Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 4 Sep 2024


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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leptocephalus, Cryptocentrus Bleeker [P.] 1876:146 [Verslagen en Mededeelingen der Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen. Afdeeling Natuurkunde (Ser. 2) v. 9; ref. 449] Singapore. Holotype (unique): RMNH 4665. •Valid as Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Bleeker 1876 -- (Allen 1997:216 [ref. 23977], Myers 1999:239 [ref. 23965], Larson in Randall & Lim 2000:636 [ref. 25122], Laboute & Grandperrin 2000:409 [ref. 25191], Sadovy & Cornish 2000:245 [ref. 25480], Allen 2000:119 [ref. 25868], Hutchins 2001:43 [ref. 25847], Larson & Murdy 2001:3596 [ref. 26293], Satapoomin & Winterbottom 2002:61 [ref. 26168], Allen & Adrim 2003:57 [ref. 26830], Manilo & Bogorodsky 2003:S118 [ref. 27377], Shibukawa et al. in Kimura & Matsuura 2003:179 [ref. 27510], Randall et al. 2004:26 [ref. 27624] dated 1878, Hoese & Larson 2004:169 [ref. 28074], Randall 2005:526 [ref. 28239], Fricke & Kulbicki 2006:349 [ref. 28867], Hoese & Larson 2006:1638 [ref. 29097], Larson et al. 2008:147 [ref. 29532], Shibukawa 2009:268 [ref. 30449], Hoese et al. 2011:170 [ref. 31450], Allen & Erdmann 2012:873 [ref. 31980], Fricke et al. 2014:161 [ref. 33932], Fricke et al. 2019:278 [ref. 36673], Parenti 2021:127 [ref. 38603]). Current status: Valid as Cryptocentrus leptocephalus Bleeker 1876. Gobiidae: Gobiinae. Distribution: Western Pacific: Indonesia east to Philippines and Tonga, north to Yaeyama Islands, south to northern Australia and New Caledonia. Habitat: marine.

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