Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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ceratophysus, Auchenipterus Kner [R.] 1858:427 [57], Pl. 7 (fig. 23) [Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften. Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe v. 26 (s. 373); ref. 2630] Mato Grosso, Rio Guaporé, Rio Branco, and Rio Negro, Brazil. Syntypes: NMW 47390-93 (1, 1, 1, 1), 50585 (1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:79 [ref. 29155]. On p. 57 of separate. •Valid as Trachelyopterus ceratophysus (Kner 1858) -- (Bertoletti et al. 1995:71 [ref. 21959], Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:478 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:56 [ref. 27366], Menni 2004:83 [ref. 28131], Ferraris 2007:79 [ref. 29155], Sarmiento et al. 2014:146, 190 [ref. 35004], Mirande & Koerber 2015:30 [ref. 35117], Calegari et al. 2019:[90] [ref. 36961]). Current status: Valid as Trachelyopterus ceratophysus (Kner 1858). Auchenipteridae: Auchenipterinae. Distribution: Paraná, Guaporé, Branco and Negro River basins: Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia. Habitat: freshwater.

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