Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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blochi, Corydoras Nijssen [H.] 1971:92, Figs. 2-6 [Beaufortia v. 19 (no. 250); ref. 7698] Moco Creek near Lehtem, 3°18'N, 59°46'W, tributary of Río Tacutú, Río Branco system, Essequibo, Guyana. Holotype: FMNH 75951. Paratypes: BMNH 1926.10.27.308-316 (9), 1970.10.30.1 (1); FMNH 54848 (2); IRSNB 503 (orig. 3, now 2); MBUCV-V-4712 (1), ?V-3937 (3); MZUSP [ex IRSNB 503] (1), MZUSP 8580 (3); ZMA 110675 [ex FMNH] (1), 110723-24 (2, 1), 110799 (2), 111005 (2). Type catalog: Nijssen et al. 1982:43 [ref. 19236], Walschaerts 1987:18 [ref. 20755], Ibarra & Stewart 1987:27 [ref. 12367], Provenzano et al. 1998:6 [ref. 24196], Ferraris 2007:114 [ref. 29155]. A subspecies also described. •Valid as Corydoras blochi Nijssen 1971 -- (Nijssen & Isbrücker 1980:218 [ref. 6910] with subspecies, Burgess 1989:365 [ref. 12860], Grant 1998:45 [ref. 23454], Isbrücker 1999:41 [ref. 24040], Isbrücker 2001:222 [ref. 26805], Reis in Reis et al. 2003:295 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:114 [ref. 29155], Tencatt & Pavanelli 2015:294 [ref. 35434], Tencatt & Ohara 2016:[12] [ref. 34353], Tencatt & Evers 2016:[11] [ref. 34387], Tencatt et al. 2016:[17] [ref. 34388], Ottoni et al. 2016:132 [ref. 34756], Taphorn et al. 2022:44 [ref. 41297], Dias et al. 2024:23 [ref. 41219], Tencatt et al. 2024:21 [ref. 41298]). Current status: Valid as Corydoras blochi Nijssen 1971. Callichthyidae: Corydoradinae. Distribution: South America: northern Brazil, Guyana and Venezuela. Habitat: freshwater.

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