Institute for Biodiversity Science and Sustainability
Online Version, Updated 6 November 2023


Catalog of Fishes

Genera that contain: Starksia [ 4 ] records

Alloclinus Hubbs [C. L.] 1927:351 [Papers of the Michigan Academy of Science Arts and Letters v. 7 (1926); ref. 2236] Masc. Starksia holderi Lauderbach 1907. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Alloclinus Hubbs 1927 -- (Hubbs 1952:96 [ref. 2252], Hastings & Springer 2009:12 [ref. 30391], Hastings 2009:102 [ref. 30397], Lin & Hastings 2013:3 [ref. 33286]). Current status: Valid as Alloclinus Hubbs 1927. Labrisomidae.

Andracanthus Longley [W. H.] 1927:222 [Carnegie Institution of Washington Year Book No. 26; ref. 5630] Masc. Clinus ocellatus Steindachner 1876. Type by original designation. •Synonym of Starksia Jordan & Evermann 1896 -- (Rosenblatt & Taylor 1971:452 [ref. 3811]). Current status: Synonym of Starksia Jordan & Evermann 1896. Labrisomidae.

Brannerella Gilbert [C. H.] 1900:180 [Proceedings of the Washington Academy of Sciences v. 2; ref. 1630] Fem. Brannerella brasiliensis Gilbert 1900. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Synonym of Starksia Jordan & Evermann 1896 -- (Rosenblatt & Taylor 1971:452 [ref. 3811], Baldin et al. 2011:49 [ref. 31149]). Current status: Synonym of Starksia Jordan & Evermann 1896. Labrisomidae.

Starksia Jordan [D. S.] & Evermann [B. W.] in Jordan 1896:231 [Proceedings of the California Academy of Sciences (Series 2) v. 6; ref. 2395] Fem. Labrosomus cremnobates Gilbert 1890. Type by original designation (also monotypic). •Valid as Starksia Jordan & Evermann 1896 -- (Hubbs 1952:95 [ref. 2252], Rosenblatt & Taylor 1971:452 [ref. 3811], Rosenblatt & Taylor 1972:599 [ref. 39375], Greenfield 1979 [ref. 7013], Greenfield & Johnson 1981:36 [ref. 5580], Williams & Mounts 2003:145 [ref. 26947], Williams 2003:1758 [ref. 27109], Hastings & Springer 2009:12 [ref. 30391], Hastings 2009:102 [ref. 30397], Baldwin et al. 2011:22 [ref. 31149], Lobel & Lobel 2011:50 [ref. 31774], Lin & Hastings 2013:3 [ref. 33286], Victor 2018:54 [ref. 36255]). Current status: Valid as Starksia Jordan & Evermann 1896. Labrisomidae.

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