Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes Reference Record:
Oken, L. 1817 [ref. 3303]
- V. Kl. Fische. Isis (Oken) v. 1 (pt 8) (no. 148): 1779-1782 + 1782a [for 1179-1182 + [1182a]]. [Fishes on pp. 1781-1782 + 1782a [for 1181-1182 + 1182a]. Author's name also seen as Lorenz Okenfuß. See Gill 1903: 965-967 [ref. 5768] for discussion of pagination and French "generic" names of Cuvier 1816 [ref. 993] latinized by Oken. In Oken's work, scientific names are distinguished by Latin typesetting, other text is set in old German types.]