- (Miller 1973:501 [ref. 6888], Goren 1979:46 [ref. 1852], Goren 1985 [ref. 5179], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1056 [ref. 13677], Hoese 1986:794 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:376 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:184, 186 [ref. 7303]). •Synonym of Coryogalops Smith 1958 -- (Goren 1991:2 [ref. 19343], Parenti 2021:118 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Coryogalops Smith 1958. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Mucogobius McCulloch [A. R.] 1912:93 Masc. Gobius mucosus Günther 1872. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Hoese 1986:784 [ref. 5670], Randall et al. 1990:397 [ref. 15987], Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Kottelat 2013:403 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Muellerigobius Mihalcescu [A.-M.] & Nalbant [T. T.] 2000:181 Masc. Gobius kessleri Günther 1861. •Valid as Muellerigobius Mihalcescu & Nalbant 2000. •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Ahnelt & Duchkowitsch 2002:[3] 914 [ref. 27148], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). •Synonym of Ponticola Iljin 1927 by placement of the type species. Current status: Synonym of Ponticola Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Myersina Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1934:89 Fem. Myersina macrostoma Herre 1934. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Paragobius Bleeker 1873 -- (Kottelat 2013:417 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Myersina Herre 1934 -- (Hoese & Lubbock 1982:48 [ref. 6551], Akihito & Meguro 1983 [ref. 5301], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:259 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Allen 1999:49 [ref. 24275], Winterbottom 2002:70 [ref. 25955], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa & Satapoomin 2006:29 [ref. 28710], Hoese & Larson 2006:1667 [ref. 29097], Allen & Randall 2011:563 [ref. 31615], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Shibukawa et al. 2012:56 [ref. 32036], Greenfield & Randall 2018:90 [ref. 36091], Parenti 2021:200 [ref. 38603]). Nomen Protectum. Current status: Valid as Myersina Herre 1934. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Navigobius Hoese [D. F.] & Motomura [H.] 2009:51 Masc. Navigobius dewa Hoese & Motomura 2009. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Navigobius Hoese & Motomura 2009 -- (Dewa et al. 2010:89 [ref. 31556], Allen et al. 2015:12 [ref. 34132], Prokofiev 2016:635 [ref. 35020], Gill et al. 2017:371 [ref. 35670], Okamoto & Motomura 2018:373 [ref. 36336], Parenti 2021:398 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Navigobius Hoese & Motomura 2009. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Nemateleotris Fowler [H. W.] 1938:131 Fem. Nemateleotris magnifica Fowler 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Species originally as magnificus, correctly emended to magnifica. •Valid as Nemateleotris Fowler 1938 -- (Randall & Allen 1973 [ref. 7123], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:245 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:795 [ref. 5670], Rennis & Hoese 1987:82 [ref. 6602], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Hoese 2006:1706 [ref. 28998], Hoese & Motomura 2009:49 [ref. 30598],Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Randall & Connell 2013:19 [ref. 32942], Fricke et al. 2018:345 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:164 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:293 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:399 [ref. 38603], Tea & Larson 2023:248 [ref. 40057]). Current status: Valid as Nemateleotris Fowler 1938. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Nematogobius Boulenger [G. A.] 1910:560 Masc. Nematogobius ansorgii Boulenger 1910. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Proposed as "at least a subgenus", but genus unspecified; treated as a genus on p. 560. •Valid as Nematogobius Boulenger 1910 -- (Maugé 1986:376 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:185 [ref. 7303], Lévêque et al. 1989:123 [ref. 26480], Paugy & Bénech 1989:304 [ref. 26478], Paugy et al. 1990:343 [ref. 26477], Harrison & Miller in Lévêque et al. 1992:817 [ref. 21590], Dankwa et al. 1999:50 [ref. 28023] with author as Sauvage 1880, Harrison et al. 2007:535 [ref. 30083], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:219 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:201 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Nematogobius Boulenger 1910. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Neogobius (subgenus of Gobius) Iljin [B. S.] 1927:135 Masc. Gobius fluviatilis Pallas 1814. Type by monotypy. Iljin credits genus to Berg as a museum name, but name was made available by Iljin as above. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Neogobius as described -- (Vasil'eva 1999:160 [ref. 24865]). •Valid as Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:501 [ref. 6888], Pinchuk 1977:587 [ref. 8999], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1057 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:202 [ref. 7303], Vasil'yeva & Vasil'ev 1994:747 [ref. 22082], Vasil'eva 1998:137 [ref. 23591], Larson 2001:47 [ref. 25522], Ahnelt & Duchkowitsch 2001:217 [ref. 25591], Ahnelt & Duchkowitsch 2002:[6] 914 [ref. 27148], Miller & Vasil'eva 2003:163 [ref. 27344], Vasil'eva 2003:S48 [ref. 28444], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:227 [ref. 28183], Nielsen & Stepien 2006:67 [ref. 31437], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:554, 576 [ref. 29996], Kavačić & Engín 2008:73 [ref. 29624], Neilson & Stepien 2009:96 [ref. 30497], Neilson & Stepien 2009:665 [ref. 30119], Scharpf 2009:13 [ref. 30400], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:170 [ref. 31732], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Freyhof 2011:284 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2014:492 [ref. 33547], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:899 [ref. 34062], Davoodi & Rahimian 2016:81 [ref. 34954], Esmaeili et al. 2017:83 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:65 [ref. 36089], Parenti 2021:72 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Neogobius Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Nes (subgenus of Gobiosoma) Ginsburg [I.] 1933:25 Masc. Gobiosoma longum Nichols 1914. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Treated as masculine, Art. 30.2.4. •Valid as Nes Ginsburg 1933 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Rüber et al. 2003:1598 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:162 [ref. 31732], Tornabene et al. 2016:16 [ref. 34435], Parenti 2021:275 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Nes Ginsburg 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Niger de Buen [F.] 1926:81 As a "grupo" for 12 species of Gobius. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Obliquogobius Koumans [F. P.] 1941:219 Masc. Gobius cometes Alcock 1890. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Obliquogobius Koumans 1941 -- (Goren 1992 [ref. 19764], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa & Aonuma 2007:137, 138 [ref. 29107], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Chen et al. 2012:269 [ref. 32041], Golani & Fricke 2018:157 [ref. 36273], Fujiwara et al. 2021:541 [ref. 38898], Parenti 2021:202 [ref. 38603], Fricke 2022:1 [ref. 39459], Fujiwara & Shibukawa 2022:1 [ref. 40579]). Current status: Valid as Obliquogobius Koumans 1941. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Obtortiophagus Whitley [G. P.] 1933:91 Masc. Obtortiophagus koumansi Whitley 1933. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Mars Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:278 [ref. 7028]). •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Odondebuenia de Buen [F.] 1930:9 Fem. Eleotris balearicus [balearica] Pellegrin & Fage 1907. Type by original designation. Misspelled Odonebyenia in Zoological Record for 1930. •Valid as Odondebuenia de Buen 1930 -- (Miller 1972:401 [ref. 3011], Miller 1973:505 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1065 [ref. 13677], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:66 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2012:440 [ref. 32861], Parenti 2021:203 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Odondebuenia de Buen 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Odontogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:323 Masc. Gobius bynoensis Richardson 1844. Type by original designation (also monotypic). First revisor selecting Amblygobius is Jordan & Seale 1906:405 according to Kottelat (2013). •Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Maugé 1986:359 [ref. 6218], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:88 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ophiogobius Gill [T. N.] 1863:269 Masc. Gobius ophicephalus Jenyns 1842. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Ophiogobius Gill 1863 -- (Hoese 1976:303 [ref. 20691], Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:162 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:204 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Ophiogobius Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Oplopomops Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:189 Masc. Oplopomus diacanthus Schultz 1943. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type given as Oplopomus diacanthus Schultz 1943 = atherinoides Peters 1855. •Synonym of Hazeus Jordan & Snyder 1901 -- (Allen & Erdmann 2021:37 [ref. 38393], Allen et al. 2024:1 [ref. 41004]). •Valid as Oplopomops Smith 1959 -- (Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:254 [ref. 6441], Goren 1984 [ref. 5178], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:204 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Oplopomops Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Oplopomus Valenciennes [A.] (ex Ehrenberg) 1837:66 Masc. Gobius oplopomus Valenciennes 1837. Appeared first as name in synonymy of Gobius oplopomus, as "Oplopomus pulcher. Ehrenb., Zool. pisc., pl. 9, fig. 6." Apparently made available by subsequent use by Steindacher 1860 (not investigated). Hoplopomus is an incorrect subsequent spelling of Oplopomus. •Valid as Oplopomus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Goren 1979:48 [ref. 1852], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3583 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1668 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Motomura et al. 2017:199 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:335 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:158 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:287 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:204 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Oplopomus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Opua Jordan [E. K.] 1925:36 Masc. Opua nephodes Jordan 1925. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Opua Jordan 1925 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1668 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:205 [ref. 38603]). •Synonym of Hazeus Jordan & Snyder 1901 -- (see Anderson et al. 1998:27 [ref. 23611], Allen & Erdmann 2021:37 [ref. 38393], Allen et al. 2024:2 [ref. 41004]). Current status: Synonym of Hazeus Jordan & Snyder 1901. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Orissagobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1945:402 Masc. Gobius cometes Alcock 1890. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Obliquogobius Koumans 1941 -- (Shibukawa & Aonuma 2007:138 [ref. 29107], Parenti 2021:202 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Obliquogobius Koumans 1941. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Orthostomus Kner [R.] 1868:29 Masc. Orthostomus amblyopinus Kner 1868. Type by monotypy. Also appeared as new in Kner 1868:329 [ref. 2646]. Apparently not preoccupied, Stomogobius Whitley is an unneeded replacement. •Questionably a synonym of Oxymetopon Bleeker 1860. Current status: Uncertain as Oxymetopon Bleeker 1860. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Ostreophilus Koumans [F. P.] 1940:163 Masc. Not available; museum name mentioned by Koumans in synonymy of Rhinogobius leftwichi Ogilby 1910. Nomen Nudum. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Oxymetopon Bleeker [P.] 1860:258 Neut. Oxymetopon typus Bleeker 1861. Type by monotypy (also by use of typus). •Valid as Oxymetopon Bleeker 1860 -- (Klausewitz & Condé 1981 [ref. 5479], Rennis & Hoese 1987:82 [ref. 6602], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Ikeda et al. 2000:2 [ref. 25036], Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Hoese 2006:1707 [ref. 28998], Hoese & Motomura 2009:49 [ref. 30598], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Prokofiev 2016:131 [ref. 34651], Parenti 2021:400 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Oxymetopon Bleeker 1860. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Padogobius Iljin [B. S.] in Berg 1933:166 Masc. Gobius martensii Günther 1861. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement name for Fluvicola Iljin 1930, preoccupied by Fluvicola Swainson 1827 in birds. •Valid as Padogobius Iljin 1933 (often with author as Berg, dated 1932) -- (Bianco & Miller 1990:1289 [ref. 16709], Miller in Miller 2004:33 [ref. 27853], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:553 [ref. 29996], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Freyhof 2011:285 [ref. 31742], Parenti 2021:205 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Padogobius Iljin 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Paedovaricus Van Tassell [J. L.], Tornabene [L.] & Gilmore [R. G.] in Tornabene, Van Tassell, Gilmore, Robertson, Young & Baldwin 2016:16 Masc. Varicus imswe Greenfield 1981. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Paedovaricus Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016 -- (Parenti 2021:276 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Paedovaricus Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Palatogobius Gilbert [C. R.] 1971:30 Masc. Palatogobius paradoxus Gilbert 1971. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Misspelled Palatagobius in Zoological Record for 1971. •Valid as Palatogobius Gilbert 1971 -- (Gilbert 1977 [ref. 7041], Birdsong et al. 1988:191 [ref. 7303], Greenfield 2002:716 [ref. 26223], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Van Tassell 2011:169 [ref. 31732], Van Tassell et al. 2012:88 [ref. 31948] once as Palatagobius, Tornabene & Baldwin 2017:1 [ref. 35339], Parenti 2021:276 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Palatogobius Gilbert 1971. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pallidogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1953:184 Masc. Pallidogobius rigilius Herre 1953. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Istigobius Whitley 1932 -- (Murdy & Hoese 1985:5 [ref. 5237], Kottelat 2013:411 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:187 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Istigobius Whitley 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Palutrus Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:208 Masc. Palutrus reticularis Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Type by original designation (also monotypic, second species tentatively included). •Valid as Palutrus Smith 1959 -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa 2010:110 [ref. 30810], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Fricke et al. 2018:337 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:158 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:206 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Palutrus Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Papillogobius Gill [H. S.] & Miller [P. J.] 1990:506 Masc. Papillogobius punctatus Gill & Miller 1990. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Papillogobius Gill & Miller 1990 -- (Gill 1993:177 [ref. 21981], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:187 [ref. 31737], Bogorodsky et al. 2011:217 [ref. 31666], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:375 [ref. 32441]). •Synonym of Favonigobius Whitley 1930 -- (Parenti 2021:154 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Favonigobius Whitley 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Parachaeturichthys Bleeker [P.] 1874:325 Masc. Chaeturichthys polynema Bleeker 1853. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Parachaeturichthys Bleeker 1874 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:388 [ref. 7348], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:269 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:798 [ref. 5670] but misprinted Parachaeturichthyus, Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1670 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Zare et al. 2012:1193 [ref. 33561], Motomura et al. 2017:199 [ref. 35490], Parenti 2021:206 [ref. 38603], Larson & Jaafar 2022:494 [ref. 39363]). Current status: Valid as Parachaeturichthys Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Paragobiodon Bleeker [P.] 1872:129 Masc. Gobius echinocephalus Rüppell 1830. Type by monotypy. Also appeared in Bleeker 1874:309 [ref. 437] with type as Gobius melanosoma Bleeker 1852:703. •Valid as Paragobiodon Bleeker 1872 -- (Yoshino & Yamamoto in Masuda et al. 1984:266 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:798 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:379 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1671 [ref. 29097], Suzuki & Randall 2011:155 [ref. 31616], Fricke et al. 2018:337 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:158 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:287 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:207 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Paragobiodon Bleeker 1872. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Paragobioides Kendall [W. C.] & Goldsborough [E. L.] 1911:324 Masc. Paragobioides grandoculis Kendall & Goldsborough 1911. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Gunnellichthys Bleeker 1858 -- (Parenti 2021:382 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gunnellichthys Bleeker 1858. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Paragobius Bleeker [P.] 1872:128, 152 Masc. Paragobius knutteli Bleeker 1858. Type by subsequent designation. Two included species, P. sinensis and Gobius knutteli Bleeker 1858:16. Earliest type designation is G. knutteli by Hoese & Larson 2004:168 [ref. 28074]. •Provisionally a synonym of Myersina Herre 1934 -- (Hoese & Larson 2004:168 [ref. 28074] based on no use in over 70 years). •Valid as Paragobius Bleeker 1872 -- (Kottelat 2013:417 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Myersina Herre 1934 -- (Parenti 2021:200 [ref. 38603]). Nomen Oblitum. Current status: Synonym of Myersina Herre 1934. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Paragunnellichthys Dawson [C. E.] 1967:74 Masc. Paragunnellichthys seychellensis Dawson 1967. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Paragunnellichthys Dawson 1967 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Thacker 2000:951 [ref. 25100], Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Hoese 2006:1704 [ref. 28988], Gill & Mooi 2010:51 [ref. 30792], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Golani & Fricke 2018:164 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:385 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Paragunnellichthys Dawson 1967. Gobiidae: Microdesminae.

Paratrimma Hoese [D. F.] & Brothers [E. B.] 1976:495 Neut. Paratrimma nigrimenta Hoese & Brothers 1976. Type by original designation. Trimma is neuter, species nigrimenta is apparently correctly nigrimentum and urospila apparently should be urospilum. •Valid as Paratrimma Hoese & Brothers 1976 -- (Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Parenti 2021:208 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Paratrimma Hoese & Brothers 1976. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pariah Böhlke [J. E.] 1969:2 Masc. Pariah scotius Böhlke 1969. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Pariah Böhlke 1969 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1785 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:163 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:277 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Pariah Böhlke 1969. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Parioglossus Regan [C. T.] 1912:302 Masc. Parioglossus taeniatus Regan 1912. Type by monotypy. Misspelled Pariglossus by authors. •Valid as Parioglossus Regan 1912 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:344 [ref. 7348], Yoshino & Senou in Masuda et al. 1984:247 [ref. 6441], Rennis & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5859], Rennis & Hoese 1987:82 [ref. 6602], Birdsong et al. 1988:200 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Suzuki & Senou 1994 [ref. 21557], McDowall 2001:165 [ref. 25318], Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Williams & Lecchini 2004:2 [ref. 27684], Keith et al. 2004:341 [ref. 28060], Wang & Winterbottom 2006:1 [ref. 28502], Hoese 2006:1707 [ref. 28998], Hoese 2006:1708 [ref. 28998], Hoese & Motomura 2009:49 [ref. 30598], Suzuki et al. 2010:31 [ref. 30805], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kottelat 2013:435 [ref. 32989], McDowall et al. 2015:1584 [ref. 34305], Fricke et al. 2018:346 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:400 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Parioglossus Regan 1912. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Parkraemeria Whitley [G. P.] 1951:402 Fem. Parkraemeria ornata Whitley 1951. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Parkraemeria Whitley 1951 -- (Hayashi in Masuda et al. 1984:287 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1672 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Suzuki & Senou 2013:53 [ref. 32581], Parenti 2021:208 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Parkraemeria Whitley 1951. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Parrella Ginsburg [I.] 1938:116 Fem. Parrella maxillaris Ginsburg 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Parrella Ginsburg 1938 -- (Hoese 1973:817 [ref. 23968], Birdsong et al. 1988:191 [ref. 7303], Castro-Aguirre et al. 1999:447 [ref. 24550], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1787 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:169 [ref. 31732], Van Tassell et al. 2012:88 [ref. 31948], Parenti 2021:277 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Parrella Ginsburg 1938. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pascua Randall [J. E.] 2005:20 Fem. Pascua caudilinea Randall 2005. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Hoese & Larson 2005:1 [ref. 28571], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045]). •Valid as Pascua Randall 2005 -- (Randall 2006:35 [ref. 28980], Shibukawa 2010:89 [ref. 30808], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2014:475 [ref. 33169], Parenti 2021:209 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Pascua Randall 2005. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pellucidus de Buen [F.] 1926:78 As a "grupo" for Crystallogobius. Not available on basis of Art. 1.3.5 [see de Buen's definition of "grupo" on p. 11]; see Appendix A in Eschmeyer 1990 [ref. 20647]. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pennatuleviota Prokofiev [A. M.] 2007:150 Fem. Pennatuleviota gurjanowae Prokofiev 2007. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Eviota Jenkins 1903 -- (Parenti 2021:136 [ref. 38603], Parenti 2021:136 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Eviota Jenkins 1903. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Peter Schliewen [U. K.] in Schliewen, Knorrn, Böhmer, Beuck, Sonnewald & Freiwald 2023:131 Masc. Didogobius wirtzi Schliewen & Kovačić 2008. Type by original designation. •Valid as Peter Schliewen 2023. Current status: Valid as Peter Schliewen 2023. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Phoxacromion Shibukawa [K.], Suzuki [T.] & Senou [H.] 2010:107 Neut. Phoxacromion kaneharai Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou 2010. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Gender stated as neuter in the original description. •Valid as Phoxacromion Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou 2010 -- (Parenti 2021:209 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Phoxacromion Shibukawa, Suzuki & Senou 2010. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Phyllogobius Larson [H. K.] 1986:131 Masc. Cottogobius platycephalops Smith 1964. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Phyllogobius Larson 1986 -- (Larson 1990:3 [ref. 16607], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Hoese & Larson 2006:1674 [ref. 29097], Fricke et al. 2018:338 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:210 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Phyllogobius Larson 1986. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pinnichthys Van Tassell [J. L.], Tornabene [L.] & Gilmore [R. G.] in Tornabene, Van Tassell, Gilmore, Robertson, Young & Baldwin 2016:17 Masc. Pinnichthys aimoriensis Van Tassell & Tornabene 2016. Type by original designation. •Valid as Pinnichthys Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016 -- (Parenti 2021:277 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Pinnichthys Van Tassell, Tornabene & Gilmore 2016. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pipidonia Smith [H. M.] 1931:39 Fem. Pipidonia quinquecincta Smith 1931. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Pipidonia Smith 1931 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1974:877 [ref. 2547], Endruweit 2024:83 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1978:10 [ref. 6603], Kottelat 2013:409 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:172 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Platygobiopsis Springer [V. G.] & Randall [J. E.] 1992:350 Fem. Platygobiopsis akihito Springer & Randall 1992. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Generic names ending in -opsis are feminine. •Valid as Platygobiopsis Springer & Randall 1992 -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3583 [ref. 26293], Okiyama 2008:85 [ref. 29577], Prokofiev 2008:853 [ref. 29937], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Larson et al. 2020:14 [ref. 37261], Parenti 2021:210 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Platygobiopsis Springer & Randall 1992. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pleurogobius Seale [A.] 1910:536 Masc. No indication that this was being described as a new genus; a misspelling (lapsus) for Pterogobius (see Herre 1943:132 [ref. 11020]), as Seale center-headed new genera; Seale's species placed in new genus Cingulogobius by Herre 1927:202 [ref. 2104]. Sometimes treated as an available name with type as P. boulengeri Seale -- (e.g., by Tomiyama 1936:59 [ref. 4413]). •Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Larson 2010:375 [ref. 31045], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pleurosicya Weber [M.] 1913:456 Fem. Pleurosicya boldinghi Weber 1913. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Pleurosicya Weber 1913 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:33 [ref. 2725], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:283 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:800 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson 1990:7 [ref. 16607], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3584 [ref. 26293], Larson 2002:67 [ref. 26717], Hoese & Larson 2006:1675 [ref. 29097], Bogorodsky et al. 2010:123 [ref. 30896], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Fricke et al. 2015:217 [ref. 33836], Fricke et al. 2018:338 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:159 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:287 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:211 [ref. 38603], Goren et al. 2023:120 [ref. 40086]). Current status: Valid as Pleurosicya Weber 1913. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pleurosicyops Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:217 Masc. Pleurosicyops timidus Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Pleurosicya Weber 1913 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:33 [ref. 2725], Larson 1990:7 [ref. 16607], Parenti 2021:211 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Pleurosicya Weber 1913. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pogonoculius Fowler [H. W.] 1938:134 Masc. Pogonoculius zebra Fowler 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Pogonogobius Smith [H. M.] 1931:37 Masc. Gobius planifrons Day 1873. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861 -- (Lachner & McKinney 1978:10 [ref. 6603], Ataur Rahman 1989:301 [ref. 24860], Kottelat 2013:409 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:172 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiopsis Steindachner 1861. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ponticola (subgenus of Gobius) Iljin [B. S.] 1927:134 Masc. Gobius ratan Nordmann 1840. Type by subsequent designation. Type designated by Iljin 1930:59 [ref. 2297]. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Ponticola as described -- (Vasil'eva 1999:160 [ref. 24865]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927 -- (Miller 1973:502 [ref. 6888], Miller & Vasil'eva 2003:163 [ref. 27344], Vasil'eva 2003:S48 [ref. 28444]). •Synonym of Neogobius Iljin 1927, but a valid subgenus Ponticola as describedas described -- (Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:228 [ref. 28183]). •Valid as Ponticola Iljin 1927 -- (Neilson & Stepien 2009:665 [ref. 30119], Neilson & Stepien 2009:97 [ref. 30497], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Freyhof 2011:285 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2014:497 [ref. 33547], Vasil'eva et al. 2015:189 [ref. 33862], Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:899 [ref. 34062], Vasil'eva et al. 2016:1 [ref. 34347], Esmaeili et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35254], Çiçek et al. 2018:25 [ref. 36267], Esmaeili et al. 2018:66 [ref. 36089], Eagderi et al. 2020:22 [ref. 37931], Parenti 2021:74 [ref. 38603], Zarei et al. 2022:401 [ref. 39354], Zarei et al. 2022:4 [ref. 39602], Epitashvili et al. 2023:1 [ref. 40224]). Current status: Valid as Ponticola Iljin 1927. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Porogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:321 Masc. Gobius schlegelii Günther 1861. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Porogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Maugé 1986:381 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Harrison & Miller in Lévêque et al. 1992:818 [ref. 21590], Harrison et al. 2007:537 [ref. 30083], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:220 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Porogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Priolepis Bleeker [P.] (ex Ehrenberg) 1874:305 Fem. Name mentioned in passing in synonymy of Asterropteryx Rüppell; name made available earlier by Valenciennes (see separate entry). Nomen Nudum. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Priolepis Valenciennes [A.] (ex Ehrenberg) in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1837:67 Fem. Priolepis mica Ehrenberg 1837 (Gobius semidoliatus Valenciennes 1837). Type by subsequent monotypy. Appeared as name in synonymy of Gobius, but used as a valid name before 1931 and therefore made available back to Valenciennes 1837 by Whitley 1959 [ref. 4729]. Hoese & Larson 2006:1677 [ref. 29097] list the type as Gobius semidoliatus Valenciennes 1837 by monotypy. •Valid as Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:41 [ref. 2725], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:248 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:801 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Greenfield 1989 [ref. 12545], Winterbottom & Burridge 1989 [ref. 14486], Garzón-Ferreira & Acero P. 1991 [ref. 16949], Winterbottom & Burridge 1992:1935 [ref. 20878], Winterbottom & Burridge 1993 [ref. 20895], Winterbottom & Burridge 1993 [ref. 21405], Winterbottom & Burridge 1993 [ref. 21406], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1783 [ref. 27111], Hoese & Larson 2006:1677 [ref. 29097], Nogawa & Edno 2007:153 [ref. 29104], Hoese & Larson 2010:373, 375 [ref. 31045], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:142 [ref. 31732], Larson 2011:238 [ref. 31740], Hoese et al. 2015:538 [ref. 33990], Hoese 2015:1582 [ref. 34304], Bogorodsky et al. 2016:168 [ref. 34658], Fricke et al. 2018:338 [ref. 35805], Allen et al. 2018:32 [ref. 36193], Golani & Fricke 2018:159 [ref. 36273], Brown et al. 2019:163 [ref. 36444], Fricke et al. 2019:288 [ref. 36673], Koeda et al. 2021:1 [ref. 38416], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603], Chen et al. 2024:66 [ref. 41739]). Current status: Valid as Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Proterorhinus (subgenus of Gobius) Smitt [F. A.] 1900:544 Masc. Gobius marmoratus Pallas 1814. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Proterorhinus as described -- (Vasil'eva 1999:161 [ref. 24865]). •Valid as Proterorhinus Smitt 1900 -- (Miller 1973:511 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1078 [ref. 13677], Vasil'eva 1998:145 [ref. 23591], Ahnelt & Duchkowitsch 2001:229 [ref. 25591], Ahnelt & Duchkowitsch 2002:[9] 921 [ref. 27148], Vasil'eva 2003:S52 [ref. 28444], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:233 [ref. 28183] dated 1899, Miller in Miller 2004:37 [ref. 27853] dated 1899, Nielsen & Stepien 2006:67 [ref. 31437], Kottelat & Freyhof 2007:554, 588 [ref. 29996], Freyhof & Naseka 2008:325 [ref. 29387], Neilson & Stepien 2009:665 [ref. 30119], Neilson & Stepien 2009:98 [ref. 30487], Scharpf 2009:14 [ref. 30400], Van Tassell 2011:170 [ref. 31732], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737], Freyhof 2011:286 [ref. 31742], Parin et al. 2014:502 [ref. 33547] dated 1899, Jouladeh-Roudbar et al. 2015:900 [ref. 34062], Esmaeili et al. 2017:85 [ref. 35254], Esmaeili et al. 2018:67 [ref. 36089], Parenti 2021:76 [ref. 38603], Zarei et al. 2021:[6] [ref. 38799], Vasil'eva 2024:881 [ref. 41851]). Current status: Valid as Proterorhinus Smitt 1900. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Psammichthys Regan [C. T.] 1908:246 Masc. Psammichthys nudus Regan 1908. Type by monotypy. Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989] dates to 1907. •Synonym of Kraemeria Steindachner 1906 -- (Maugé 1986:375 [ref. 6218], Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:379 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Kraemeria Steindachner 1906. Gobiidae: Kraemeriinae.

Psammogobius Smith [J. L. B.] 1935:215 Masc. Psammogobius knysnaensis Smith 1935. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Psammogobius Smith 1935 -- (Hoese 1986:801 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:381 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1679 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:220 [ref. 31738], Kottelat 2013:420 [ref. 32989], Prokofiev 2016:156 [ref. 34652], Allen 2017:80 [ref. 35315], Fricke et al. 2018:339 [ref. 35805], Parenti 2021:219 [ref. 38603]). Nomen Protectum. Current status: Valid as Psammogobius Smith 1935. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pseudogobiodon Bleeker [P.] 1874:309 Masc. Gobius citrinus Rüppell 1838. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Apparently based on a misidentified type species; renamed Pseudogobiodon macrochir by Bleeker 1875:116 [ref. 12599]. •Valid as Pseudogobiodon Bleeker 1874 -- (Parenti 2021:220 [ref. 38603]). •Synonym of Gobiodon Bleeker 1856 -- (Hildebrandt et al. 2024:492 [ref. 41770]). Current status: Synonym of Gobiodon Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pseudolioteres (subgenus of Lioteres) Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:156, 157 Masc. Lioteres (Pseudolioteres) simulans Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Psilogobius Baldwin [W. J.] 1972:125 Masc. Psilogobius mainlandi Baldwin 1972. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Psilogobius Baldwin 1972 -- (Watson & Lachner 1985:645 [ref. 8129], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Shimada & Yoshino 1988 [ref. 19972], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1680 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Bogorodsky et al. 2011:220 [ref. 31666], Golani & Fricke 2018:160 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:220 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Psilogobius Baldwin 1972. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Psilotris Ginsburg [I.] 1953:22 Fem. Psilotris alepis Ginsburg 1953. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Psilotris Ginsburg 1953 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Greenfield et al. 1993 [ref. 20313], Greenfield 1993 [ref. 21015], Rüber et al. 2003:1598 [ref. 26969], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1785 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:163 [ref. 31732], Lobel & Lobel 2011:50 [ref. 31774], Tornabene et al. 2016:23 [ref. 34435], Tornabene & Baldwin 2019:191 [ref. 36806], Parenti 2021:278 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Psilotris Ginsburg 1953. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ptereleotris Gill [T. N.] 1863:271 Fem. Eleotris microlepis Bleeker 1856. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:245 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:802 [ref. 5670], Rennis & Hoese 1987:82 [ref. 6602], Birdsong et al. 1988:201 [ref. 7303], Bussing 2001:133 [ref. 26033], Larson 2001:3608 [ref. 26296], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1782 [ref. 27111], Hoese 2006:1708 [ref. 28998], Randall & Suzuki 2008:90 [ref. 29664], Hoese & Motomura 2009:49 [ref. 30598], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:147 [ref. 31732], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989], Fricke et al. 2018:346 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:164 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:294 [ref. 36673], Kodeeswaran & Praveenraj 2020:423 [ref. 37850], Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Pterocerdale Hoese [D. F.] & Motomura [H.] 2009:55 Fem. Pterocerdale insolita Hoese & Motomura 2009. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Pterocerdale Hoese & Motomura 2009 -- (Parenti 2021:408 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Pterocerdale Hoese & Motomura 2009. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Pteroculiops Fowler [H. W.] 1938:133 Masc. Pteroculiops guttatus Fowler 1938. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:298 [ref. 7028], Hoese & Steene 1978:381 [ref. 8713], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pycnomma Rutter [C. L.] 1904:252 Neut. Pycnomma semisquamatum Rutter 1904. Type by monotypy. •Valid as Pycnomma Rutter 1904 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Van Tassell 2011:163 [ref. 31732]). •Synonym of Chriolepis Gilbert 1892 -- (Tornabene et al. 2016:9 [ref. 34435], Parenti 2021:263 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Chriolepis Gilbert 1892. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Pyosicus Smith [J. L. B.] 1960:312 Masc. Pyosicus niger Smith 1960. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878 -- (Maugé 1986:360 [ref. 6218], Miller & Smith 1989:280 [ref. 25535], Kottelat 2013:401 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:98 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Bathygobius Bleeker 1878. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Quisquilius Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1903:203 Masc. Quisquilius eugenius Jordan & Evermann 1903. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Quisquilius Jordan & Evermann 1903 -- (Goren 1979:50 [ref. 1852]). •Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Greenfield 1989:397 [ref. 12545], Garzón-Ferreira & Acero P. 1991:387 [ref. 16949], Hoese & Larson 2010:373, 375 [ref. 31045], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Radcliffella Hubbs [C. L.] 1921:2 Fem. Garmannia spongicola Radcliffe 1917. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Evermannichthys Metzelaar 1919 -- (Hubbs 1923:1 [ref. 2230], Parenti 2021:268 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Evermannichthys Metzelaar 1919. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Relictogobius Ptchelina [Z. M.] 1939:586 Masc. Relictogobius kryzhanovskii Ptchelina 1939. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Chromogobius de Buen 1930 -- (Miller 1971:307 [ref. 7694], Miller 1973:492 [ref. 6888], Vasil'eva 2003:S43 [ref. 28444], Parin et al. 2015:480 [ref. 33547]). Current status: Synonym of Chromogobius de Buen 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Rhinogobiops Hubbs [C. L.] 1926:1 Masc. Gobius nicholsii Bean 1882. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Coryphopterus Gill 1863 -- (authors). •Valid as Rhinogobiops Hubbs 1926 -- (Mecklenburg et al. 2002:800 [ref. 25968], Thacker & Cole 2002:847 [ref. 26548], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:142 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:221 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Rhinogobiops Hubbs 1926. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Rictugobius Koumans [F. P.] in Smith 1932:258 Masc. Not available, name mentioned in passing in synonymy of Mahidolia Smith 1932. •In the synonymy of Waitea Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Maugé 1986:386 [ref. 6218]). •Not available -- (Parenti 2021:448 [ref. 38603] as Rictuogobius). •In the synonymy of Mahidolia Smith 1932 -- (Kottelat 2013:412 [ref. 32989]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Mahidolia Smith 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Risor (subgenus of Garmannia) Ginsburg [I.] 1933:56 Masc. Garmannia binghami Parr 1930. Type by original designation. Type by original designation, also monotypic (2 additional species questionably included). •Valid as Risor Ginsburg 1933 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Rüber et al. 2003:1598 [ref. 26969], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:164 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:279 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Risor Ginsburg 1933. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Riukiuia Fowler [H. W.] 1946:200 Fem. Riukiuia poecila Fowler 1946. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Robinsichthys Birdsong [R. S.] 1988:438 Masc. Robinsichthys arrowsmithensis Birdsong 1988. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Robinsichthys Birdsong 1988 -- (Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:164 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:279 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Robinsichthys Birdsong 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Rueppellia Swainson [W.] 1839:184, 281 Fem. Gobius echinocephalus Rüppell 1830. Type by monotypy. Spelled Ruppelia on p. 184, Rupellia on p. 281. Corrected to Rüppellia by ICZN (Opinion 27, 1958). Corrected to Rüppellia = Rueppellia Kullander 2016:94 [ref. 34436]. •Synonym of Paragobiodon Bleeker 1872 (often dated 1872) -- (Maugé 1986:379 [ref. 6218] as Ruppelia, Parenti 2021:207 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Paragobiodon Bleeker 1872. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Salarigobius Pfeffer [G. J.] 1893:141 [13] Masc. Salarigobius stuhlmannii Pfeffer 1893. Type by monotypy. On p. 13 of separate. •Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856 -- (Hoese & Larson 1994:5 [ref. 12483], Parenti 2021:248 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Satulinus Smith [J. L. B.] 1958:160 Masc. Satulinus zanzibarensis Smith 1958. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Akihito & Meguro 1981:331 [ref. 5508], Hoese 1986:3 [ref. 5996], Parenti 2021:184 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Hetereleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Schidokraemeria (subgenus of Kraemeria) Rofen [R. R.] 1958:181 Fem. Kraemeria bryani Schultz 1941. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Kraemeria Steindacher 1906 -- (Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:379 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Kraemeria Steindachner 1906. Gobiidae: Kraemeriinae.

Schindleria Giltay [L.] 1934:8 Fem. Hemiramphus praematurus Schindler 1930. Type by original designation. Johnson & Brothers 1993 [ref. 21803] show that Schindleria is a paedomorphic gobioid. •Valid as Schindleria Giltay 1934 -- (Bruun 1940 [ref. 13410], Ozawa & Matsui 1979 [ref. 6990], Watson et al. 1984 [ref. 13670], Ida in Masuda et al. 1984:309 [ref. 6441], Johnson & Brothers 1993:441 [ref. 21803], Harris & Cyrus 1996:228 [ref. 21301], Yound & Chiu 2000:127 [ref. 25054], Larson 2001:3609 [ref. 26296], Watson & Walker 2004:139 [ref. 27773], Hoese & Bray 2006:1711 [ref. 29000], Gill & Mooi 2010:57 [ref. 30792] with comments on relationships to Microdesminae, Kon et al. 2011:62 [ref. 31622], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731] in Gobiidae, Fricke & Abu El-Regal 2017:1 [1883] [ref. 35135], Fricke & Abu El-Regal 2017:[1] [ref. 35704], Fricke et al. 2018:346 [ref. 35805], Ahnelt & Sauberer 2018:95 [ref. 36360], Golani & Fricke 2018:166 [ref. 36273], Ahnelt & Sauberer 2020:452 [ref. 37294], Ahnelt 2020:195 [ref. 37500], Abu El-Regal et al. 2021:1 [ref. 38558], Parenti 2021:408 [ref. 38603], Ahnelt et al. 2022:551 [ref. 39483], Ahnelt et al. 2023:313 [ref. 40126], Robitzch et al. 2023:35 [ref. 40538] in Gobiidae, Ahnelt et al. 2024:1 [ref. 41012] in Gobiidae). Current status: Valid as Schindleria Giltay 1934. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Seychellea Smith [J. L. B.] 1957:726 Fem. Seychellea hectori Smith 1957. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Second species tentatively included. •Valid as Seychellea Smith 1957 -- (Goren 1979:51 [ref. 1852]). •Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Koumansetta Whitley 1940 -- (Kovačić et al. 2018:455 [ref. 36068], Parenti 2021:190 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Koumansetta Whitley 1940. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Sicyodon Fourmanoir [P.] 1966:956 Masc. Sicyodon albus Fourmanoir 1966. Type by monotypy. •Synonym of Lobulogobius Koumans 1944 -- (Larson & Hoese 1980:38 [ref. 2725], Parenti 2021:192 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Lobulogobius Koumans 1944. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Signigobius Hoese [D. F.] & Allen [G. R.] 1977:199 Masc. Signigobius biocellatus Hoese & Allen 1977. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Signigobius Hoese & Allen 1977 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1683 [ref. 29097], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Fricke et al. 2019:289 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:221 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Signigobius Hoese & Allen 1977. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Silhouettea Smith [J. L. B.] 1959:213 Fem. Silhouettea insinuans Smith 1959. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Silhouettea Smith 1959 -- (Goren 1979:52 [ref. 1852], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:254 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:803 [ref. 5670], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1080 [ref. 13677], Maugé 1986:384 [ref. 6218], Larson & Miller 1986 [ref. 5803], Miller & Fouda 1986 [ref. 12844], Birdsong et al. 1988:193 [ref. 7303], Miller 1988:242 [ref. 26483], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1683 [ref. 29097], Randall 2008:287 [ref. 29721], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737], Kovačić & Bogorodsky 2013:375 [ref. 32441], Golani & Fricke 2018:160 [ref. 36273], Kovačić et al. 2020:49 [ref. 37377], Parenti 2021:221 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Silhouettea Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Smilogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1934:88 Masc. Smilogobius inexplicatus Herre 1934. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837 -- (Polunin & Lubbock 1977:92 [ref. 3540], Yanagisawa 1978:271 [ref. 7028], Hoese & Larson 2004:167 [ref. 28074], Kottelat 2013:405 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:124 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Cryptocentrus Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Stomogobius Whitley [G. P.] 1931:334 Masc. Orthostomus amblyopinus Kner 1868. Type by being a replacement name. Unneeded replacement name for and objective synonym of Orthostomus Kner 1868, not preoccupied by Orthostoma or Orthostomum. •Objective synonym of Orthostomus Kner 1868. •Synonym of Oxymetopon Bleeker 1860 -- (Parenti 2021:400 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Oxymetopon Bleeker 1860. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Stonogobiops Polunin [N. V. C.] & Lubbock [R.] 1977:73 Masc. Stonogobiops dracula Polunin & Lubbock 1977. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Stonogobiops Polunin & Lubbock 1977 -- (Hoese & Randall 1982 [ref. 5297], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:259 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Iwata & Hirata 1994:189 [ref. 21443], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1684 [ref. 29097], Allen & Randall 2011:563 [ref. 31615], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Shibukawa et al. 2012:56 [ref. 32036], Parenti 2021:223 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Stonogobiops Polunin & Lubbock 1977. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Stupidogobius Aurich [H.] 1938:149 Masc. Stupidogobius flavipinnis Aurich 1938. Type by monotypy. In the absence of a phylogenetic analysis of the genera of the Glossogobius-group, we still use Glossogobius sensu lato. •Valid as Stupidogobius Aurich 1938 -- (Endruweit 2024:78 [ref. 41040]). •Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859 -- (Kottelat 2013:407 [ref. 32989], Hoese et al. 2015:18 [ref. 33684], Parenti 2021:159 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Glossogobius Gill 1859. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Sueviota Winterbottom [R.] & Hoese [D. F.] 1988:3 Fem. Sueviota lachneri Winterbottom & Hoese 1988. Type by original designation. •Valid as Sueviota Winterbottom & Hoese 1988 -- (Larson & Murdy 2001:3586, 3589 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1684 [ref. 29097], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Allen et al. 2016:76 [ref. 34410], Allen & Erdmann 2017:1 [ref. 35130], Greenfield & Randall 2017:8 [ref. 35230], Golani & Fricke 2018:160 [ref. 36273], Greenfield et al. 2019:79 [ref. 37043], Parenti 2021:224 [ref. 38603], Nunes Peinemann et al. 2024:17 [ref. 41563]). Current status: Valid as Sueviota Winterbottom & Hoese 1988. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Sufflogobius Smith [J. L. B.] 1956:714 Masc. Gobius bibarbatus von Bonde 1923. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Sufflogobius Smith 1956 -- (Hoese 1986:804 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:377 [ref. 6218], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:220 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:226 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Sufflogobius Smith 1956. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Tenacigobius Larson [H. K.] & Hoese [D. F.] 1980:39 Masc. Cottogobius yongei Davis & Cohen 1969. Type by original designation. •Valid as Tenacigobius Larson & Hoese 1980 -- (Goren & Diamant 1983 [ref. 21386], Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:284 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303]). •Synonym of Bryaninops Smith 1959 -- (Larson 1985:59 [ref. 5186], Randall et al. 1990:397 [ref. 15987]). Current status: Synonym of Bryaninops Smith 1959. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Thalassogobius Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1953:182, 183 Masc. Thalassogobius corallinus Herre 1953. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Species misspelled corrallinus once on p. 183. •Synonym of Fusigobius Whitley 1930 -- (Parenti 2021:156 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Fusigobius Whitley 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Thorogobius Miller [P. J.] 1969:839 Masc. Gobius ephippiatus Lowe 1839. Type by original designation. •Valid as Thorogobius Miller 1969 -- (Miller 1973:512 [ref. 6888], Miller 1984:382 [ref. 6338], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1081 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Sauberer & Ahnelt 2008:277 [ref. 29915], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:67 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737], Schliewen 2011:220 [ref. 31738], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2012:441 [ref. 32861], Sauberer et al. 2018:357 [ref. 35962], Parenti 2021:226 [ref. 38603], Renoult et al. 2022:215 [ref. 39288]). Current status: Valid as Thorogobius Miller 1969. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Tigrigobius (subgenus of Gobiosoma) Fowler [H. W.] 1931:401 Masc. Gobiosoma macrodon Beebe & Tee-Van 1928. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Elacatinus Jordan 1904 -- (Hoese & Reader 2001:158 [ref. 26035]). •Synonym of Gobiosoma Girard 1858, but a valid subgenus Tigrigobius as described -- (Rüber et al. 2003:1597 [ref. 26969], Taylor & Akins 2007:45 [ref. 29023]). •Valid as Tigrigobius Fowler 1931 -- (Van Tassell 2011:165 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:280 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Tigrigobius Fowler 1931. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Tomiyamichthys Smith [J. L. B.] 1956:553 Masc. Cryptocentrus oni Tomiyama 1936. Type by original designation (also monotypic). See Hoese et al. 2016:584 [ref. 34210] for a discussion of the name to be used for Tomiyamichthys and Flabelligobius, described in the same publication; Tomiyamichthys has priority. •Valid as Tomiyamichthys Smith 1956 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:295 [ref. 7028], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:260 [ref. 6441], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Iwata et al. 2000:771 [ref. 24584], Larson & Murdy 2001:3588 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1687 [ref. 29097], Randall & Chen 2007:651, 655 [ref. 29392], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Bogorodsky et al. 2011:213 [ref. 31666], Allen 2015:67 [ref. 33923], Hoese et al. 2016:583 [ref. 34210], Greenfield 2017:47 [ref. 35612], Fricke et al. 2018:341 [ref. 35805], Allen et al. 2018:38 [ref. 36213], Golani & Fricke 2018:160 [ref. 36273], Allen et al. 2019:53 [ref. 37006], Allen et al. 2020:1 [ref. 37328], Parenti 2021:227 [ref. 38603], Allen et al. 2023:57 [ref. 40583], Sato & Motomura 2025:174 [ref. 41907]). Current status: Valid as Tomiyamichthys Smith 1956. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Trimma Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] 1906:391 Neut. Trimma caesiura Jordan & Seale 1906. Type by original designation (also monotypic). The gender of the genus is neuter; Trimma is effectively a neuter noun. •Valid as Trimma Jordan & Seale 1906 -- (Yoshino & Shimada in Masuda et al. 1984:244 [ref. 6441], Winterbottom 1984 [ref. 5321], Hoese 1986:805 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Winterbottom 1995:93 [ref. 21961], Larson & Murdy 2001:3585 [ref. 26293], Winterbottom 2003:1 [ref. 26886], Winterbottom 2005:30 [ref. 28348], Winterbottom 2006:55 [ref. 28810], Hoese & Larson 2006:1688 [ref. 29097], Hagiwara & Winterbottom 2007:163 [ref. 29103], Suzuki & Senou 2007:175 [ref. 29102], Winterbottom & Southcott 2007:70 [ref. 29375], Suzuki & Senou 2008:97 [ref. 29579], Winterbottom 2009:109 [ref. 30147], Suzuki & Senou 2009:107 [ref. 30452], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108] Winterbottom et al. 2011:295 [ref. 31396], Hoese et al. 2011:104 [ref. 31285], Winterbottom 2011:127 [ref. 31449], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Winterbottom et al. 2014:410 [ref. 33155], Winterbottom 2014:209 [ref. 33327], Winterbottom et al. 2014:367 [ref. 33402], Allen 2015:28 [ref. 33704], Winterbottom & Hoese 2015:1 [ref. 33709], Suzuki et al. 2015:66 [ref. 33746], Winterbottom et al. 2015:201 [ref. 33849], Hoese et al. 2015:538 [ref. 33990], Winterbottom 2016:1 [ref. 34613], Viviani et al. 2016:1 [ref. 34831], Winterbottom 2017:559 [ref. 35329], Winterbottom 2018:124 [ref. 35730], Fricke et al. 2018:341 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:161 [ref. 36273], Winterbottom & Erdmann 2018:471 [ref. 36013], Allen 2019:32 [ref. 36486], Fricke et al. 2019:290 [ref. 36673], Winterbottom 2019:7 [ref. 37115]Winterbottom & Erdmann 2019:571 [ref. 36627], Winterbottom et al. 2019:47 [ref. 36502], Winterbottom 2020:582 [ref. 37630], Parenti 2021:230 [ref. 38603], Winterbottom 2021:264 [ref. 38081], Winterbottom & Pyle 2022:595 [ref. 39040], Winterbottom & Pyle 2022:2 [ref. 39211], Wada et al. 2022:[1] [ref. 39808], Winterbottom 2023:29 [ref. 40193], Winterbottom et al. 2023:250 [ref. 40536], Winterbottom et al. 2024:37 [ref. 41327], Chen & Harefa 2024:46 [ref. 41738]). Current status: Valid as Trimma Jordan & Seale 1906. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Trimmatom Winterbottom [R.] & Emery [A. R.] 1981:140 Masc. Trimmatom nanus Winterbottom & Emery 1981. Type by original designation. •Valid as Trimmatom Winterbottom & Emery 1981 -- (Winterbottom 1989 [ref. 14487], Larson & Murdy 2001:3582, 3585 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1691 [ref. 29097], Bogorodsky et al. 2010:126 [ref. 30896], Hoese & Larson 2010:374 [ref. 31045], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Motomura et al. 2010:222 [ref. 31256], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Golani & Fricke 2018:162 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:246 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Trimmatom Winterbottom & Emery 1981. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Tryssogobius Larson [H. K.] & Hoese [D. F.] 2001:27 Masc. Tryssogobius colini Larson & Hoese 2001. Type by original designation. •Valid as Tryssogobius Larson & Hoese 2001 -- (Larson & Wright 2003:127 [ref. 27481], Randall 2006:105 [ref. 28873], Larson & Chen 2007:155 [ref. 29120], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Prokofiev 2017:231 [ref. 35281], Parenti 2021:247 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Tryssogobius Larson & Hoese 2001. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Ulcigobius (subgenus of Drombus) Fowler [H. W.] 1918:69 Masc. Drombus maculipinnis Fowler 1918. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Second species tentatively included. •Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Chen & Shao 2000:457 [ref. 24420], Parenti 2021:110 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Callogobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Valenciennea Bleeker [P.] 1856:412 Fem. Eleotris strigata of Valenciennes 1837 (= Gobius strigatus Broussonet 1782). Type by monotypy. See discussion in Jordan 1919:373 [ref. 4904] but type is not hasselti as treated by Jordan. •Valid as Valenciennea Bleeker 1856 -- (Yoshino in Masuda et al. 1984:242 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:806 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Hoese & Larson 1994 [ref. 12483], Larson & Murdy 2001:3586 [ref. 26293], Hoese & Larson 2006:1692 [ref. 29097], Dimara et al. 2010:621 [ref. 31108], Suzuki et al. 2011:61 [ref. 31568], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Myoung et al. 2014:19 [ref. 36302], Suzuki et al. 2016:1 [ref. 34434], Kovačić et al. 2017:[3]1231 [ref. 36099], Fricke et al. 2018:342 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:162 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:291 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:248 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Valenciennea Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Valenciennesia Bleeker [P.] 1874:307 Fem. Eleotris strigata of Valenciennes 1837 (= Gobius strigatus Broussonet 1782). Type by original designation (also monotypic). Also appeared in Bleeker 1874:372 [ref. 436]. Apparently a variant spelling for Valenciennea Bleeker but unclear from text; it also may stand on its own as a genus description (see discussion by Jordan 1919:373 [ref. 4904]). •Objective synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856 -- (Hoese & Larson 1994:4 [ref. 12483], Parenti 2021:248 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Valenciennea Bleeker 1856. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Vanderhorstia Smith [J. L. B.] 1949:103 Fem. Gobius delagoae Barnard 1937. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Vanderhorstia Smith 1949 -- (Polunin & Lubbock 1977:68 [ref. 3540], Yanagisawa 1978:286 [ref. 7028], Goren 1979:54 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:260 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:806 [ref. 5670], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Ikeda et al. 1995 [ref. 22180], Larson & Murdy 2001:3587 [ref. 26293], Shibukawa & Suzuki 2004:113 [ref. 28014], Winterbottom et al. 2005:114 [ref. 28146], Greenfield & Longenecker 2005:619 [ref. 28487], Allen & Randall 2006:40 [ref. 28981], Hoese & Larson 2006:1695 [ref. 29097], Iwata et al. 2007:185 [ref. 29101], Randall 2007:89 [ref. 29222], Randall & Munday 2008:35 [ref. 29503], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Larson 2011:238 [ref. 31740], Bogorodsky et al. 2011:219 [ref. 31666], Suzuki & Chen 2014:207 [ref. 33152], Allen et al. 2014:81 [ref. 33278], Fricke et al. 2018:344 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:163 [ref. 36273], Fricke et al. 2019:293 [ref. 36673], Allen et al. 2019:89 [ref. 37044], Allen et al. 2020:65 [ref. 37685], Parenti 2021:252 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Vanderhorstia Smith 1949. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Vanneaugobius Brownell [C. L.] 1978:135 Masc. Vanneaugobius dollfusi Brownell 1978. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Vanneaugobius Brownell 1978 -- (Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1083 [ref. 13677], Birdsong et al. 1988:190 [ref. 7303], Van Tassell et al. 1988:546 [ref. 16289], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:67 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Parenti 2021:255 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Vanneaugobius Brownell 1978. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Varicus Robins [C. R.] & Böhlke [J. E.] 1961:46 Masc. Varicus bucca Robins & Böhlke 1961. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Possible synonym of Chriolepis Gilbert 1892 -- (see Hastings & Bortone 1981:435 [ref. 5246], see Bussing 1997:1551 [ref. 23500]). •Valid as Varicus Robins & Böhlke 1961 -- (Greenfield 1981 [ref. 6826], Williams & Gilbert 1983 [ref. 5369], Birdsong et al. 1988:189 [ref. 7303], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1786 [ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:165 [ref. 31732], Hastings & Findley 2013:599 [ref. 33005], Hastings & Findley 2015:589 [ref. 33639], Tornabene et al. 2016:29 [ref. 34435], Tornabene et al. 2016:143 [ref. 34485], Parenti 2021:282 [ref. 38603], Fuentes et al. 2023:159 [ref. 40497]). Current status: Valid as Varicus Robins & Böhlke 1961. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Vireosa Jordan [D. S.] & Snyder [J. O.] 1901:34, 38 Fem. Vireosa hanae Jordan & Snyder 1901. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Vireosa Jordan & Snyder 1901 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:341 [ref. 7348], Yanagisawa 1978:315 [ref. 7028]). •Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863 -- (Randall & Hoese 1985 [ref. 5197], Randall & Suzuki 2008:90 [ref. 29664], Kottelat 2013:436 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:404 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Ptereleotris Gill 1863. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Vitreola Jordan [D. S.] & Seale [A.] 1906:393 Fem. Vitreola sagitta Jordan & Seale 1906. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Steindachner was published earler (June); Vitreola published 15 Dec. 1906. •Synonym of Kraemeria Steindachner 1906 -- (Kottelat 2013:396 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:379 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Kraemeria Steindachner 1906. Gobiidae: Kraemeriinae.

Vomerogobius Gilbert [C. R.] 1971:35 Masc. Vomerogobius flavus Gilbert 1971. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Vomerogobius Gilbert 1971 -- (Birdsong et al. 1988:203 [ref. 7303], Larson 2001:47 [ref. 25522], Murdy & Hoese 2003:1791[ref. 27111], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Van Tassell 2011:145 [ref. 31732], Parenti 2021:256 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Vomerogobius Gilbert 1971. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Wheelerigobius Miller [P. J.] 1981:275 Masc. Eleotris maltzani Steindachner 1881. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Wheelerigobius Miller 1981 -- (Maugé 1986:386 [ref. 6218], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:221 [ref. 31738], Parenti 2021:256 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Wheelerigobius Miller 1981. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Xenogobius Metzelaar [J.] 1919:140 Masc. Xenogobius weberi Metzelaar 1919. Type by monotypy. Also appeared as new in Metzelaar 1922:141 [ref. 5741]. •Synonym of Microgobius Poey 1876 -- (Birdsong 1981:268 [ref. 5425], Parenti 2021:273 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Microgobius Poey 1876. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Yabotichthys Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1945:3 Masc. Yabotichthys nocturnus Herre 1945. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874 -- (Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:88 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblygobius Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Yoga (subgenus of Ctenogobius) Whitley [G. P.] 1954:25 Fem. Ctenogobius (Yoga) pyrops Whitley 1954. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Yoga Whitley 1954 -- (Hoese & Larson 2006:1696 [ref. 29097], Parenti 2021:257 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Yoga Whitley 1954. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Yongeichthys Whitley [G. P.] 1932:302 Masc. Gobius criniger Valenciennes 1837. Type by original designation. •Valid as Yongeichthys Whitley 1932 -- (Goren 1979:56 [ref. 1852], Akihito in Masuda et al. 1984:255 [ref. 6441], Hoese 1986:807 [ref. 5670], Maugé 1986:387 [ref. 6218], Birdsong et al. 1988:194 [ref. 7303], Kottelat 1989:19 [ref. 13605], Harrison & Miller in Lévêque et al. 1992:816 [ref. 21590], Gill 1994:59 [ref. 23557], Hoese & Larson 2006:1696 [ref. 29097], Harrison et al. 2007:533 [ref. 30083], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Schliewen 2011:221 [ref. 31738], Kottelat 2013:432 [ref. 32989], Motomura et al. 2017:200 [ref. 35490], Fricke et al. 2018:345 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:164 [ref. 36273], Parenti 2021:257 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Yongeichthys Whitley 1932. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Zagadkogobius Prokofiev [A. M.] 2017:118 Masc. Zagadkogobius ourlazon Prokofiev 2017. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Zagadkogobius Prokofiev 2017 -- (Tea & Larson 2023:263 [ref. 40057] but not in Ptereleotrinae, Parenti 2021:408 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Zagadkogobius Prokofiev 2017. Gobiidae: Ptereleotrinae.

Zalypnus Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] 1896:459 Masc. Gobius emblematicus Jordan & Gilbert 1882. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Microgobius Poey 1876 -- (Birdsong 1981:268 [ref. 5425], Parenti 2021:273 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Microgobius Poey 1876. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Zebreleotris Herre [A. W. C. T.] 1953:191 Fem. Zebreleotris fasciata Herre 1953. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874 -- (Yanagisawa 1978:298 [ref. 7028], Hoese & Steene 1978:381 [ref. 8713], Kottelat 2013:398 [ref. 32989], Parenti 2021:82 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Amblyeleotris Bleeker 1874. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Zebrus (subgenus of Gobius) de Buen [F.] 1930:135 Masc. Gobius zebrus Risso 1827. Type by original designation (also by absolute tautonymy). •Valid as Zebrus de Buen 1930 -- (Miller 1973:513 [ref. 6888], Miller 1977:346 [ref. 41065], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1084 [ref. 13677], Bogorodsky et al. 2010:217 [ref. 31978], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:67 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731], Kovačić et al. 2012:441 [ref. 32861], Kovačić et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38213], Parenti 2021:258 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Zebrus de Buen 1930. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Zonogobius Bleeker [P.] 1874:323 Masc. Gobius semifasciatus Kner 1868. Type by original designation (also monotypic). Apparently appeared first in synonyny; made available by Whitley 1932 [Ref 4676]. •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Lindberg & Krasyukova 1975:352 [ref. 7348]). •Valid but with type as Gobius semidoliatus -- (Goren 1979:58 [ref. 1852]). •Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837 -- (Hoese & Larson 2010:373, 375 [ref. 31045], Parenti 2021:214 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Priolepis Valenciennes 1837. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Zostericola Iljin [B. S.] 1927:130, 135 Masc. Gobius ophiocephalus Pallas 1814. Type by monotypy. Objectively invalid; preoccupied by Zostericola Ashby 1919 in Mollusca, replaced by Zosterisessor Whitley 1935. •In the synonymy of Zosterisessor Whitley 1935 -- (Miller 1973:513 [ref. 6888], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:236 [ref. 28183], Miller 2004:1 [ref. 27853]). •In the synonymy of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Vasil'eva 2003:S44 [ref. 28444], Parin et al. 2015:481 [ref. 33547]). 1°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

Zosterisessor Whitley [G. P.] 1935:250 Masc. Gobius ophiocephalus Pallas 1814. Type by being a replacement name. Replacement for Zostericola Iljin 1927, preoccupied by Zostericola Ashby 1919 in Mollusca. •Valid as Zosterisessor Whitley 1935 -- (Miller 1973:513 [ref. 6888], Miller in Whitehead et al. 1986:1085 [ref. 13677], Bogutskaya & Naseka 2004:236 [ref. 28183], Miller 2004:1 [ref. 27853], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:68 [ref. 36649], Kovačić & Patzner 2011:188 [ref. 31737], Thacker 2011:131 [ref. 31731]). •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758, but a valid subgenus Zosterisessor -- (Vasil'eva 1999:160 [ref. 24865], Vasil'eva 2003:S44 [ref. 28444]). •Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758 -- (Parin et al. 2015:481 [ref. 33547], Parenti 2021:175 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Synonym of Gobius Linnaeus 1758. Gobiidae: Gobiinae.

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