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Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Alopias: [ 16 ] records alopecias, Squalus Gronow [L. T.] in Gray 1854:7 [Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow; ref. 1911] Atlantic; Mediterranean Sea. No types known. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. barrae, Alopecias Pérez Canto [C.] 1886:6 [Anales de la Universidad de Chile v. 69 (sec. 1); ref. 18531] Valparaíso, Chile. Holotype (unique): ?MHNV (possibly lost). See also Philippi 1887:553 [p. 21 of separate], Pl. 5 (fig. 2) [ref. 3464]. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. caudatus, Alopias Phillipps [W. J.] 1932:226, Fig. 1 [The New Zealand Journal of Science and Technology v. 13 (no. 4); ref. 16393] Westernport, Victoria, Australia. Holotype: NMV 58434 (mounted specimen). Paratypes: NMNZ (1, photograph). This species is based on an Australian Alopias specimen described and figured by McCoy [Proc. Zool. Vic., pl. 88], and on a photograph of a New Zealand specimen. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Gomon et al. 1994:146 [ref. 22532], Last & Stevens 1994:158 [ref. 23873], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Hoese & Gates 2006:73 [ref. 28997], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. chilensis, Alopecias Philippi [R. A.] 1902:310 [Anales de la Universidad de Chile v. 109 (for July-Dec. 1901); ref. 14889] Chile. No types known. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. greyi, Alopias Whitley [G. P.] 1937:5 [Records of the Australian Museum v. 20 (no. 1); ref. 4691] Off Bermagui, New South Wales, Australia. Holotype (unique): AMNH (jaws only). •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Paxton et al. 1989:70 [ref. 12442], Gomon et al. 1994:146 [ref. 22532], Last & Stevens 1994:158 [ref. 23873], Hoese & Gates 2006:73 [ref. 28997], Castro 2011:241 [ref. 31457], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. longimana, Alopecias Philippi [R. A.] 1902:308 [8] [Anales de la Universidad de Chile v. 109 (for July-Dec. 1901); ref. 14889] Talcahuano Bay, Chile. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. On p. 8 of separate. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. macrourus, Alopias Rafinesque [C. S.] 1810:12 [Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della Sicilia; ref. 3594] Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. No types known. Also appeared in Rafinesque 1810:45 [ref. 3595]. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Hoese & Gates 2006:73 [ref. 28997], Castro 2011:241 [ref. 31457], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524], Parenti 2019:102 [ref. 37117]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. marina, Vulpecula Valmont de Bomare [J. C.] 1764:v. 4, p. 609 [Dictionnaire raisonné universel d'histoire naturelle, ...; ref. 4507] Massachusetts Bay, U.S.A. No type known. Not available, published in a rejected work on Official Index (Opinion 89, Direction 32); neither available from Valmont de Bomare 1768, Paris edition: v. 5, p.316 [ref. 4507], nor from the 1775 Paris edition, v. 5, p. 441 [ref. 4507]. Based on a pre-Linnean name. Name validated by Garman 1913:30, Pl. 7 (figs. 1-3) [ref. 1545]. •In the synonymy of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Suppressed. Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. marina, Vulpecula Garman [S.] 1913:30, Pl. 7 (figs. 1-3) [Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology v. 36; ref. 1545] Massachusetts Bay, Massachusetts, U.S.A. Holotype (?): MCZ 1166-S. Not intended as new, but validates a pre-Linnaean name, and the unavailable name Vulpecula marina of Valmont de Bomare 1764:609 [ref. 4507] and later editions; Garman is the author. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Castro 2011:241 [ref. 31457], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. pelagicus, Alopias Nakamura [H.] 1935:3, 5, Pl. 1 (fig. 2), Pl. 3 (figs. 5-6) [Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University, Formosa v. 14 (no. 1) (Zoology no. 4); ref. 13907] Market at Suô [Suao], east coast of Taiwan, 24˚36'N, 121˚52'E. Syntypes: (4) whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432]. According to Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432], the syntype series was not registered and probably discarded. •Valid as Alopias pelagicus Nakamura 1935 -- (Compagno 1984:229 [ref. 6474], Nakaya in Masuda et al. 1984:7 [ref. 6441], Nakaya in Okamura & Kitajima 1984:39, 294 [ref. 8057], Bass 1986:102 [ref. 5635], Allen & Swainston 1988:20 [ref. 25477], Gubanov & Timoxin 1989:220 [ref. 36138], Paxton et al. 1989:69 [ref. 12442], Randall et al. 1990:16 [ref. 15987], Last & Stevens 1994:155 [ref. 23873], Goren & Dor 1994:1 [ref. 25356], Compagno et al. in Fischer et al. 1995:659 [ref. 22829], Eitner 1995:562 [ref. 22404], Randall 1995:23 [ref. 22896], Allen 1997:40 [ref. 23977], Chen et al. 1997:1 [ref. 26476], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:64 [ref. 24023], Randall et al. 1997:16 [ref. 25919], Anderson et al. 1998:21 [ref. 23611], Compagno 1998:1271 [ref. 23785], Myers 1999:38 [ref. 23965], Morón et al. 1999:145 [ref. 24253], Compagno 1999:477 [ref. 25589], Nakabo 2000:126 [ref. 25086], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:578 [ref. 25122], Hutchins 2001:13 [ref. 25847], Compagno 2001:81 [ref. 26323], Nakabo 2002:126 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:57, 475 [ref. 26218], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S91 [ref. 27377], Myers & Donaldson 2003:609 [ref. 27495], Espinosa Pérez et al. 2004:79 [ref. 27705], Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:19 [ref. 27735], Nelson et al. 2004:51 [ref. 27807], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:72 [ref. 28072], Love et al. 2005:5 [ref. 37547], Compagno et al. 2005:16 [ref. 29145], Mundy 2005:96 [ref. 28379], Hoese & Gates 2006:73 [ref. 28997], Khalaf & Zajonz 2007:423 [ref. 31739], White 2008:38 [ref. 30617], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:187 [ref. 30957], Motomura et al. 2010:68 [ref. 31256], Last el al. 2010:62 [ref. 32461], Fricke et al. 2011:345 [ref. 31242], Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432], Castro 2011:233 [ref. 31457], Yamashita et al. 2012:121 [ref. 32408], Page et al. 2013:50 [ref. 32708], Ebert et al. 2013:310 [ref. 33045], Shinohara et al. 2014:231 [ref. 33330], Psomadakis et al. 2015:74 [ref. 34104], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:73 [ref. 34398], Weigmann 2016:12 [ref. 34211], Fourriére et al. 2016:452 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:605 [ref. 34923], Kells et al. 2016:64 [ref. 35888], Ebert et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35618], White et al. 2017:84 [ref. 35860], Ehemann et al. 2018:20 [ref. 36194], Golani & Fricke 2018:8 [ref. 36273], Kumar et al. 2018:295 [ref. 36178], White & Ko'ou 2018:23 [ref. 35922], Fricke et al. 2019:38 [ref. 36673], Stone & Shimada 2019:633 [ref. 37195], Calle-Morán et al. 2020:241 [ref. 37881], Psomadakis et al. 2020:164 [ref. 37272], Ebert et al. 2021:42 [ref. 38234], González-Acosta et al. 2021:5 [ref. 38361], Love et al. 2021:15 [ref. 39279], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:11 [ref. 41223], Grove et al. 2022:15 [ref. 41326], Human 2022:469 [ref. 39664], Page et al. 2023:38 [ref. 40505], Siccha-Ramirez et al. 2023:43 [ref. 40816], Fricke et al. 2024:62 [ref. 41622]). Current status: Valid as Alopias pelagicus Nakamura 1935. Alopiidae. Distribution: Indo-Pacific (including Red Sea, South China Sea, East China Sea, Gulf of California/Mexico). IUCN (2019): Endangered. Habitat: marine. profundus, Alopias Nakamura [H.] 1935:2, 4, Pl. 1 (fig. 1), Pl. 2 (figs. 3-4) [Memoirs of the Faculty of Science and Agriculture, Taihoku Imperial University, Formosa v. 14 (no. 1) (Zoology no. 4); ref. 13907] Market at Suô [Suao], east coast of Taiwan, 24˚36'N, 121˚52'E. Syntypes: (4) whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432]. According to Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432], the syntype series was not registered and probably discarded. •Synonym of Alopias superciliosus (Lowe 1841) -- (Gruber & Compagno 1981:621 [ref. 21249], Compagno 1984:231 [ref. 6474], Compagno et al. in Fischer et al. 1995:660 [ref. 22829], Compagno 1998:1272 [ref. 23785], Compagno 2001:83 [ref. 26323], Compagno 2003:429 [ref. 26984], Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:19 [ref. 27735], Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432], Castro 2011:236 [ref. 31457], Compagno 2016:1235 [ref. 34544]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias superciliosus (Lowe 1841). Alopiidae. Habitat: marine. superciliosus, Alopecias Lowe [R. T.] 1841:39 [Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London 1840 (pt. 8, no. 89); ref. 2830] Madeira, Northeastern Atlantic. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. •Valid as Alopias superciliosus (Lowe 1841) -- (Springer 1973:17 [ref. 7162], Gruber & Compagno 1981:619 [ref. 21249], Nakaya in Okamura et al. 1982:41, 308 [ref. 8256], Branstetter & McEachran 1983:59 [ref. 39760], Eschmeyer & Herald 1983:27 [ref. 9277], Quéro in Whitehead et al. 1984:91 [ref. 13675], Compagno 1984:231 [ref. 6474], Nakaya in Masuda et al. 1984:7 [ref. 6441], Bass 1986:102 [ref. 5635], Robins & Ray 1986:19 [ref. 23100], Gubanov & Timoxin 1989:220 [ref. 36138], Paxton et al. 1989:69 [ref. 12442], Paulin et al. 1989:34 [ref. 24556], Springer 1990:85 [ref. 19319], Cervigón 1992:168 [ref. 23827], Bussing & López S. 1994:18 [ref. 23101], Last & Stevens 1994:156 [ref. 23873], Compagno et al. in Fischer et al. 1995:660 [ref. 22829], Eitner 1995:562 [ref. 22404], Randall 1995:23 [ref. 22896], Golani 1996:20 [ref. 22271], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:62 [ref. 24023], Santos et al. 1997:118 [ref. 23531], Arruda 1997:16 [ref. 24952], Compagno 1998:1272 [ref. 23785], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:50 [ref. 23897], Aguilera 1998:45 [ref. 24221], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:43 [ref. 24555], Morón et al. 1999:145 [ref. 24253], Cervigón & Alcalá 1999:34 [ref. 24490], Smith-Vaniz et al. 1999:119 [ref. 25013], Compagno 1999:477 [ref. 25589], Nakabo 2000:126 [ref. 25086], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:578 [ref. 25122], Hutchins 2001:13 [ref. 25847], Compagno 2001:83 [ref. 26323], Soto 2001:65, 87 [ref. 26637], Nakabo 2002:126 [ref. 26001], Compagno 2003:429 [ref. 26984], Gadig & Gomes in Menezes et al. 2003:25 [ref. 27192], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S91 [ref. 27377], Espinosa Pérez et al. 2004:80 [ref. 27705], Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:19 [ref. 27735], Nelson et al. 2004:51 [ref. 27807], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:73 [ref. 28072], Compagno et al. 2005:17 [ref. 29145], Golani 2005:9 [ref. 37112], Love et al. 2005:5 [ref. 37547], Mundy 2005:96 [ref. 28379], Vaske et al. 2005:77 [ref. 36155], Hoese & Gates 2006:73 [ref. 28997], Fricke et al. 2007:12 [ref. 29533], White 2008:38 [ref. 30617], Fricke et al. 2009:8 [ref. 30213], White 2008:38 [ref. 30617], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:187 [ref. 30957], Fricke et al. 2011:345 [ref. 31242], Ho & Shao 2011:17 [ref. 31432], Castro 2011:236 [ref. 31457], Page et al. 2013:50 [ref. 32708], Wirtz et al. 2013:115 [ref. 32972], Ebert et al. 2013:310 [ref. 33045], Wirtz et al. 2014:2 [ref. 33516], Psomadakis et al. 2015:74 [ref. 34104], Duffy & Ahyong 2015:106 [ref. 36167], Duffy & Stewart 2015:66 [ref. 34216], Pinheiro et al. 2015:2 [ref. 34324], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:74 [ref. 34398], Weigmann 2016:13 [ref. 34211], Fourriére et al. 2016:452 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:605 [ref. 34923], Nión et al. 2016:19 [ref. 35565], Kells et al. 2016:64 [ref. 35888], Ebert et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35618], Lanteri et al. 2017:316 [ref. 36995], White et al. 2017:86 [ref. 35860], Biscoito et al. 2018:462 [ref. 37562], Ehemann et al. 2018:20 [ref. 36194], Fricke et al. 2018:9 [ref. 35805], Kumar et al. 2018:295 [ref. 36178], White & Ko'ou 2018:23 [ref. 35922], Almeida & Biscoito 2019:56 [ref. 37302], Brown et al. 2019:152 [ref. 36444], Carneiro et al. 2019:19 [ref. 37250], Ehemann et al. 2019:[3] [ref. 36861], Fricke et al. 2019:38 [ref. 36673], Perdikaris & Konstantinidis 2019:646 [ref. 37190], Reiner 2019:25 [ref. 38139], Stone & Shimada 2019:633 [ref. 37195], Calle-Morán et al. 2020:241 [ref. 37881], Kabasakal 2020:64 [ref. 37952], Kovačić et al. 2020:4 [ref. 37519], Psomadakis et al. 2020:164 [ref. 37272], Serena et al. 2020:502 [ref. 37963], Bessudo et al. 2021:[3] 1771 [ref. 39107], Ebert et al. 2021:42 [ref. 38234], Giovos et al. 2021:5 [ref. 38895], Golani 2021:7 [ref. 38303], González-Acosta et al. 2021:5 [ref. 38361], Haroon & Kibria 2021:47 [ref. 39241], Kovačić et al. 2021:8 [ref. 39014], Love et al. 2021:15 [ref. 39279], Soldo & Bakiu in Tsagarakis et al. 2021:641 [ref. 38798], Bañón & Mano 2022:8 [ref. 40121], Barone et al. 2022:11 [ref. 39527], Blanco-Parra & Niño-Torres 2022:Correction, p. 2 [ref. 38986], Fermon et al. 2022:92 [ref. 39448], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:12 [ref. 41223], Grove et al. 2022:15 [ref. 41326], Human 2022:470 [ref. 39664], Balàka et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40410], Carvalho-Filho 2023:298 [ref. 40480], Castillo Domínguez et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40663], Page et al. 2023:38 [ref. 40505], Shakman et al. 2023:463 [ref. 40810], Artüz & Fricke 2024:536 [ref. 41509], Fricke et al. 2024:62 [ref. 41622], Gadig et al. 2024:22 [ref. 40775], Leeney 2024:43 [ref. 40985], Leeney & Tshimwandi 2024:18 [ref. 41781]). Current status: Valid as Alopias superciliosus (Lowe 1841). Alopiidae. Distribution: Circumglobal in tropical and temperate seas (including Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Marmara, South China Sea, southernn East China Sea, Gulf of California/Mexico). IUCN (2019): Vulnerable. Habitat: marine. vulpecula, Galeus Rafinesque [C. S.] 1810:13 [Caratteri di alcuni nuovi generi e nuove specie di animali e piante della Sicilia; ref. 3594] Sicily, Italy, Mediterranean Sea. No types known. Also appeared in Rafinesque 1810:46 [ref. 3595] citing "Squalus vulpecula Linnaeus", a name not found. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524], Parenti 2019:102 [ref. 37117]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. vulpes, Squalus Berkenhout [J.] (ex Pennant) 1789:60 [Synopsis of the natural history of Great-Britain and Ireland v. 1; ref. 12437] Mediterranean Sea; Scotland; Cornwall, England, northeastern Atlantic. No types known. Based on 'The Sea Fox' of Pennant 1769:86 [ref. 18527]; apparently described independent from Squalus vulpes Gmelin 1789. Earliest publication not established. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Lipej & Dulčić 2010:7 [ref. 36649], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524], Biscoito et al. 2018:463 [ref. 37562], Human 2022:470 [ref. 39664]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: marine. vulpes, Squalus Gmelin [J. F.] 1789:1496 [Caroli a Linné ... Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae v. 1 (pt 3); ref. 18139] Mediterranean Sea; Scotland; Cornwall, England, northeastern Atlantic. No types known. •Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Springer 1973:17 [ref. 7162], Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Springer 1990:85 [ref. 19319], Gomon et al. 1994:145 [ref. 22532], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Bilecenoğlu et al. 2002:10 [ref. 26753] with wrong author, Parin et al. 2014:18 [ref. 33547], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524]). Current status: Synonym of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Habitat: brackish, marine. vulpinus, Squalus Bonnaterre [J. P.] (ex Pennant) 1788:9, Pl. 85 (fig. 349) [Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature... Ichthyologie; ref. 4940] Mediterranean Sea; Cornwall, England, northeastern Atlantic. No types known. Based on the 'Sea fox' of Pennant 1769:86, Pl. 4 [ref. 18527], which was based on multiple historical sources, and possibly on more than one species; neotype selection needed to stabilize the current usage of the name. •Valid as Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Springer 1973:17 [ref. 7162], Eschmeyer & Herald 1983:27 [ref. 9277], Quéro in Whitehead et al. 1984:92 [ref. 13675], Compagno 1984:232 [ref. 6474], Dor 1984:3 [ref. 29757], Nakaya in Masuda et al. 1984:7 [ref. 6441], Bass 1986:102 [ref. 5635], Robins & Ray 1986:18 [ref. 23100], Capapé 1987:22 [ref. 39326], Scott & Scott 1988:13 [ref. 25518], Gubanov & Timoxin 1989:220 [ref. 36138], Paxton et al. 1989:69 [ref. 12442], Winterbottom et al. 1989:4 [ref. 13251], Pequeño 1989:12 [ref. 14125], Paulin et al. 1989:19 [ref. 24556], McAllister 1990:29 [ref. 14674], Springer 1990:85 [ref. 19319], Compagno et al. 1991:74 [ref. 21083], Cervigón 1992:168 [ref. 23827], Boschung 1992:19 [ref. 23239], Bianchi & Carpenter in Bianchi et al. 1993:74 [ref. 25472], Bussing & López S. 1994:18 [ref. 23101], Last & Stevens 1994:157 [ref. 23873], Goren & Dor 1994:1 [ref. 25356], Compagno et al. in Fischer et al. 1995:661 [ref. 22829], Eitner 1995:562 [ref. 22404], Randall 1995:23 [ref. 22896], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:65 [ref. 24023], Santos et al. 1997:10 [ref. 23531], Arruda 1997:16 [ref. 24952], Cheng & Zhou 1997:22 [ref. 26385], Compagno 1998:1273 [ref. 23785], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:51 [ref. 23897], Chirichigno F. & Vélez D. 1998:43 [ref. 24555], Kabasakal 1998:685 [ref. 25006], Fricke 1999:16 [ref. 24106], Johnson 1999:719 [ref. 25471], Compagno 1999:477 [ref. 25589], Nakabo 2000:126 [ref. 25086], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:578 [ref. 25122], Laboute & Grandperrin 2000:87 [ref. 25191], Hutchins 2001:13 [ref. 25847], Compagno 2001:86 [ref. 26323], Soto 2001:65, 88 [ref. 26637], Bilecenoğlu et al. 2002:11 [ref. 26753], Branstetter in Collette & Klein-MacPhee 2002:34 [ref. 26158], Mecklenburg et al. 2002:79 [ref. 25968], Nakabo 2002:126 [ref. 26001], Choi et al. 2003:57, 476 [ref. 26218], Compagno 2003:430 [ref. 26984], Gadig & Gomes in Menezes et al. 2003:25 [ref. 27192], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S91 [ref. 27377], Espinosa Pérez et al. 2004:81 [ref. 27705], Bonfil & Abdallah 2004:20 [ref. 27735], Nelson et al. 2004:51 [ref. 27807], Heemstra & Heemstra 2004:72 [ref. 28072], Compagno et al. 2005:17 [ref. 29145], Golani 2005:9 [ref. 37112], Love et al. 2005:5 [ref. 37547], Mundy 2005:96 [ref. 28379], Hoese & Gates 2006:73 [ref. 28997], Fricke 2007:25 [ref. 30577], Fricke et al. 2007:12 [ref. 29533], Vasil'eva 2007:17 [ref. 30517], White 2008:38 [ref. 30617], Fricke et al. 2009:8 [ref. 30213], George 2009:34 [ref. 30539], Lipej & Dulčić 2010:7 [ref. 36649], Castro 2011:241 [ref. 31457], Fricke et al. 2011:345 [ref. 31242], Yamashita et al. 2012:121 [ref. 32408], Naylor et al. 2012:51 [ref. 32267] see remarks, Page et al. 2013:50 [ref. 32708], Ebert et al. 2013:310 [ref. 33045], Shinohara et al. 2014:232 [ref. 33330], Parin et al. 2014:18 [ref. 33547], Duffy & Stewart 2015:67 [ref. 34216], Dyldin 2015:47 [ref. 34524], Pietsch & Orr 2015:13 [ref. 34694], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:75 [ref. 34398], Weigmann 2016:13 [ref. 34211], Compagno 2016:1236 [ref. 34544], Fourriére et al. 2016:452 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:605 [ref. 34923], Nión et al. 2016:19 [ref. 35565], Kells et al. 2016:64 [ref. 35888], Ebert et al. 2017:53 [ref. 35618], Biscoito et al. 2018:463 [ref. 37562], Dyldin & Orlov 2018:164 [ref. 35920], Ehemann et al. 2018:20 [ref. 36194], Fricke et al. 2018:9 [ref. 35805], Kumar et al. 2018:295 [ref. 36178], Almeida & Biscoito 2019:57 [ref. 37302], Burton & Lea 2019:27 [ref. 37205], Carneiro et al. 2019:20 [ref. 37250], Ehemann et al. 2019:[3] [ref. 36861], Stone & Shimada 2019:633 [ref. 37195], Bariche & Fricke 2020:14 [ref. 37515], Calle-Morán et al. 2020:241 [ref. 37881], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 1 [ref. 38321], Kabasakal 2020:65 [ref. 37952], Kim et al. 2020:37 [ref. 39118], Kovačić et al. 2020:4 [ref. 37519], Serena et al. 2020:502 [ref. 37963], Arroyo Martínez 2021:38 [ref. 38962], Bessudo et al. 2021:[3] 1771 [ref. 39107], Dyldin et al. 2021:14 [ref. 38804], Dyldin & Orlov 2021:55 [ref. 38158], Ebert et al. 2021:42 [ref. 38234], Giovos et al. 2021:5 [ref. 38895], Golani 2021:7 [ref. 38303], González-Acosta et al. 2021:5 [ref. 38361], Kovačić et al. 2021:8 [ref. 39014], Love et al. 2021:15 [ref. 39279], Bañón & Mano 2022:8 [ref. 40121], Barone et al. 2022:11 [ref. 39527], Dyldin et al. 2022:[6] [ref. 39193], Fermon et al. 2022:92 [ref. 39448], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:12 [ref. 41223], Human 2022:470 [ref. 39664], Balàka et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40410], Carvalho-Filho 2023:297 [ref. 40480], Castillo Domínguez et al. 2023:4 [ref. 40663], Page et al. 2023:38 [ref. 40505], Shakman et al. 2023:463 [ref. 40810], Artüz & Fricke 2024:536 [ref. 41509], Fricke et al. 2024:63 [ref. 41622], Gadig et al. 2024:21 [ref. 40775], Leeney 2024:42 [ref. 40985]). Current status: Valid as Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre 1788). Alopiidae. Distribution: Circumglobal in tropical through temperate seas (including Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Sea of Marmara, Black Sea, western Baltic Sea, North Sea, South China Sea, East China Sea, southern Sea of Japan, Tasman sea, Gulf of California/Mexico). IUCN (2019) Vulnerable. Habitat: brackish, marine. |