mayeri, Mayerina Silvester [C. F.] 1915:214 [Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 14; ref. 4027] Sand flats around mangrove swamp west of Guanica Harbor, Puerto Rico, Caribbean Sea. Holotype: PU 3073 (apparently lost). Paratypes: PU 3126 (1). Originally published as Mayerina mayeri, but later published and figured as new as Aphthalmichthys mayeri in Silvester 1918:19 [ref. 15257]. •Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman 1889) -- (Smith 1989:67 [ref. 13285], Smith-Vaniz et al. 1999:129 [ref. 25013] in genus Aphthalmichthys). Current status: Synonym of Moringua edwardsi (Jordan & Bollman 1889). Moringuidae. Habitat: brackish, marine.