Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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lucenai, Trachelyopterus Bertoletti [J. J.], da Silva [J. F. P.] & Pereira [E. H. L.] 1995:71, Figs. 2-3 [Revue française d'Aquariologie Herpétologie v. 22 (no. 3/4); ref. 21959] Rio Jacuí at saco do Quilombo, about 29°58'S, 51°15'W, ilha das Flores, Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Holotype: MCP 17174. Paratypes: MCP 12796 (4), 13931-33 (1, 2, 3), 14245 (1), 14402 (1), 14516 (2), 15424 (1), 15432 (10), 16078 (6), 16235 (1), 17595-96 (1, 1). Type catalog: Ferraris 2007:80 [ref. 29155]. •Valid as Trachelyopterus lucenai Bertoletti, da Silva & Pereira 1995 -- (Burgess & Finley 1996:166 [ref. 22901], Meisner et al. 2000:133 [ref. 25212], Ferraris in Reis et al. 2003:478 [ref. 27061], Ferraris 2007:80 [ref. 29155], Koerber & Litz 2014:3 [ref. 34967], Mirande & Koerber 2015:30 [ref. 35117], Bertaco et al. 2016:416 [ref. 34561], Koerber & Litz 2016:4 [ref. 35098], Nión et al. 2016:33 [ref. 35565] with authors as Bertoletti, Pezzi, Da Silva & Pereira, Calegari et al. 2019:[90] [ref. 36961], Koerber et al. 2020:7 [ref. 37480], Loureiro et al. 2020:14 [ref. 37909], Koerber et al. 2021:8 [ref. 38894], Bertaco & Azevedo 2023:4 [ref. 39997], Bertaco et al. 2023:9 [ref. 40740], Giora & Wingert 2023:156 [ref. 41026], Koerber et al. 2023:8 [ref. 40355], Loureiro et al. 2023:122 [ref. 40506]). Current status: Valid as Trachelyopterus lucenai Bertoletti, da Silva & Pereira 1995. Auchenipteridae: Auchenipterinae. Distribution: South America: Jacuí River drainage (Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay). Introduced elsewhere. Habitat: freshwater.

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