Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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altivelis, Rivulus Huber [J. H.] 1992:93, Fig. 29a [Review of Rivulus: Ecobiogeography -- Relationships; ref. 20639] Raudal Alto, about 90 kilometers NE of mouth of Papunava River, Inriida River basin, Guainia Dept. Colombia. Holotype: NRM 16548. Paratypes: NRM 14687 (19). •Valid as Rivulus altivelis Huber 1992 -- (Lazara 2001:270 [ref. 25711], Costa in Reis et al. 2003:534 [ref. 27061], Hrbek et al. 2004:575 [ref. 27910], Costa 2006:157 [ref. 28875] in subgenus Owiyeye, Schindler & Valdesalici 2011:109 [ref. 31382], Vermeulen & Mejia-Vargas 2020:19 [ref. 37935], Vermeulen & Mejia-Vargas 2020:34 [ref. 37938]). •Valid as Laimosemion altivelis (Huber 1992) -- (Costa 2011:239 [ref. 31655], Costa & Lazzarotto 2014:372 [ref. 33247], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:101 [ref. 35633]). Current status: Valid as Laimosemion altivelis (Huber 1992). Rivulidae: Rivulinae. Distribution: South America: Orinoco River basin (Colombia). Habitat: freshwater.

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