Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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rubra, Badis badis var. Schreitmüller [W.] 1923:252 [Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 34 (no. 12); ref. 23695] Roadside ditch, Irrawaddy River drainage, about 48 kilometers on road Pyay-Yangon, 18°30'41"N, 95°24'48"E, Bago Division, Myanmar. Neotype: NRM 36194. Appeared first in Liebig 1923:145 [ref. 23696] but not named. Neotype designated by Kullander & Britz 2002:319, 324 [ref. 26542]. •Valid as Badis ruber Schreitmüller 1923 -- (Kottelat 2000:88 [ref. 25486], Kottelat 2001:152 [ref. 25780], Kullander & Britz 2002:319 [ref. 26542], Geetakumari & Vishwanath 2010:646 [ref. 30699], Schindler & Linke 2010:212 [ref. 31069], Geetakumari & Kadu 2011:2085 [ref. 31540], Kottelat 2013:367 [ref. 32989], Taki et al. 2021:367 [ref. 39830]) Current status: Valid as Badis ruber Schreitmüller 1923. Badidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Irrawaddy, Mu, Sittoung, and Mekong River basins, Myanmar, Thailand, and Laos; Tenasserim region of Myanmar. Habitat: freshwater.

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