signatus, Mastacembelus Boulenger [G. A.] 1905:647 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 7) v. 16 (no. 96) (art. 72); ref. 15342] Lake Bangwelo [Bangweolo], Zambia. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1905.11.10.13. Dorsal and anal fins abnormally short -- (Van Steenberge et al. 2014:336 [ref. 33291]). •Valid as Afromastacembelus signatus (Boulenger 1905) -- (Travers 1984:145 [ref. 5147], Gosse 1986:420 [ref. 6194]). •Valid as Caecomastacembelus signatus (Boulenger 1905). •In Mastacembelus to agree with current placement of Caecomastacembelus. •Valid as Mastacembelus signatus -- (Brown et al. 2011:287 [ref. 31286]). •Synonym of Mastacembelus congicus Boulenger 1896 -- (Van Steenberge et al. 2014:336-337 [ref. 33291]). Current status: Synonym of Mastacembelus congicus Boulenger 1896. Mastacembelidae. Habitat: freshwater.