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Online Version, Updated 4 Feb 2025 |
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Please look in Eschmeyer's Catalog of Fishes for authorships of sections, Families of Fishes (all), and related information. Species in the genus Notothenia: [ 15 ] records angustata, Notothenia Hutton [F. W.] 1875:315 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 16 (no. 95) (art. 41); ref. 18317] Dunedin, New Zealand. Holotype (unique) (?): BMNH 1886.11.18.27, not found. Type catalog: Russell 1996:228-229 [ref. 22562]. Also in Hutton 1876:213 [ref. 14210]. •Valid as Paranotothenia angustata (Hutton 1875) -- (Pequeño 1989:65 [ref. 14125], Paulin et al. 1989:212 [ref. 24556], Lloris & Rucabado 1991:107 [ref. 22530], Paulin & Roberts 1992:112 [ref. 24625], López et al. 1996:47 [ref. 23681], Chiaramonte et al. 2023:211 [ref. 40423]). •Valid as Lepidonotothen angustata (Hutton 1875) -- (Schneppenheim et al. 1994:145 [ref. 22058]). •Valid as Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:318 [ref. 24632], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Stewart 2015:1440 [ref. 34196], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[3] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Distribution: Southern Pacific, southwestern Atlantic Ocean. Habitat: marine. colbecki, Notothenia Boulenger [G. A.] 1902:185, Pl. 16 [Report on the collections of natural history made in the Antarctic regions; ref. 561] Campbell Island, southern Pacific, south of New Zealand. Lectotype: BMNH 1901.11.8.70-71 (331 mm SL). Paralectotypes: (11) BMNH 1901.11.8.70-71 (1 of 2), 1901.11.8.72-74 (3). Lectotype selected by DeWitt 1970:332 [ref. 24632]. •Valid as Notothenia colbecki Boulenger 1902 -- (Regan 1916:378 [ref. 40111]). •Synonym of Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:324 [ref. 24632]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. coriiceps, Notothenia Richardson [J.] 1844:5, Pl. 3 (figs. 1-2) [Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror v. 2 (2); ref. 3740] Coasts of Kerguelan's Land and Auckland Islands, New Zealand. Syntypes: BMNH 1965.7.3.1 (1). •Valid as Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844 -- (Pequeño 1989:64 [ref. 14125], DeWitt et al. 1990:304 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:140 [ref. 21297], Andrew et al. 1995:30 [ref. 38009], López et al. 1996:47 [ref. 23681], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Ozouf-Costaz et al. 1999:431 [ref. 23957], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Duhamel et al. 2005:348 [ref. 32059], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Uzunova et al. 2020:[4] [ref. 37628], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[3] [ref. 38307], Kim et al. 2021:188 [ref. 39117]). Current status: Valid as Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: Antarctica; South Atlantic: South Orkney Islands, South Georgia, Bouvet Island; southern Indian Ocean: subantarctic Islands. Habitat: marine. filholi, Notothenia Sauvage [H.-E.] 1880:228 [18] [Bulletin de la Société philomathique de Paris (7th Série) v. 4; ref. 3889] Campbell Island, southern Pacific. Lectotype: MNHN A-2384 (151 mm SL). Paralectotypes: MNHN A-2383 (3), A-2384 (2 of 3), A-4275 (4). Type catalog: Blanc & Hureau 1963:341-342 [ref. 20866]. On p. 18 of separate. Lectotype selected by DeWitt 1970:324 [ref. 24638]. •Synonym of Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:324 [ref. 24632]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. latifrons, Notothenia Thompson [W. F.] 1916:434, Pl. 3 (fig. 1) [Proceedings of the United States National Museum v. 50 (no. 2133); ref. 4391] Sandy Point, Strait of Magellan, southern extremity of South America. Holotype: USNM 76854. Paratypes: (2) CAS-SU 22724 (1). •Probably a synonym of Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875 -- (Regan 1916:379 [ref. 40111]). •Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:318 [ref. 24632]). •Synonym of Paranotothenia angustata (Hutton 1875) -- (Lloris & Rucabado 1991:107 [ref. 22530]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. macquariensis, Notothenia coriiceps Waite [E. R.] 1916:64, Pl. 5 (fig. 3); Fig. 15 [Scientific Report, Australasian Antarctic Expedition v. 3 (pt 1); ref. 4568] Macquarie Island, south of Tasmania. Syntypes: (2) SAMA F385 (1). Type catalog: Glover 1976:173 [ref. 19449]. •Valid as Notothenia coriiceps var. macquariensis Waite 1916 -- (Regan 1916:378 [ref. 40111]). •Synonym of Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844 -- (DeWitt 1970:313 [ref. 24632], DeWitt et al. 1990:306 [ref. 21696]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. marmorata, Notothenia Fischer [J. G.] 1885:53 [Jahrbuch der Hamburgischen Wissenschaftlichen Anstalten v. 2; ref. 1333] South Georgia Island (Eurasia), 54°31'S, 36°05'W. Lectotype: ZMH H407 [ex ZMH 3961]. Paralectotypes: ZMB 12366 (1), ZMH H408 [ex ZMH 3948] (1). Type catalog: Ladiges et al. 1958:165 [ref. 19181], Fricke & Paepke 1992:94 [ref. 20293], Wilkens & Dohse 1993:407 [ref. 21161] as syntypes. Lectotype selected by Ladiges et al. 1958:165 [ref. 19181]. •Synonym of Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844 -- (DeWitt 1970:312 [ref. 24632], DeWitt et al. 1990:305 [ref. 21696]). •Synonym of Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844, but a valid subspecies -- (Pequeño 1989:64 [ref. 14125], Miller 1993:147 [ref. 21297]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. megalops, Notothenia tessellata forma Smitt [F. A.] 1897:25, Pl. 1 (figs. 1-6), 2 (18-19) [Bihang till Kongl. Svenska vetenskaps-akademiens handlingar. Stockholm v. 23 (afd. 4) (no. 3); ref. 18728] Regarded as infrasubspecific by Eschmeyer 1998:1047 [ref. 23416]; based on scale types, and Smitt's forma's have available names listed in synonymy. Infrasubspecific. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. microlepidota, Notothenia Hutton [F. W.] 1875:316 [Annals and Magazine of Natural History (Series 4) v. 16 (no. 95) (art. 41); ref. 18317] Dunedin and Moeraki, New Zealand. Holotype: OM (presumed lost). Non-types: OM A.65.2 (1). Type catalog: Russell 1996:229 [ref. 22562]. Also in Hutton 1876:213 [ref. 14210]. •Valid as Paranotothenia microlepidota (Hutton 1875) -- (Paulin et al. 1989:212 [ref. 24556]). •Valid as Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875 -- (Iwami in Amaoka et al. 1990:302 [ref. 16024], DeWitt 1970:324 [ref. 24632], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Stewart 2015:1441 [ref. 34196], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[3] [ref. 38307]). Current status: Valid as Notothenia microlepidota Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Distribution: Southwestern Pacific: New Zealand region. Habitat: marine. microps, Notothenia tessellata forma Smitt [F. A.] 1897:25, Pl 1 (figs. 7-9) [Bihang till Kongl. Svenska vetenskaps-akademiens handlingar. Stockholm v. 23 (afd. 4) (no. 3); ref. 18728] Regarded as infrasubspecific by Eschmeyer 1998:1088 [ref. 23416]; based on scale types, and Smitt's forma's have available names listed in synonymy. Infrasubspecific. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. neglecta, Notothenia Nybelin [O.] 1951:17 [Publikasjin / Kommandor Chr. Christensens Hvalfangstmuseum No. 18; ref. 12794] Off entrance to Deception Island, South Shetland Islands, depth 3-10 meters. Syntypes: (25 + 1). •Synonym of Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844 -- (DeWitt et al. 1990:304 [ref. 21696]). •Synonym of Notothenia coriiceps Richardson 1844, but a valid subspecies -- (Pequeño 1989:64 [ref. 14125]). •Valid as Notothenia neglecta Nybelin 1951 -- (Miller 1993:142 [ref. 21297], Voskoboinikova & Kellermann 1997:232 [ref. 23329], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555]). Current status: Valid as Notothenia neglecta Nybelin 1951. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Distribution: Circum-antarctic. Habitat: marine. parva, Notothenia Hutton [F. W.] 1879:339 [Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute v. 11 (art. 38); ref. 18332] Auckland Islands, New Zealand. Lectotype: BMNH 1886.11.18.29 [ex OM]. Possible paralectotype: NMNZ P.20545 (1). Type catalog: Hardy 1990:11 [ref. 18942], Russell 1996:229-230 [ref. 22562] with a questionable lectotype. Lectotype selected by DeWitt 1970:325 [ref. 24632]. •Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:318 [ref. 24632]). •Synonym of Paranotothenia angustata (Hutton 1875) -- (Lloris & Rucabado 1991:107 [ref. 22530]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. patagonica, Notothenia MacDonagh [E. J.] 1931:100 [Notas Preliminares del Museo de La Plata v. 1; ref. 16303] Bahía del Fondo, Golfo San Jorge, Santa Cruz, Patagonia, Argentina. Holotype: MLP 12-XII-30-1. Paratypes: BMNH 1936.7.7.4 (1). Also in MacDonagh 1934:84, Pls. 10-12. •Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:318 [ref. 24632]). •Synonym of Paranotothenia angustata (Hutton 1875) -- (Lloris & Rucabado 1991:107 [ref. 22530]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. porteri, Notothenia Delfin [F. T.] 1899:117 [Revista Chilena de Historia Natural (Santiago) v. 3 (no. 8); ref. 14724] Talcahuano, Chile. Syntypes: whereabouts unknown. •Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875 -- (DeWitt 1970:318 [ref. 24632]). •Synonym of Paranotothenia angustata (Hutton 1875) -- (Lloris & Rucabado 1991:107 [ref. 22530]). Current status: Synonym of Notothenia angustata Hutton 1875. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Habitat: marine. rossii, Notothenia Richardson [J.] 1844:9, Pl. 5 (figs. 1-2) [Ichthyology of the voyage of H. M. S. Erebus & Terror v. 2 (2); ref. 3740] No locality [probably Kerguelen Island]. Holotype (unique): whereabouts unknown. Originally Notothenia ?. •Valid as Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844 -- (Regan 1916:378 [ref. 40111], DeWitt 1970:312 [ref. 24632], Pequeño 1989:64 [ref. 14125], DeWitt et al. 1990:305 [ref. 21696], Miller 1993:145 [ref. 21297], Olaso et al. 1997:83 [ref. 25009], Trunov 1999:467 [ref. 24579], Eastman & Eakin 2000:15 [ref. 24631], Balushkin 2000:S97 [ref. 29555], Duhamel et al. 2005:350 [ref. 32059], Arana et al. 2020:315 [ref. 41264], Uzunova et al. 2020:[4] [ref. 37628], Eastman & Eakin 2021:[3] [ref. 38307], Kim et al. 2021:190 [ref. 39117]). Current status: Valid as Notothenia rossii Richardson 1844. Nototheniidae: Nototheniinae. Distribution: Southern Ocean: northern end of Antarctic Peninsula (Antarctica); southern Atlantic: Scotia Arc, South Orkney Islands; southern Indian Ocean: Crozet Islands, Kerguelen Islands, Prince Edward Islands, Heard Island (Australia); southwestern Pacific: Macquarie Island (Australia). Habitat: marine. |