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Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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Species in the family or subfamily Aplocheilidae: [ 34 ] records

affinis, Aplocheilus Jerdon [T. C.] 1849:331 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 4902] Malabar, India. No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Menon 1999:268 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

andamanicus, Haplochilus Köhler [W.] (ex Day) 1906:388 [Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 17 (no. 39); ref. 25871] Andamanen [Andamans / Andaman Islands, India]. Lectotype: BMNH 1870.5.18.34-36 [largest specimen]. Paralectotypes: BMNH 1870.5.18.34-36 (2), BMNH 1889.2.1.2017-2110 (4). Based on Day 1878:523 [ref. 4887], mentioned under Haplochilus panchax, 'in those from the Andamans up to 11 (dorsal rays)'. Sometimes considered a nomen nudum, as the name was reported somewhat hypothetical. Kottelat (2013:299) regards the name as available. Lectotype selected by Katwate et al. 2018:167 [ref. 35809]. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711]). •Valid with question as Aplocheilus andamanicus (Köhler 1906) -- (Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Aplocheilus andamanicus (Köhler 1906) -- (Katwate et al. 2018:161 [ref. 35809]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus andamanicus (Köhler 1906). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: South Andaman Island, Andaman and Nicobar Union Territory, India. Habitat: freshwater.

armata, Odontopsis van Hasselt [J. C.] 1823:131 [Algemeene Konst- en Letter-bode voor het Jaar II Deel (no. 35); ref. 5963] Rivers of Bogor, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Also in van Hasselt 1824:375 [ref. 5964]. Regarded as available (see Alfred 1961:85 [ref. 20553], Kottelat 1987:370 [ref. 5962]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Roberts 1993:33 [ref. 21799], Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Huber 2006:18 [ref. 28935], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). •Valid as Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823) -- (Katwate et al. 2018:171 [ref. 35809], Ng et al. 2019:537 [ref. 36606], Hasan et al. 2022:6035 [ref. 39888], Jamaluddin et al. 2022:[8] [ref. 39245]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Southeast Asia: Myanmar, Malaya (Malaysia), Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. Habitat: freshwater.

arnoulti, Pachypanchax Loiselle [P. V.] 2006:34, Figs. 17-18 [Zootaxa No. 1366; ref. 28902] Swamp draining into tributary stream of Ikopa River, flowing parallel to RN-4 at Antanimbray village, 17°10'79"S, 46°50'97"E, Betsiboka River drainage, Madagascar, elevation 246 meters. Holotype: AMNH 235862. Paratypes: AMNH 229575 (5), 229576 (7); MNHN 1928-0297 (5), 1963-0173 (7). Type catalog: Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]. •Valid as Pachypanchax arnoulti Loiselle 2006 -- (Neumann 2015:4 [ref. 33718], Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax arnoulti Loiselle 2006. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Western Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

blockii, Haplochilus panchax var. Arnold [J. P.] 1911:672, Fig. 3 [Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 8 (no. 46); ref. 22856] Cochin, India. No types known. Type catalog: Fricke 1995:4 [ref. 28100], Fricke 2005:12 [ref. 29864] as no types at SMNS and no neotype designation. Original as var. Blockii. •Valid as Aplocheilus blockii (Arnold 1911) -- (Radda 1974:2, 6 [ref. 30318], Parenti 1981:471 [ref. 7066] as blochi, Talwar & Jhingran 1991:750 [ref. 20764] as blocki, Indra 1993:187 [ref. 24009], Rema Devi & Ilango 1993:247 [ref. 24017], Indra 1994:419 [ref. 24015] as blochii, Rema Devi et al. 1996:139 [ref. 24021], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Rema Devi et al. 1999:160 [ref. 24758] as blochi, Menon 1999:267 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:49 [ref. 25711], Mirza 2003:22 [ref. 27265], Katwate et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35809], Çiçek et al. 2023:46 [ref. 40326]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus blockii (Arnold 1911). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: southern India. Introduced in Afghanistan. Habitat: freshwater.

buchanani, Panchax Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:383 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 18; ref. 1011] Bengal, India. No type known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:269 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

chrysostigmus, Aplocheilus McClelland [J.] 1839:301, 426, Pl. 42 (fig. 2) [Asiatic Researches v. 19 (pt 2); ref. 2923] Sunderbuns and ponds about Calcutta, India. No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Menon 1999:269 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

dayi, Haplochilus (Panchax) Steindachner [F.] 1892:376 [20] [131], Pl. 1 (figs. 2-2a) [Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien, Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Classe. v. 59 (1. Abth.); ref. 14517] Sri Lanka, India and Malay Peninsula. Syntypes: NMW 62004 (18), 81377 (14). On p. 20 of separate; on p. 131 of abstract. •Valid as Aplocheilus dayi Steindachner 1892 -- (Radda 1974:4, 7 [ref. 30318], Parenti 1981:471 [ref. 7066], Pethiyagoda 1991:181 [ref. 20075], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:751 [ref. 20764], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711], Katwate et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35809], Sudasinghe et al. 2024:[12] [ref. 41161]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus dayi Steindachner 1892. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Attanagalu to Gin drainages (southwestern Sri Lanka). Habitat: freshwater.

dorsomarginatus, Aplocheilus panchax Klausewitz [W.] 1957:196, Fig. 2, Pl. 17 (fig. 2) [Senckenbergiana Biologica v. 38 (nos 3/4); ref. 12152] South peninsula, Patalung District, Thailand. Holotype: SMF 3936. Paratypes: SMF 4140-41 (2). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822), but a valid subspecies -- (Radda 1974:5 [ref. 30318]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

javanica, Homalopsis Kuhl [H.] & van Hasselt [J. C.] in Bleeker 1850:22 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 24 (6); ref. 13275] Not available, name mentioned in synonymy of Panchax melanotopterus Bleeker 1849. •Nomen nudum -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711]). Nomen Nudum. Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae.

jonklaasi, Aplocheilus Cahalan [T. L.] (ex Turner) 1973:13 [Killie Notes, American Killifish Association v. 6 (no. 10); ref. 25874] Southern Ceylon/Sri Lanka. No types known. •In the synonymy of Aplocheilus werneri Meinken 1966 -- (Radda 1974:8 [ref. 30318], Lazara 2001:52 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus werneri Meinken 1966. Aplocheilidae.

kirchmayeri, Aplocheilus Berkenkamp [H. O.] & Etzel [V.] 1986:35, Figs. [Deutsche Killifisch Gemeinschaft Journal v. 18 (no. 3); ref. 21418] Goa, between Margao (Madgaon) and Colva-Strand, southwestern India, 15°18'N, 73°57'E. Holotype: SMF 15304. Paratypes: SMF 15305 (14), ZMH 6277 (9). Type catalog: Wilkens & Dohse 1993:416 [ref. 21161]. •Synonym of Aplocheilus blockii (Arnold 1911) -- (Seegers 1997:15 [ref. 23895]). •Valid as Aplocheilus kirchmayeri Berkenkamp & Etzel 1986 -- (Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711], Katwate et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35809]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus kirchmayeri Berkenkamp & Etzel 1986. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Goa, southwestern India. Habitat: freshwater.

kuhlii, Panchax Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:384 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 18; ref. 1011] Jakarta, Java, Indonesia. No types known. Type information: Roberts 1993:33 [ref. 21799]. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Roberts 1993:33 [ref. 21799], Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

lineatum, Panchax Valenciennes [A.] in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1846:381, Pl. 546 [Histoire naturelle des poissons v. 18; ref. 1011] Mumbai, India. Syntypes: MHNH A.4250 (3), A.4307 (1). Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:18 [ref. 19576]. •Valid as Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Radda 1974:2, 6 [ref. 30318], Parenti 1981:471 [ref. 7066], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:751 [ref. 20764], Indra 1993:187 [ref. 24009], Rema Devi 1993:207 [ref. 24010], Rema Devi & Ilango 1993:248 [ref. 24017], Rema Devi et al. 1996:139 [ref. 24021], Zacharias et al. 1996:41 [ref. 25526], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Murphy & Collier 1997:797 [ref. 25585], Menon 1999:268 [ref. 24904], Fuller et al. 1999:289 [ref. 25838], Raju Thomas et al. 2000:444 [ref. 25319], Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711], Arunachalam et al. 2001:129 [ref. 25692], Raju Thomas et al. 2002:50 [ref. 26359], Yadav 2003:22 [ref. 27711], Mundy 2005:292 [ref. 28379], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989], Arunkumar & Manimekalan 2018:1739 [ref. 36172], Katwate et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35809], Chan et al. 2023:148 [ref. 40365]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Peninsular India. Introduced in Singapore and Hong Kong (China). Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

lutescens, Haplochilus panchax var. Köhler [W.] 1906:389, Fig. [Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 17 (no. 39); ref. 25871] New Goa (Panaji, Goa State) and further south, India. No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822), but a valid subspecies -- (Radda 1974:5 [ref. 30318]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

madrensis, Haplochilus panchax var. Schermer [E.] 1924:205 [Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 21 (no. 9); ref. 25873] Madras, India (aquarium specimen). No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus parvus (Sundara Raj 1916) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus parvus (Sundara Raj 1916). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

marginatus, Haplochilus panchax var. Köhler [W.] 1907:17 [Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 18 (no. 2); ref. 25872] Sri Lanka [apparently erroneous, possibly Calcutta, India]. No types known. See also footnote on p. 16 of Köhler 1907 [ref. 25872] for description by Arnold 1906:635 in Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde. Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989] says type locality apparently erroneous. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822), but a valid subspecies -- (Radda 1974:5 [ref. 30318]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

mattei, Haplochilus panchax var. Köhler [W.] 1906:389, Fig. [Blätter für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 17 (no. 39); ref. 25871] Mumbai, Maharashtra State, possibly south to New Goa, Goa State, India. No types known. Original spelling as matteï. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822), but a valid subspecies -- (Radda 1974:5 [ref. 30318]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

melanotopterus, Panchax Bleeker [P.] 1849:22 [Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen. v. 23 (no. 12); ref. 16883] Kalimas River, Surabaya, Java, Indonesia. No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Menon 1999:269 [ref. 24904]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:299 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

nuchimaculata, Poecilia Guichenot [A.] 1866:143 [Mémoires de la Société Impériale des Sciences Naturelles de Cherbourg v. 12 (= Ser. 2, v. 2); ref. 14054] Madagascar. Holotype (unique): MNHN 0000-2937. Type catalog: Bertin & Estève 1950:18 [ref. 19576]. •Synonym of Pachypanchax omalonotus (Duméril 1861) -- (Wildekamp et al. 1986:274 [ref. 6198], Lazara 2001:245 [ref. 25711], Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]). •See Huber 1998:13 [ref. 23446]. Current status: Synonym of Pachypanchax omalonotus (Duméril 1861). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

omalonota, Poecilia Duméril [A. H. A.] 1861:257, Pl. 22 (fig. 7) [Archives du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris v. 10 [for 1858]; ref. 1149] Nosy Be [Nossi-Bé], northern Madagascar, 12°42'S, 48°16'E. Lectotype: MNHN 0000-2935. Paralectotypes: MNHN 1997-0655 [ex MNHN 0000-2935] (15). Type catalog: Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]. The spelling homalonota is an unjustified emendation. Lectotype selected by Huber 1998:13 [ref. 23446]. I am unssure of the spelling omallonata or omalonotus. •Valid as Pachypanchax omalonotus (Duméril 1861) -- (Parenti 1981:473 [ref. 7066] as homalanotus, Wildekamp et al. 1986:274 [ref. 6198] as omalonotus, Poll & Gosse 1995:211 [ref. 24781], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Murphy & Collier 1997:797 [ref. 25585] as homolonotus, Lazara 2001:245 [ref. 25711], Loiselle 2005:34 [ref. 28224], Loiselle 2006:7 [ref. 28902], Neumann 2015:1 [ref. 33718], Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax omalonotus (Duméril 1861). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

panchax, Esox Hamilton [F.] 1822:211, 380, Pl. 3 (fig. 69) [An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges; ref. 2031] Ditches and ponds of Bengal. No types known. Hamilton's original illustration reproduced by Britz 2019:Pl. 119 [ref. 37532]. •Valid as Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Radda 1974:2, 3 [ref. 30318], Shrestha 1978:40 [ref. 15970], Parenti 1981:471 [ref. 7066], Ataur Rahman 1989:62 [ref. 24860], Talwar & Jhingran 1991:752 [ref. 20764], Sen 1995:582 [ref. 23778], Rainboth 1996:174 [ref. 22772], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Murphy & Collier 1997:797 [ref. 25585], Parenti 1999:2198 [ref. 24784], Menon 1999:269 [ref. 24904], Parenti in Randall & Lim 2000:599 [ref. 25122], Freyhof et al. 2000:96 [ref. 25184], Rafique 2000:326 [ref. 25220], Karmakar 2000:34 [ref. 25662], Allen et al. 2000:158 [ref. 27467], Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711], Mirza 2003:22 [ref. 27265], Yadav 2003:22 [ref. 27711], Ataur Rahman 2003:77 [ref. 31338], Tan & Lim 2004:110 [ref. 27716], Larson & Pidgeon 2004:196 [ref. 28107], Shrestha 2008:205 [ref. 29923], Shibukawa 2009:50 [ref. 30449], Costa 2009:122 [ref. 30421], Ahmed et al. 2013:286 [ref. 32872], Miesen et al. 2016:87 [ref. 34492], Suresh et al. 2018:158 [ref. 36495], Bandjolu et al. 2021:4 [ref. 38801], Taki et al. 2021:322 [ref. 39830], Kosygin et al. 2022:669 [ref. 40736], Shangningam & Kosygin 2022:60 [ref. 39587], Tudu et al. 2022:44 [ref. 40484], Çiçek et al. 2023:46 [ref. 40326], Jamandre 2023:166 [ref. 40455]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Afghanistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bangladesh and Myanmar. Introduced in Sulawesi (Indonesia) and the Philippines. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

parvus, Panchax Sundara Raj [B.] 1916:268, Pl. 25 (figs. 2, 8), 26 (fig. 11) [Records of the Indian Museum (Calcutta) v. 12 (pt. 6) (art. 17); ref. 20749] Madras, India. Holotype: ZSI F9103/1. Paratypes: ZSI F9103/1 (18) Type catalog: Menon & Yazdani 1968:142 [ref. 20743]. •Synonym of Aplocheilus blockii (Arnold 1911) -- (Talwar & Jhingran 1991:750 [ref. 20764] as blocki). •Valid as Aplocheilus parvus (Sundara Raj 1916) -- (Pethiyagoda 1991:184 [ref. 20075], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Menon 1999:269 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:52 [ref. 25711], Katwate et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35809], Sudasinghe et al. 2024:[13] [ref. 41161]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus parvus (Sundara Raj 1916). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: southern India and Sri Lanka. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

patriciae, Pachypanchax Loiselle [P. V.] 2006:25, Figs. 11-13 [Zootaxa No. 1366; ref. 28902] Ampandra River, about 2 kilometers upstream of village of same name, 13°24'90"S, 48°50'20"E, Madagascar, elevation 44 meters. Holotype: AMNH 232450. Paratypes: AMNH 232426 (8), 232452 (5), 235860 (11); MNHN 1931-0198 (4). Type catalog: Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]. •Valid as Pachypanchax patriciae Loiselle 2006 -- (Neumann 2015:3 [ref. 33718] in heading as P. patriziae, Fricke et al. 2018:107 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax patriciae Loiselle 2006. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Northwestern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

playfairii, Haplochilus Günther [A.] 1866:314 [Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum v. 6; ref. 1983] Seychelles. Syntypes: BMNH 1864.11.15.91-93 (3 or 2), 1865.3.18.100-101 (2), 1866.1.19.40-43[or 70-73] (4), 1866.1.19.63-69 (7 or now 5), 1867.8.16.24-25 (2); MSNG 9297 (1); USNM 12611 (10); ZMB 6085 (2). Type catalog: Paepke & Seegers 1986:162 [ref. 19981]. •Valid as Pachypanchax playfairii (Günther 1866) -- (Parenti 1981:473 [ref. 7066], Wildekamp et al. 1986:275 [ref. 6198], Poll & Gosse 1995:211 [ref. 24781], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Murphy & Collier 1997:797 [ref. 25585], Lazara 2001:245 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax playfairii (Günther 1866). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Seychelles. Habitat: freshwater, brackish.

rubropictus, Haplochilus Stansch [K.] 1910:469, Fig. [Wochenschrift für Aquarien- und Terrarienkunde v. 7 (no. 34); ref. 34729] Ost-Indien (aquarium specimen). No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Lazara 2000:50 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

rubropunctatus, Aplocheilus panchax Meinken [H.] 1964:143, Fig. [Die Aquarien- und Terrarienzeitschrift (DATZ) v. 17 (no. 5); ref. 2534] Southeastern Thailand. Syntypes: (6, whereabouts unknown). Subjectively invalid; secondarily preoccupied by Haplochilus (Panchax) rubropunctatus Steindachner 1867, replaced by Aplocheilus panchax siamensis Scheel 1968. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) subspecies siamensis Scheel 1968 -- (Radda 1974:6 [ref. 30318]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). 2°Homonym. Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

rubrostigma, Aplocheilus Jerdon [T. C.] 1849:331 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 4902] Malabar, southern India. No types known. •Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Rema Devi 1993:207 [ref. 24010], Menon 1999:268 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

sakaramyi, Panchax Holly [M.] 1928:313, Fig. 2 [Zoologischer Anzeiger v. 76 (nos 11/12) (art. 9); ref. 15854] Sakaramy River at village of Sakaramy, about 30 kilometers south of Antsiranana (Diego Suarez), 12°27'S, 49°16'E, Madagascar, elevation 500 meters. Syntypes: MSNM 56 [ex MSNM 4426 and NMW] (1); NMW 13473-89 (16). Type catalog: Conci & Michelangeli 1974:228 [ref. 21560], Fricke et al. 2018:108 [ref. 35805], Bogutskaya et al. 2022:69 [ref. 39277]. •Valid as Pachypanchax sakaramyi (Holly 1928) -- (Wildekamp et al. 1986:275 [ref. 6198], Poll & Gosse 1995:211 [ref. 24781], Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895], Lazara 2001:246 [ref. 25711], Loiselle 2006:14 [ref. 28902], Neumann 2015:5 [ref. 33718], Fricke et al. 2018:108 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax sakaramyi (Holly 1928). Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Northern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

siamensis, Aplocheilus panchax Scheel [J. J.] 1968:398 [Rivulins of the Old World; ref. 7644] Replacement name for Aplocheilus panchax rubropunctatus Meinken 1964, preoccupied by Haplochilus (Panchax) rubropunctatus Steindachner 1867. •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822), but a valid subspecies -- (Radda 1974:5 [ref. 30318], Berkenkamp & Etzel 1987:392 [ref. 32484]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus panchax (Hamilton 1822) -- (Lazara 2001:51 [ref. 25711], Kottelat 2013:300 [ref. 32989]). •Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Replacement Name. Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus armatus (van Hasselt 1823). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

sparksorum, Pachypanchax Loiselle [P. V.] 2006:30, Figs. 15-16 [Zootaxa No. 1366; ref. 28902] Bentainkilotra Creek, 14°52'20"S, 48°14'52"E, Ankofia River drainage, Madagascar. Holotype: AMNH 235770. Paratypes: AMNH 235771 (9); UMMZ 240104 (8), 240415 (5). Type catalog: Fricke et al. 2018:108 [ref. 35805]. •Valid as Pachypanchax sparksorum Loiselle 2006 -- (Neumann 2015:4 [ref. 33718], Fricke et al. 2018:108 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax sparksorum Loiselle 2006. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Ankofia drainage, western Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

varatraza, Pachypanchax Loiselle [P. V.] 2006:20, Figs. 8-10 [Zootaxa No. 1366; ref. 28902] Mahazava Creek at village of same name, 13°52'97"S, 49°56'22"E, Ampanobe drainage, Madagascar, elevation 30 meters. Holotype: AMNH 235858. Paratypes: AMNH 211333 (7), 231244 (8), 235519 (1). Type catalog: Fricke et al. 2018:108 [ref. 35805]. •Valid as Pachypanchax varatraza Loiselle 2006 -- (Neumann 2015:7 [ref. 33718], Fricke et al. 2018:108 [ref. 35805]). Current status: Valid as Pachypanchax varatraza Loiselle 2006. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: Northeastern Madagascar. Habitat: freshwater.

vittatus, Aplocheilus Jerdon [T. C.] 1849:330 [Madras Journal of Literature and Science v. 15 (pt 2); ref. 4902] Malabar, southern India. •Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846) -- (Menon 1999:268 [ref. 24904], Lazara 2001:50 [ref. 25711]). Current status: Synonym of Aplocheilus lineatus (Valenciennes 1846). Aplocheilidae. Habitat: freshwater.

werneri, Aplocheilus Meinken [H.] 1966:76, fig'd [Aquarien Terrarien v. 13 (no. 3); ref. 19860] Sri Lanka. Holotype: ZMB 21564. Paratypes: ZMB 21565 (4). Type catalog: Paepke & Seegers 1986:156 [ref. 19981]. •Synonym of Aplocheilus dayi (Steindachner 1892), but a valid subspecies -- (Seegers 1997:16 [ref. 23895]). •Valid as Aplocheilus werneri Meinken 1966 -- (Radda 1974:4, 8 [ref. 30318], Parenti 1981:471 [ref. 7066], Pethiyagoda 1991:186 [ref. 20075], Lazara 2001:52 [ref. 25711], Katwate et al. 2018:170 [ref. 35809], Sudasinghe et al. 2024:[12] [ref. 41161]). Current status: Valid as Aplocheilus werneri Meinken 1966. Aplocheilidae. Distribution: South Asia: Bentara to Nilwala drainages (southwestern Sri Lanka). Habitat: freshwater.

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