rufocaudalis, Neochromis Seehausen [O.] & Bouton [N.] in Seehausen, Lippitsch, Bouton & Zwennes 1998:161, Fig. 12; Pl. 1 a-b [Ichthyological Exploration of Freshwaters v. 9 (no. 2); ref. 23435] Eastern shore of the Mwanza Gulf entrance, Bwiru Peninsula, Lake Victoria, Tanzania, depth 1 meter. Holotype: RMNH 33221. Paratypes: RMNH 33222-27 (6), 33228-37 (10), 33238-40 (3), 33241-43 (3), 33244-58 (15 spec.); TAFIRI 1-4 (4), 7-8 (2), 9 (1). Also appeared in Seehausen 1999:103, Fig. 12 [ref. 30987]. •Valid as Neochromis rufocaudalis Seehausen & Bouton 1998. Current status: Valid as Neochromis rufocaudalis Seehausen & Bouton 1998. Cichlidae: Pseudocrenilabrinae. Distribution: Eastern Africa: Lake Victoria. Habitat: freshwater.