Species that contain: Hymenocephalus and billsamorum [ 2 ] records billsam, Hymenocephalus Marshall [N. B.] & Iwamoto [T.] 1973:610, Fig. 34 [Memoirs of the Sears Foundation of Marine Research Mem. 1 (pt 6); ref. 6966] Caribbean Sea off Puerto Rico, Oregon station 2641, 17°49'N, 66°11'W, depth 440 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 198181. Paratypes: BMNH uncat. (1, not found); ISH 1893-1968 (6); MCZ 43046 (3), 43048 (5); UF 19523 [ex TABL 106838] (7), 216733 [ex UMML 16733] (1), 226909 [ex UMML 26909] (2), 23927-32 [ex TABL] (1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 1); USNM 206492-94 (1, 1, 1), 209261-63 (1, 6, 7), plus 8 TABL specimens not accounted for. Type catalog: Gilbert 1974:111 [ref. 21035], Krefft 1978:14 [ref. 9884]. Regarded by Iwamoto as a patronym for Bill and Sam; so it was subsequently changed to billsamorum [of men]. However, the change in ending of a patronym is not a mandatory chage and the spelling billsamorum is not in prevailing usage, therefore the spelling billsam is accepted as the correct original spelling. •Valid as Hymenocephalus billsam Marshall & Iwamoto 1973 -- (Menezes & Figueiredo in Menezes et al. 2003:61 [ref. 27192], Prokofiev & Kukuev 2009:225 [ref. 30172], Melo et al. 2010:35 [ref. 30775], Schwarzhans 2014:41 [ref. 33586], Lins Oliveira et al. 2015:91 [ref. 37485], Robertson et al. 2020:158 [ref. 38098], Page et al. 2023:101 [ref. 40505], Fricke et al. 2024:247 [ref. 41622], Koerber & Fricke 2024:41 [ref. 41785]). Current status: Valid as Hymenocephalus billsam Marshall & Iwamoto 1973. Macrouridae. Distribution: Western Atlantic: Florida (U.S.A.) south to Brazil, including Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean Sea. Habitat: marine.
billsamorum, Hymenocephalus Iwamoto [T.] in Cohen et al. 1990:230 [FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Fisheries Synopsis No. 125, v. 10; ref. 18936] Caribbean Sea off Puerto Rico, Oregon station 2641, 17°49'N, 66°11'W, depth 440 fathoms. Holotype: USNM 198181. Paratypes: BMNH uncat. (1, not found); ISH 1893-1968 (6); MCZ 43046 (3), 43048 (5); UF 19523 [ex TABL 106838] (7), 216733 [ex UMML 16733] (1), 226909 [ex UMML 26909] (2), 23927-32 [ex TABL] (1, 2, 2, 1, 4, 1); USNM 206492-94 (1, 1, 1), 209261-63 (1, 6, 7), plus 8 TABL specimens not accounted for. Originally as billsam but name was treated as a patronym and subsequently changed to billsamorum [of men], but that is not a mandatory change and the spelling billsamorum has perhaps not yet achieved prevailing status, so the name billsam is acceptable. •Valid as Hymenocephalus billsamorum Marshall & Iwamoto 1973 -- (Iwamoto in Cohen et al. 1990:230 [ref. 18936], McEachran & Fechhelm 1998:783 [ref. 23897], Pakhorukov 2001:379 [ref. 25409], Iwamoto 2003:987 [ref. 27010]). •Synonym of Hymenocephalus billsam Marshall & Iwamoto 1973 -- (Schwarzhans 2014:41 [ref. 33586]). Unjustified Emend.. Current status: Synonym of Hymenocephalus billsam Marshall & Iwamoto 1973. Macrouridae. Distribution: Western Atlantic. Habitat: marine.