Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Sep 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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australis, Chrysophrys Günther [A.] 1859:494 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 1; ref. 1961] Australian seas and rivers. Syntypes: BMNH 1844.2.15.57-58 (2 right half skins), 1846.10.22.21 (right half skin), 1847.6.17.75 (right half skin), 1848.10.25.26 (left half skin), 1855.9.19.2 (1, skin), 1858.8.16.30 (left half skin), 1863.1.15.25 (right half skin). Also listed was Plate XXVIII. fig. B, but on preface p. vi it is stated, "The Plates referred to, and executed by Mr. Ford, will be published as a separate volume." The Owen 1853 reference has not been researched. but the species is a nomen nudum. •Valid as Acanthopagrus australis (Günther 1859) -- (Akazaki in Masuda et al. 1984:178 [ref. 6441], Kuiter 1993:192 [ref. 23929] with author as Owen 1853, Kuiter 1997:176 [ref. 25488], Johnson 1999:737 [ref. 25471] with author as Owen 1853, Carpenter 2001:2995 [ref. 26104], Allen et al. 2002:343 [ref. 25930], Iwatsuki & Carpenter 2006:13 [ref. 28673], Bray et al. 2006:1226 [ref. 29091], Kume & Yoshino 2008:53 [ref. 29572], Iwatsuki & Carpenter 2009:44 [ref. 30528], Iwatsuki & Heemstra 2010:133 [ref. 30738], Iwatsuki et al. 2010:115 [ref. 31106], Iwatsuki 2013:87 [ref. 32744], Trnski & Roberts 2015:1286 [ref. 34203], Parenti 2019:68 [ref. 36892]). Current status: Valid as Acanthopagrus australis (Günther 1859). Sparidae. Distribution: Western Pacific: eastern Australia and one specimen from New Zealand. Habitat: brackish, marine.

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