griseus, Corydoras Holly [M.] 1940:110 [Anzeiger der Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse v. 77 (no. 15); ref. 13059] Aquarium specimen (said to be from very small water-courses of the Amazon). [Essequibo, Potaro River, Guyana]. Holotype: Münchner Tierpark A.G. 72/1938 (lost in WWII). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:118 [ref. 29155], Bogutskaya et al. 2022:74 [ref. 39277]. Locality corrected by Nijssen & Isbrücker 1980. Comments on identity of this taxon see Grant 2021:18-20 [ref. 38629]. •Valid as Corydoras griseus Holly 1940 -- (Nijssen & Isbrücker 1980:210 [ref. 6910], Burgess 1989:366 [ref. 12860], Isbrücker 2001:226 [ref. 26805], Reis in Reis et al. 2003:298 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:118 [ref. 29155], Tencatt & Pavanelli 2015:294 [ref. 35434], Tencatt & Ohara 2016:[13] [ref. 34353], Tencatt & Evers 2016:[11] [ref. 34387], Tencatt et al. 2016:[17] [ref. 34388], Lima & Britto 2020:528 [ref. 37324], Grant 2021:20 [ref. 38629], Taphorn et al. 2022:45 [ref. 41297]). •Valid as Hoplisoma griseum (Holly 1940) -- (Dias et al. 2024:26 [ref. 41219]). Current status: Valid as Hoplisoma griseum (Holly 1940). Callichthyidae: Corydoradinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Brazil and Guyana). Habitat: freshwater.