longipinnis, Stromateus Mitchill [S. L.] 1815:366 [Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New-York v. 1 (art. 5) (for 1814); ref. 13292] New York Bay, New York, U.S.A. No types known. Appeared as "Rhombus longipinnis, nob." Cuvier in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1833:401, Pl. 274 [ref. 1002]. •Synonym of Peprilus alepidotus (Linnaeus 1766) -- (Haedrich 1967:106 [ref. 5357]). •Synonym of Peprilus paru (Linnaeus 1758) -- (Horn 1970:202 [ref. 7749]). Current status: Synonym of Peprilus paru (Linnaeus 1758). Stromateidae. Habitat: marine.