Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 14 Mar 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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         Comments: Richard van der Laan, Ron Fricke

arius, Pimelodus Hamilton [F.] 1822:170, 376 [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Bengal estuaries, India. No types known. Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155]. See van Oijen et al. 2009:58 [ref. 30423]. •Valid as Tachysurus arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Jayaram & Dhanze 1979:48 [ref. 6800]). •Valid as Arius arius (Hamilton 1822) -- (Burgess 1989:168 [ref. 12860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:700 [ref. 20764], Kailola 1999:1840 [ref. 24732], Kailola in Randall & Lim 2000:589 [ref. 25122], Bijukumar & Sushama 2000:185 [ref. 25703], Kottelat 2001:56 [ref. 25482], Ng 2003:11 [ref. 27208], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S97 [ref. 27377], Khan 2003:8 [ref. 27710], Kailola 2004:127 [ref. 28108], Jayaram 2006:338 [ref. 28762], Marceniuk & Menezes 2007:15 [ref. 29031], Ferraris 2007:34 [ref. 29155], Marceniuk et al. 2012:665 [ref. 32225], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Kottelat 2013:246 [ref. 32989], Psomadakis et al. 2015:163 [ref. 34104], Kimura in Kimura et al. 2018:50 [ref. 36460], Suresh et al. 2018:134 [ref. 36495], Habib & Islam 2020:Supplementary table p. 7 [ref. 38321], Psomadakis et al. 2020:306 [ref. 37272], Kailola 2022:186 [ref. 39697], Marceniuk et al. 2023:27 [ref. 40422]). Current status: Valid as Arius arius (Hamilton 1822). Ariidae: Ariinae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: Pakistan east to western Indonesia, north to Vietnam and southern China Habitat: brackish, marine.

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