Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 7 Jan 2025


Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes
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thynnoides, Axinurus Cuvier [G.] 1829:225 [Le Règne Animal (Edition 2) v. 2; ref. 995] Dorey harbor, Papua New Guinea. Holotype (unique): MNHN A-7092. Type catalog: Bauchot & Randall 1996:61 [ref. 22195]. Appeared first in footnote with distinguishing features tied to genus account. Also appeared in Valenciennes in Cuvier & Valenciennes 1835:299, Pl. 293 [ref. 1004]. •Valid as Naso thynnoides (Cuvier 1829) [sometimes with author as Valenciennes 1835] -- (Kishimoto in Masuda et al. 1984:230 [ref. 6441], Randall 1986:822 [ref. 5706], Winterbottom 1992 [ref. 19825], Randall 1994:118 [ref. 21648], Mohsin & Ambak 1996:559 [ref. 27969] with author as Valenciennes, Allen 1997:224 [ref. 23977], Randall et al. 1997:539 [ref. 25919], Borden 1998:105 [ref. 23309], Myers 1999:275 [ref. 23965], Fricke 1999:548 [ref. 24106], Randall in Randall & Lim 2000:642 [ref. 25122], Nakabo 2000:1319 [ref. 25182], Randall 2001:173 [ref. 25459], Hutchins 2001:270 [ref. 25841], Hutchins 2001:45 [ref. 25847], Kuiter & Debelius 2001:128 [ref. 26232] with author as Valenciennes, Randall 2001:3665 [ref. 26301] with author and date as Valenciennes 1835, Nakabo 2002:1319 [ref. 26193], Randall et al. 2002:163 [ref. 26192], Allen & Adrim 2003:63 [ref. 26830] with author as Valenciennes 1835, Myers & Donaldson 2003:648 [ref. 27495] with author as Valenciennes 1835, Randall et al. 2004:30 [ref. 27624] with author as Valenciennes 1835, Randall 2005:595 [ref. 28239] with author as Valenciennes 1835, Randall et al. 2005:131 [ref. 28745] with aurhor as Valenciennes 1835, Allen et al. 2006:1742 [ref. 29094], Fricke et al. 2009:109 [ref. 30213], Imamura 2009:306 [ref. 30434], Ho et al. 2011:205 [ref. 31484], Allen & Erdmann 2012:1033 [ref. 31980], Fricke et al. 2014:185 [ref. 33932], Zajonz et al. 2019:99 [ref. 36871], Gloerfelt-Tarp & Kailola 2022:261 [ref. 41223], Randall 2022:238 [ref. 40150], Zajonz et al. 2024:[13] [ref. 41238]). Current status: Valid as Naso thynnoides (Cuvier 1829). Acanthuridae. Distribution: Indo-West Pacific: East Africa, Socotra (Yemen), Seychelles, Comoros and western Mascarenes (La Réunion, Mauritius) east to Caroline Islands (Micronesia), north to Ryukyu Islands (Japan), south to Queensland (Australia) and New Caledonia. Habitat: marine.

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