Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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morrowi, Liosomadoras Fowler [H. W.] 1940:226, Figs. 11-14 [Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia v. 91 (for 1939); ref. 1432] Contamana, Río Ucayali basin, Peru. Holotype (unique): ANSP 68646. Type catalog: Böhlke 1984:99 [ref. 13621], Ferraris 2007:75 [ref. 29155]. •Synonym of Liosomadoras orcinus Jardine & Schomburgk 1841 -- (Mees 1978:272 [ref. 22765], Burgess 1989:241 [ref. 12860], Royero 1999:269 [ref. 41762]). •Valid as Liosomadoras morrowi Fowler 1940 -- (Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:475 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:75 [ref. 29155], Birindelli & Zuanon 2012:6 [ref. 31908], DoNascimiento et al. 2017:87 [ref. 35633], Calegari et al. 2019:[84] [ref. 36961], Rocha et al. 2019:249 [ref. 37162], Meza-Vargas et al. 2021:23 [ref. 39298]). Current status: Valid as Liosomadoras morrowi Fowler 1940. Auchenipteridae: Auchenipterinae. Distribution: South America: Amazon River basin (Brazil, Colombia and Peru). Habitat: freshwater.

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