Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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decemmaculata, Poecilia Jenyns [L.] 1842:115, Pl. 22 (figs. 1, 1a) [The zoology of the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle; ref. 2344] Laguna del Diario, 34°54'S, 55°00'W, in Maldonado, Uruguay. Lectotype: BMNH 1917.7.14.25. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1843.2.8.42 (1), 1917.7.14.26 (1). Originally decem-maculata. See Lucinda in Reis et al. 2003:557 [ref. 27061] for comments on type locality. Lectotype selected by Lucinda 2005:262 [ref. 28272]. See Calviño 2007:40 [ref. 29380] for information on the original type locality (but species misspelled decenmaculatus). •Valid as Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns 1842) -- (Rosen & Bailey 1963:77 [ref. 7067], Malabarba 1989:160 [ref. 14217], Pequeño 1989:50 [ref. 14125], Rosa & Costa 1993:701 [ref. 20993], Fernández & Butí 1996:255 [ref. 22775], Haro et al. 1996:6 [ref. 25004] as decenmaculatus, Dyer 2000:89 [ref. 26678], Ghedotti 2000:38 [ref. 27228], Lucinda & Garavello 2001:122 [ref. 25093], Meyer & Etzel 2001:248 [ref. 25973], López et al. 2002:64 [ref. 26808], Lucinda in Reis et al. 2003:557 [ref. 27061], López et al. 2003:71 [ref. 27366], Casciotta et al. 2003:146 [ref. 28130], Menni 2004:86 [ref. 28131], Lucinda 2005:262 [ref. 28272], Lucinda et al. 2006:29 [ref. 28858], Lucinda & Reis 2005:47 [ref. 29205], Aguilera et al. 2009:40 [ref. 30366], Azpelicueta et al. 2010:2 [ref. 41139], Mabragaña et al. 2011:table S2 [ref. 31800], Litz & Koerber 2014:31 [ref. 33622], Meyer 2015:44 [ref. 34698], Mirande & Koerber 2015:52 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:423 [ref. 34561], Nión et al. 2016:43 [ref. 35565], Huber 2019:55 [ref. 36941], Loureiro et al. 2023:174 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Cnesterodon decemmaculatus (Jenyns 1842). Poeciliidae: Poeciliinae. Distribution: South America: Argentina, southeastern Brazil and Uruguay. Introduced in Chile. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

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