Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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schismatorhynchus, Muraena Bleeker [P.] 1853:301 [Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië v. 4 (no. 2); ref. 12580] [Benculen] Bengkulu, Sumatra, Indonesia, eastern Indian Ocean. Holotype (unique): BMNH 1867.11.28.248. Also appeared in Bleeker 1853:71 [ref. 339]. •Valid as Enchelycore schismatorhynchus (Bleeker 1853) -- (Hatooka in Masuda et al. 1984:23 [ref. 6441], Böhlke et al. 1989:135 [ref. 13286], Winterbottom et al. 1989:7 [ref. 13251], Chen et al. 1994:48 [ref. 22258], Allen 1997:54 [ref. 23977], Myers 1999:46 [ref. 23965], Böhlke et al. 1999:1656 [ref. 24692], Allen 2000:84 [ref. 37268], Nakabo 2000:200 [ref. 25086], Böhlke & McCosker in Randall & Lim 2000:585 [ref. 25122], Sadovy & Cornish 2000:31 [ref. 25480], Randall & Earle 2000:6 [ref. 25806], Hutchins 2001:16 [ref. 25847] [but later deleted in author's circular of Jan. 2002], Nakabo 2002:200 [ref. 26001], Allen & Adrim 2003:22 [ref. 26830], Myers & Donaldson 2003:610 [ref. 27495], Randall et al. 2004:6 [ref. 27624], Randall 2005:37 [ref. 28239], Prokofiev 2005:704 [ref. 28366], Smith & Böhlke 2006:37 [ref. 28678], Shibukawa et al. 2007:187 [ref. 29475], Motomura et al. 2010:70 [ref. 31256], Zhang et al. 2010:253 [ref. 31511], Allen & Erdmann 2012:79 [ref. 31980], Smith 2012:9 [ref. 32155], Fricke et al. 2014:18 [ref. 33932], Delrieu-Trottin et al. 2015:4 [ref. 33988], Ho et al. 2015:153 [ref. 34130], Golani & Fricke 2018:20 [ref. 36273], Dalleau-Coudert et al. 2019:116 [ref. 40104], Zajonz et al. 2019:61 [ref. 36871], Smith et al. 2019:15 [ref. 37159], Ramos-Castro et al. 2020:83 [ref. 37651], Huang et al. 2022:100 [ref. 39626], Smith & Böhlke 2022:42 [ref. 39681], Allen & Erdmann 2024:88 [ref. 40796]). Current status: Valid as Enchelycore schismatorhynchus (Bleeker 1853). Muraenidae: Muraeninae. Distribution: Red Sea; Indo-West Pacific: western Mascarenes (La Réunion, Mauritius) and Chagos Archipelago east to Society Islands, Marquesas Islands and French Polynesia, north to Taiwan and Ryukyu Islands (Japan), south to Papua New Guinea. Habitat: marine.

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