raninus, Lepadogaster Nardo [G. D.] (ex Chiereghini) 1847:col. 113 [Sinonimia moderna delle specie registrate nell' opera intitolata: ...; ref. 17994] Italy. No types known. Apparently an available name based on Cyclopterus raninus Chiereghini (manuscript), with a short description. •Synonym of Diplecogaster bimaculata (Bonnaterre 1788) -- (Briggs 1955:29 [ref. 637], Briggs 1973:652 [ref. 7222], Hofrichter 1995:138 [ref. 30502], Fricke et al. 2015:5 [ref. 33962]). Current status: Synonym of Diplecogaster bimaculata (Bonnaterre 1788). Gobiesocidae: Lepadogastrinae. Habitat: brackish, marine.