acrales, Pseudotriakis Jordan [D. S.] & Snyder [J. O.] 1904:232, Pl. 62 [Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections v. 45; ref. 2519] Off Toi, Suruga Bay, Japan. Holotype (unique): CAS-SU 12903. Type catalog: Böhlke 1953:9 [ref. 12291]. Spelled acrages by Garman 1913. •Valid as Pseudotriakis acrales Jordan & Snyder 1904 -- (Nakaya & Shirai in Masuda et al. 1984:5 [ref. 6441]). •Synonym of Pseudotriakis microdon de Brito Capello 1868 -- (Quéro in Whitehead et al. 1984:101 [ref. 13675], Compagno 1984:378 [ref. 6846], Yano & Musick 1992 [ref. 19887], Mundy 2005:88 [ref. 28379], Castro 2011:353 [ref. 31457]). Current status: Synonym of Pseudotriakis microdon de Brito Capello 1868. Pseudotriakidae. Habitat: marine.