scombrina, Alausa Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1847:442 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 20; ref. 1012] Cananor, India. Lectotype: MNHN 0000-3748. Paralectotypes: MNHN B-3091 [ex MNHN 0000-3748] (6). Type catalog: Bertin 1940:285-286 [ref. 293], Whitehead & Bauchot 1985:8 [ref. 9739]. Lectotype selected by Whitehead 1967:46 [ref. 6464]. •Synonym of Sardinella longiceps Valenciennes 1847 -- (Whitehead 1985:104 [ref. 5141]). Current status: Synonym of Sardinella longiceps Valenciennes 1847. Dorosomatidae. Habitat: marine.