elongata, Pleurosicya Larson [H. K.] 1990:22, Fig. 17; Pl. 2a [The Beagle, Records of the Northern Territory Museum of Arts and Sciences v. 7 (no. 1); ref. 16607] Bootless Bay, Buna Motu, Motupore Island, Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, depth 10 meters. Holotype: NTM S.12654-001. Paratypes: AMS I.22580-029 (1), I.29786-001 (2), I.29888-001 (1); NTM S.12307-019 (2), S.12310-001 (1), S.12654-002 (4), S.12655-001 (8), S.12656-001 (3); ROM 58024 (3); USNM 210068 (2); WAM P.30053-001 (2). Type catalog: Hutchins & Smith 1991:40 [ref. 19335], Moore et al. 2008:45 [ref. 30117]. •Valid as Pleurosicya elongata Larson 1990 -- (Kuiter 1997:356 [ref. 25488], Randall et al. 1997:535 [ref. 25919], Anderson et al. 1998:27 [ref. 23611], Hutchins 2001:43 [ref. 25847], Larson & Murdy 2001:3599 [ref. 26293], Allen & Adrim 2003:60 [ref. 26830], Greenfield & Randall 2004:536 [ref. 28175], Hoese & Larson 2006:1676 [ref. 29097], Allen & Erdmann 2012:905 [ref. 31980], Larson et al. 2013:205 [ref. 32988], Fricke et al. 2014:170 [ref. 33932], Fricke et al. 2019:287 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:212 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Pleurosicya elongata Larson 1990. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Eastern Indian Ocean, western Pacific: Indonesia east to New Ireland (Papua New Guinea) and Solomon Islands, south to northern Australia. Habitat: marine.