pangia, Cobitis Hamilton [F.] 1822:355, 394 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Brahmaputra River, at Gualpara [Goalpara], Assam, India. No types known. See Opinion 1695. Information on type locality see Britz 2019:46 [ref. 37532]. The original Hamilton illustration is reproduced from McClelland 1839 in Britz & Maclaine 2007:25, fig. 6 [ref. 29149].; also reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 221 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Acanthophthalmus pangia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Ataur Rahman 1989:152 [ref. 24860], Menon 1992:87 [ref. 23970], Tilak 1990:295 [ref. 24003]). •Valid as Pangio pangia (Hamilton 1822) -- (Tilak 1990:55 [ref. 24001], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:531 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:555 [ref. 23778], Doi 1997:15 [ref. 22832], Kottelat 1998:100 [ref. 23436], Menon 1999:166 [ref. 24904] as pangio, Raju Thomas et al. 1999:479 [ref. 25441], Kunda 2000:96 [ref. 25663], Karmakar 2000:31 [ref. 25662], Britz & Maclaine 2007:24 [ref. 29149], Shrestha 2008:139 [ref. 29923], Britz et al. 2012:45 [ref. 32066], Kottelat 2012:39 [ref. 32367], Ahmed et al. 2013:286 [ref. 32872], Kottelat 2013:183 [ref. 32989], Bleher 2018:320 [ref. 36647], Anoop et al. 2019:149 [ref. 37005], Shangningam & Kosygin 2022:60 [ref. 39587], Chen et al. 2024:23 [ref. 41792]). Current status: Valid as Pangio pangia (Hamilton 1822). Cobitidae. Distribution: South and southeast Asia: Ganges River basin to Irrawaddy River basin (Nepal, India, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Myanmar). Habitat: freshwater.