Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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reticulatus, Glyptosternon McClelland [J.] 1842:584 [Calcutta Journal of Natural History v. 2 (no. 8); ref. 2926] Sir-i-Chusma, source of Kabul River, Afghanistan. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:387 [ref. 29155]. Genus sometimes as Glyptosternum. Spelled reticulatus and reticulutus; Kullander et al. 1999:146 [ref. 23689] serve as first revisers if that was not established earlier. •Valid as Glyptosternon reticulatum McClelland 1842 -- (Berg 1949:921 [ref. 20661], He 1996:129 [ref. 22297], Coad 1981:16 [ref. 22348], Burgess 1989:133 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:642 [ref. 20764], Wu & Wu 1992:539 [ref. 21205], Kullander et al. 1999:146 [ref. 23689], Menon 1999:239 [ref. 24904], Rafique 2000:325 [ref. 25220], Karmakar 2000:33 [ref. 25662], Diogo et al. 2002:101 [ref. 26412], Mirza 2003:18 [ref. 27265] as Glyptosternum, Jayaram 2006:259 [ref. 28762], Thomson & Page 2006:70 [ref. 28859], Ferraris 2007:387 [ref. 29155], Shrestha 2008:177 [ref. 29923], Linthoingambi & Vishwanath 2011:65 [ref. 31148], Thoni et al. 2017:439 [ref. 35365], Çiçek et al. 2023:39 [ref. 40326]). Current status: Valid as Glyptosternon reticulatum McClelland 1842. Sisoridae: Glyptosterninae. Distribution: South Asia: upper Indus River basin (Afghanistan, Tadzhikistan, Pakistan and India). Habitat: freshwater.

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