Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Sep 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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ifati, Thayeria Géry [J.] 1959:128, Figs. 1-3 [Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 40 (nos 3/4); ref. 11994] "Gaa Kaba", Maroni, Guiana, north of the 4th parallel. Holotype: SMF 4900. Paratypes: ANSP 112206 (2), 139700 (3); MHNG 2173.40 (43, now 13); MNHN 1980-1450 (2); SMF 4667-73 (7); Géry coll. 25T05b [=57T05b] (orig. 36), 30T05c (10), 32T05d (8); USNM 179762 [ex Géry] (9); ZMA 100650 (2), 113857 (1); ZMH H808 (3); ZSM 26763 (2). Type catalog: Wilkens 1977:156 [ref. 22013], Nijssen et al. 1982:24 [ref. 19236], Böhlke 1984:48 [ref. 13621], Vari & Howe 1991:41 [ref. 19022], Weber 1998:9 [ref. 32707] with holotype as MHNG 2173.42, Neumann 2011:247 [ref. 31652]. The status of paratypes is very confused; see online catalogs where possible; some specimens may not be paratypes. Holotype is SMF 4900 as confirmed by Sonia Fisch-Muller, Jan. 2011. •Valid as Thayeria ifati Géry 1959 -- (Géry et al. 1991:60 [ref. 21021], Planquette et al. 1996:322 [ref. 22818], Lima & Moreira in Reis et al. 2003:157 [ref. 27061], Moreira & Lima 2017:146 [ref. 35664], Moreira 2024:282 [ref. 40817]). Current status: Valid as Thayeria ifati Géry 1959. Characidae: Stethaprioninae. Distribution: South America: Maroni and Approuague River basins, French Guiana. Habitat: freshwater.

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