Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Species that contain: Gymnothorax and undulatus [ 9 ] records

acutirostris, Muraena Abbott [C. C.] 1860:476 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 12; ref. 15619] Hawaiian Islands. Holotype (unique): ANSP 998. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:129 [ref. 13621] with remark on locality and status, Böhlke & Smith 2002:90 [ref. 26380] •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Böhlke & Smith 2002:90 [ref. 26380], Mundy 2005:124 [ref. 28379], Randall 2007:94 [ref. 30952], Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155]). Current status: Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Habitat: marine.

agassizi, Muraena Bleeker [P.] 1855:458 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 8 (no. 3); ref. 16841] Cocos Islands, Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1867.11.28.250. Type catalog: Böhlke & Smith 2002:91 [ref. 26380]. •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Böhlke & Smith 2002:91 [ref. 26380], Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155]). Current status: Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Habitat: marine.

blochii, Muraena Bleeker [P.] 1852:49 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 25 (art. 5); ref. 339] Sibogha, western Sumatra, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1867.11.28.330. Type catalog: Böhlke & Smith 2002:97-98 [ref. 26380]. Type could not be located in 1995 according to Böhlke & Smith 2002:98 [ref. 26380]. •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Böhlke & Smith 2002:97 [ref. 26380] with question, Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155]). Current status: Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Habitat: marine.

cancellata, Muraena Richardson [J.] 1848:87, Pl. 46 (figs. 1-5) [Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror v. 2 (2); ref. 3740] Western Australia; northern Australia; Sumatra, Indonesia. Syntypes: BMNH (3, not found), MNHN (not found). Type catalog: Bauchot et al. 1993:125 [ref. 20810], Böhlke & Smith 2002:99 [ref. 26380] •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Paxton et al. 1989:131 [ref. 12442], Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Böhlke & McCosker 2001:96 [ref. 25226], Böhlke & Smith 2002:99 [ref. 26380], Allen et al. 2006:257 [ref. 29005], Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155]). Current status: Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Habitat: marine.

cinerascens, Muraena Rüppell [W. P. E. S.] 1830:120 [Atlas zu der Reise im nördlichen Africa. Fische des Rothen Meeres; ref. 3843] Al Muwaylih, Tabuk Province, Saudi Arabia, Red Sea. Holotype (unique): SMF 3486. Type catalog: Böhlke & Smith 2002:102-103 [ref. 26380]. •Synonym of Lycodontis undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Dor 1984:29 [ref. 29757]). •Synonym of Gymnothorax hepaticus (Rüppell 1830) -- (Randall & Golani 1995:858 [ref. 21744], Böhlke & Smith 2002:103 [ref. 26380], Smith 2012:17 [ref. 32155], Golani & Fricke 2018:21 [ref. 36273]). •Valid as Gymnothorax cinerascens (Rüppell 1830) -- (Smith et al. 2019:22 [ref. 37159]). Current status: Valid as Gymnothorax cinerascens (Rüppell 1830). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Distribution: Red Sea endemic. Habitat: marine.

formosus, Gymnothorax Bleeker [P.] 1864:51 [Nederlandsch Tijdschrift voor de Dierkunde v. 2; ref. 408] Wahai, Ceram, Indonesia. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1867.11.28.241. Type catalog: Böhlke & Smith 2002:112 [ref. 26380]. Takes precedence over Gymnothorax rhodocephalus Bleeker 1856 -- see Böhlke & Smith 2002:112 [ref. 26380]. •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus Bleeker 1864 -- (Alllen & Erdmann 2012:95 [ref. 31980]). •Valid as Gymnothorax formosus Bleeker 1864 -- (Böhlke et al. 1999:1656 [ref. 24692], Randall et al. 2002:154 [ref. 26192], Böhlke & Smith 2002:112 [ref. 26380], Allen & Adrim 2003:23 [ref. 26830], Smith 2012:16 [ref. 32155], Delrieu-Trottin et al. 2015:4 [ref. 33988], Ho et al. 2015:156 [ref. 34130], Ramos-Castro et al. 2020:83 [ref. 37651]). Current status: Valid as Gymnothorax formosus Bleeker 1864. Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Distribution: Western and central Pacific. Habitat: marine.

kaupii, Thyrsoidea Abbott [C. C.] 1860:477 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 12; ref. 15619] Hawaiian Islands. Holotype (unique): ANSP 916. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:130 [ref. 13621], Böhlke & Smith 2002:118 [ref. 26380] •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Böhlke & Smith 2002:118 [ref. 26380], Mundy 2005:124 [ref. 28379], Randall 2007:94 [ref. 30952], Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155]). Current status: Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Habitat: marine.

undulata, Muraenophis Lacepède [B. G. E.] (ex Commerson) 1803:629, 642, Pl. 19 (fig. 2) [Histoire naturelle des poissons (Lacepède) v. 5; ref. 4930] No locality stated. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Type catalog: Bauchot et al. 1993:127 [ref. 20810], Böhlke & Smith 2002:152 [ref. 26380] Neotype designation by Fricke 1999:55 [ref. 24106] is invalid; see Fricke 2000:639 [ref. 24537]. Based on a drawing in manuscript by Commerson (Philibert Commerson, 1727-1773, French explorer and natguralist). •Synonym of Echidna catenata (Bloch 1795) -- (Smith & Böhlke 1990:138 [ref. 19379]). •Valid as Lycodontis undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Dor 1984:29 [ref. 29757]). •Valid as Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Hatooka in Masuda et al. 1984:24 [ref. 6441], Castle & McCosker 1986:173 [ref. 5645], Allen & Swainston 1988:32 [ref. 25477], Paxton et al. 1989:131 [ref. 12442], Winterbottom et al. 1989:9 [ref. 13251], Randall et al. 1990:40 [ref. 15987], Allen & Robertson 1994:47 [ref. 22193], Chen et al. 1994:53 [ref. 22258], Goren & Dor 1994:7 [ref. 25356], McCosker & Rosenblatt in Fischer et al. 1995:1311 [ref. 22830], Quéro & Saldanha 1995:67 [ref. 22017], Randall & Golani 1995:868 [ref. 21744], Randall 1995:57 [ref. 22896], Allen 1997:52 [ref. 23977], Carpenter et al. 1997:107 [ref. 23922], Kuiter 1997:28 [ref. 25488], Randall et al. 1997:40 [ref. 25919], Myers 1999:50 [ref. 23965], Fricke 1999:54 [ref. 24106], Böhlke et al. 1999:1657 [ref. 24692], Johnson 1999:721 [ref. 25471], Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Nakabo 2000:209 [ref. 25086], Compagno in Randall & Lim 2000:585 [ref. 25122], Sadovy & Cornish 2000:34 [ref. 25480], Böhlke & McCosker 2001:73 [ref. 25226], Hutchins 2001:17 [ref. 25847], Nakabo 2002:209 [ref. 26001], Böhlke & Smith 2002:152 [ref. 26380], Allen & Adrim 2003:23 [ref. 26830], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S95 [ref. 27377], Myers & Donaldson 2003:611 [ref. 27495], Hatooka 2003:7 [ref. 27558], Lobel & Lobel 2004:68 [ref. 27576], Randall et al. 2004:7 [ref. 27624], Heemstra et al. 2004:3316 [ref. 27945], Randall 2005:48 [ref. 28239], Mundy 2005:124 [ref. 28379], Allen et al. 2006:257 [ref. 29005], Randall 2007:93 [ref. 30952], Fricke et al. 2009:17 [ref. 30213], Motomura et al. 2010:73 [ref. 31256], Zhang et al. 2010:272 [ref. 31511], Fricke et al. 2011:351 [ref. 31242], Allen & Erdmann 2012:95 [ref. 31980], Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155], Allen & Erdmann 2012:95 [ref. 31980], Page et al. 2013:61 [ref. 32708], Larson et al. 2013:26 [ref. 32988], Ho et al. 2015:161 [ref. 34130], Fourriére et al. 2016:441 [ref. 34668], Del Moral-Flores et al. 2016:606 [ref. 34923], Koeda et al. 2016:8 [ref. 35333], Fricke et al. 2018:39 [ref. 35805], Golani & Fricke 2018:23 [ref. 36273], Huang et al. 2018:[2] [ref. 35898], Arndt & Fricke 2019:24 [ref. 36883], Dalleau-Coudert et al. 2019:112 [ref. 40104], Eagderi et al. 2019:18 [ref. 37020], Fricke et al. 2019:52 [ref. 36673], Zajonz et al. 2019:62 [ref. 36871], Smith et al. 2019:58 [ref. 37159], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 5 [ref. 38321], Ramos-Castro et al. 2020:83 [ref. 37651], Sithole et al. 2020:175 [ref. 37459], Dale et al. 2021:315 [ref. 38298], Wada et al. 2021:36 [ref. 38521], Eudeline 2022:144 [ref. 39191], Grove et al. 2022:16 [ref. 41326], Smith & Böhlke 2022:65 [ref. 39681], Page et al. 2023:52 [ref. 40505], Allen & Erdmann 2024:105 [ref. 40796], Fricke et al. 2024:81 [ref. 41255]). Current status: Valid as Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Distribution: Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), East Africa, Persian Gulf, Socotra, Seychelles, Comoros, Mayotte (France), Madagascar, Seychelles, Maldives and Mascarenes (La Réunion, Mauritius, Rodrigues) east to Hawaiian Islands (U.S.A.) and Gambier Islands, north to Amami Islands (southern Japan) and Ogasawara Islands, south to Western Australia at 28°54'S, New South Wales (Australia) and New Caledonia; eastern Pacific: Costa Rica south to Colombia, including Revillagigedo Islands (Mexico), Cocos Island (Costa Rica) and Galapagos Islands (Ecuador). Habitat: marine.

valenciennii, Muraena Eydoux [J. F. T.] & Souleyet [F. A.] 1850:207, Pl. 8 (fig. 1) [Voyage autour du monde; ref. 4501] Hawaiian Islands. Holotype: MNHN-0487. Additional material: MNHN 0000-4086 (1). Type catalog: Bauchot et al. 1993:100 [ref. 20810], Böhlke & Smith 2002:153 [ref. 26380]. •Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803) -- (Böhlke & Randall 2000:258 [ref. 24493], Böhlke & Smith 2002:153 [ref. 26380], Mundy 2005:124 [ref. 28379], Randall 2007:94 [ref. 30952], Smith 2012:28 [ref. 32155]). Current status: Synonym of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepède 1803). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Habitat: marine.

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