Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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castroi, Acanthemblemaria Stephens [J. S., Jr.] & Hobson [E. S.] in Stephens, Hobson & Johnson 1966:426, Fig. 2 [Copeia 1966 (no. 3); ref. 9071] Barrington Island, Galápagos Islands. Holotype: USNM 198257 [ex UCLA W64-27]. Paratypes: UCLA 64-8 (11), 64-9 (6), 64-33 (108); SIO 15-1041 (3) (ex UCLA W64-10), 64-1003 (12); USNM 198258 [ex UCLA W64-27] (10, not 11). Type catalog: Springer & Orrell 1996:5 [ref. 22274]. •Valid as Acanthemblemaria castroi Stephens & Hobson 1966 -- (Hastings 1990:725 [ref. 22888], Allen & Robertson 1994:239 [ref. 22193], Almany & Baldwin 1996:426 [ref. 22526], Grove & Lavenberg 1997:539 [ref. 24023], Hastings & Robertson 1999:108 [ref. 23826], Herrera & Lavenberg 2002:10 [ref. 25975], Patzner et al. 2009:468 [ref. 30396], McCosker & Rosenblatt 2010:194 [ref. 30957], Grove et al. 2022:20 [ref. 41326]). Current status: Valid as Acanthemblemaria castroi Stephens & Hobson 1966. Chaenopsidae. Distribution: Eastern Pacific: Galapagos Islands (Ecuador) endemic. IUCN (2022): Vulnerable. Habitat: marine.

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