Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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spongiceps, Catulus Gilbert [C. H.] 1905:579 [Bulletin of the U. S. Fish Commission v. 23 (pt 2) [for 1903]; ref. 1631] Vicinity of Bird Island, Hawaiian Islands, Albatross station 4151, depth 313-800 fathoms. Holotype (unique): USNM 51590. Type catalog: Howe & Springer 1993:13-14 [ref. 21812]. •Valid as Apristurus spongiceps (Gilbert 1905) -- (Compagno 1984:285 [ref. 6846], Compagno & Niem 1998:1287 [ref. 23787], Nakaya & Sato 1999:316 [ref. 23941], Nakaya & Séret 1999:307 [ref. 24247], Compagno 1999:478 [ref. 25589], Weigmann 2016:33 [ref. 34211], White et al. 2017:25 [ref. 35594]). Current status: Valid as Apristurus spongiceps (Gilbert 1905). Pentanchidae. Distribution: Western and central Pacific: eastern Indonesia, Hawaiian Islands (probably more widespread). Habitat: marine.

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