Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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armbrusteri, Rhinodoras Sabaj Pérez [M. H.] in Sabaj Pérez, Taphorn & Castillo G. 2008:215, Figs. 5-7 [Copeia 2008 (no. 1); ref. 29538] Branco River drainage, St. Ignatius, 1.9 miles north-northeast of Lethem, 3°21'21"N, 059°48'19"W, Takutu River, Rupununi, Guyana. Holotype: UG/CSBD [ex ANSP 180411]. Paratypes: ANSP 179095 (1), 179096 (2), 179097 (2), 179694 (1), 180411 (1); AUM 35756 (1), 35757 (2), 38684 (1); INHS 97814 (1); MCNG 49698 (1), MZUSP 83765 (1). •Valid as Rhinodoras armbrusteri Sabaj Pérez 2008 -- (Taphorn et al. 2022:47 [ref. 41297]). Current status: Valid as Rhinodoras armbrusteri Sabaj Pérez 2008. Doradidae: Rhinodoradinae. Distribution: South America: Takutu River basin, draining into the upper Rio Branco and Rupununi River drainage, Essequibo basin (Brazil and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater.

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